Dear SCO Customer, Support Level Supplement (SLS) UOD492A, the BIND 4.9.7 Supplement, provides a later release of BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) that patches several known security holes. Software Notes and Recommendations ---------------------------------- SLS UOD492A is intended for use on these products: SCO Open Server Enterprise System Release 3.0 SCO Open Server Network System Release 3.0 SCO Open Desktop Release 3.0 SCO Open Desktop Lite Release 3.0 SCO UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2 Operating System Version 4.2 SCO UNIX System V/386 Release 3.2 Development System Version 4.2 I. INSTALLING SLS UOD492A 1. Log in as root. 2. Prepare the media for installation. Download the UOD492A media image file (uod492a.Z), place the file in the /tmp directory, uncompress and dd the file to a floppy by typing the following commands: uncompress /tmp/uod492a.Z dd if=/tmp/uod492a of=/dev/rfd0 3. Run custom with the command: # custom In custom(ADM), choose "Install", then "A New Product", "Entire Product", and press to continue the installation. 4. You will then be prompted to install the "UOD492A: BIND 4.9.7 Floppy Volume 1" disk. Since it is already in the floppy drive, just press to continue. 5. When you are prompted that the installation was successful, quit out of custom(ADM). The installation of SLS UOD492A is now complete. II. REMOVING SLS UOD492A 1. Log in as root. 2. Execute the command: # custom 3. In custom, choose "Remove", select "UOD492A: BIND 4.9.7", choose "ALL", and then "Yes" when asked if you wish to continue. 4. Once the removal finishes, quit custom(ADM). Removal of SLS UOD492A is now complete. If you have questions regarding this SLS, or the product on which it is installed, please contact your software supplier. We appreciate your business. SCO Support Services