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This is set by your administrator.} other {This device will be saved for {MONTHS} months and you can connect without a code next time. This is set by your administrator.}}{YEARS, plural, =1 {This device will be saved for 1 year and you can connect without a code next time. This is set by your administrator.} other {This device will be saved for {YEARS} years and you can connect without a code next time. This is set by your administrator.}}SubmitUse QR code insteadImported From IEImported From EdgeImported From FirefoxImported From SafariImportedShow apps shortcutShow reading listShow managed bookmarksShow $1Hidden bookmarks&Open all bookmarks{COUNT, plural, =0 {&Open all} =1 {&Open bookmark} other {&Open all ({COUNT})}}{COUNT, plural, =0 {Open all in &new window} =1 {Open in &new window} other {Open all ({COUNT}) in &new window}}{COUNT, plural, =0 {Open all in &Incognito window} =1 {Open in &Incognito window} other {Open all ({COUNT}) in &Incognito window}}{COUNT, plural, =0 {Open all in &new tab group} =1 {Open in &new tab group} other {Open all ({COUNT}) in &new tab group}}&Open in new tabOpen in &new windowOpen in &Incognito window&Edit…&Rename…&DeleteAdd pa&ge…Add &folder…Are you sure you want to open $1 tabs?Bookmark addedEdit bookmarkBookmark nameFolderBookmark folderMore…Choose another folder…To get your bookmarks on all your devices, turn on sync.Sync this bookmark to your iPhoneGet this bookmark on your iPhoneShare this bookmark with your iPhoneTo get your bookmarks on your mobile device, $1.Bookmark URL{NUM_BOOKMARKS, plural, =1 {This folder contains a bookmark. Are you sure you want to delete it?} other {This folder contains # bookmarks. Are you sure you want to delete it?}}New folder&New folderEdit folder nameUnnamed folderBookmark all tabsBookmarksSearch bookmarksOrganizeInvalid URLbookmarks_$1.htmlAdd bookmarkAdd folderClear searchTo bookmark pages, click the star in the address barThis folder is emptyRename folder{COUNT, plural, =1 {1 item in bookmark list} other {{COUNT} items in bookmark list}}Bookmark listAdd new bookmarkAdd new folderCutCopyPasteExport bookmarksHelp centerImport bookmarksImporting bookmarks…Bookmarks imported.Open allOpen all ($1)Open all in new windowOpen all ($1) in new windowOpen all in Incognito windowOpen all ($1) in Incognito windowOpen in new tabOpen in new windowOpen in Incognito windowRenameShow in folderSort by nameMore actionsMore actions for $1More actions for selected itemsOpen selected itemsOpen$1 selectedAll items unselected, selection mode exited.Bookmark folder treeFolder sorted'$1' deleted{COUNT, plural, =1 {1 bookmark deleted} other {{COUNT} bookmarks deleted}}'$1' copied{COUNT, plural, =1 {1 item copied} other {{COUNT} items copied}}Edit bookmark for this tab'$1' created.'$1' moved.'$1' moved into '$2'.CameraLocationMicrophoneNo apps foundNotificationsPermissionsMore settings and permissionsPin to shelfPreset window sizesOpen as windowUse presets for phone, tablet, or resizable windows to prevent app from misbehavingPrintersSearch appsUninstallContactsStorageStart app when you sign inThis app has been installed by your administrator.Opening supported linksOpen in $1Open in Chrome browser$1 is set to open in a new browser tab, supported links will also open in the browser. Learn moreSupported linksChangeChange default app for supported links?An app is set to open the same links as $1. This will disable $2 from opening supported links.Other apps are set to open the same links as $1. This will disable $2 and $3 from opening supported links.Other apps are set to open the same links as $1. This will disable $2, $3 and $4 from opening supported links.Other apps are set to open the same links as $1. This will disable $2, $3, $4 and 1 other app from opening supported links.Other apps are set to open the same links as $1. This will disable $2, $3, $4 and $5 other apps from opening supported links.Some supported links will still open in $1.Some supported links will still open in $1 or $2.Some supported links will still open in $1, $2 or $3.Some supported links will still open in $1, $2, $3 and 1 other app.Some supported links will still open in $1, $2, $3 and $4 other apps.App detailsAndroid AppChrome AppWeb AppSystem AppChromeOS System AppChrome Web StoreGoogle Play StoreWeb App installed from Chrome browser$1 installed from $2Version: $1App size: $1Data stored in app: $1Include this app as an option when opening filesSupported file typesYou can open and edit supported files with this app from the File Explorer or other apps. To control which files open in this app by default, go to Windows settings.{FILE_TYPE_COUNT, plural, =1 {Supported file type: {FILE_TYPE1}} =2 {Supported file types: {FILE_TYPE1}, {FILE_TYPE2}} =3 {Supported file types: {FILE_TYPE1}, {FILE_TYPE2}, {FILE_TYPE3}} =4 {Supported file types: {FILE_TYPE1}, {FILE_TYPE2}, {FILE_TYPE3}, {FILE_TYPE4}} other {Supported file types: {FILE_TYPE1}, {FILE_TYPE2}, {FILE_TYPE3}, {FILE_TYPE4} (and {OVERFLOW_COUNT} more)} }Cast $1Cast screenCast tabSourcesAdded by your administratorUnable to cast $1.Unable to cast.Unable to cast screen. Check to see if you confirmed the prompt to start sharing your screen.Unable to cast tab.Unable to cast screen.Casting tab audio is not supported on this device.Accept Cast request on your $1.Make sure to accept the Cast request on your $1.Make sure notifications are turned on on your $1.Failed to cast. Please try again.Looking for devicesNo devices foundNo devices found. Open a help center article in a new tab.No Cast destinations found. Need help?AvailableConnecting…Disconnecting…Stop castingSource not supportedAvailable for specific video sitesCasting screenCasting tabPresenting ($1)Optimize fullscreen casting?Get better quality video and save battery life. Video will play only on your Cast-enabled screen.Don't ask againOptimizeNo thanksNo ThanksSoon this option will no longer be supported. To present a tab, use $1.This option is no longer supported. To present a tab, use $1.Display $1Google Cast FeedbackN/AYour feedback helps us to improve Google Cast and is appreciated. For help troubleshooting issues with cast, please refer to the help center.Tell us what's happening with Google Cast.Your answerRequiredWhat kind of feedback are you providing?Please enter your feedback here:Mirroring Quality DetailsVideo SmoothnessVideo QualityAudio QualityWhat content/URL were you casting?Additional comments:We may email you for more information or updatesYour email addressEmail (optional):Send FeedbackDo you want to discard the feedback?Bug or ErrorFeature RequestTab/Screen Projection QualityDevice DiscoveryOtherFreezesJerkyOccasional StutterSmoothPerfectUnwatchablePoorAcceptableGood - DVDGreat - HDUnintelligibleAcceptable - FMGoodSending feedback…Unable to send feedback. Please try again later.Thank you for sending feedback.Failed to send feedback. Retrying…Cast and Device LogsWarning - Detailed logging is enabled; logs below may include URLs or other sensitive information. Please review and ensure that you are comfortable submitting this information.Send debug logs (recommended)Send debug logs (recommended)Your Chrome version, operating system version, Cast settings, mirroring performance stats, and communication channel diagnostic logs will be submitted in addition to any information you choose to include above. This feedback is used to diagnose problems and help improve the feature. Any personal information you submit, whether explicitly or incidentally, will be protected in accordance with our privacy policies. By submitting this feedback, you agree that Google may use feedback that you provide to improve any Google product or service.Are you able to see your Chromecast in the Google Home app?YesNoDid not tryDo you have any special VPN, proxy, firewall, or NAS software installed?Not sureWhich of the following best describes your network?PC and Chromecast on the same Wi-Fi networkPC and Chromecast on different Wi-Fi networks (e.g. 2.4GHz vs. 5GHz)PC is wired and Chromecast is on Wi-FiCast to a device:Cast to a deviceLive Caption (English only)Live CaptionLive Caption - $1Downloading… $1%Can't download speech files. Try again later.Can't install speech files. Your device needs to be updated. Restart your device and try again.Global Media ControlsShow device listHide device listControl the media you're castingReport an issue with Google CastShow other Cast sessionsThis is an account for kids managed by $1.This is an account for kids managed by $1 and $2.{0, plural, =1 {Guest} other {Guest (#)} }To clear Guest mode history, close all Guest windows.{0, plural, =1 {Guest} other {# open guest windows} }{0, plural, =1 {Incognito} other {# open Incognito windows} }{0, plural, =1 {Incognito} other {Incognito (#)} }You're IncognitoError$1: $2Paused$1 I don't think this site should be blocked!ProfilesAccounts and syncExit $1Sign inRemove accountSyncing toSync is onTurn on sync…Sync is offSync as $1Sync to your accountSync disabledSync is paused{0, plural, =1 {Close # window} other {Close # windows} }Sign in to get your bookmarks, history, passwords, and other settings on all your devices.PasswordsPayment methodsAddresses and moreOther profilesYour accountsHide accountsManage profilesYour administrator has disabled other profilesCustomize profileGuestFirst userDefault ProfileUser $1Person $1YouAgent XSpandexMiaButtondownSneakyMoonbeamAwesomePetalsSliceFritzPicklesFluffySweetnessSparkySaratogaLemonadeBluesyShadyShadowDefault white avatarDefault teal avatarDefault blue avatarDefault green avatarDefault orange avatarDefault purple avatarDefault red avatarDefault yellow avatarSpyHeroAthleteBusinessmanNinjaAlienAwesome faceYellow and white flowerPizza sliceSoccer ballHamburgerCatCupcakeDogHorseMartini glassMusic noteSun and cloudsDefault avatarCorgiDragonElephantFoxMonkeyPandaPenguinButterflyRabbitUnicornBasketballBikeBirdCheeseFootballRamenSunglassesSushiTamagotchiVinylAvocadoCappuccinoIcecreamIcewaterMelonOnigiriPizzaSandwichNot signed inAdd person…Edit…Signing in with this username has been disabled by your administrator.Supervised users have been disabled by your administrator.Can't use this profileYour administrator has made a system-wide change that disables some old profiles.To continue, click OK, then click Add Person to create a new profile for your email address.To continue, click OK, then click Add Person to create a new profile for your $1 email address.Although you can no longer access your old profile, you can still remove it.This account is already being used on this computer.This account is already being used on this computer by $1.Sign outPick a theme colorWelcome, $1Rename your profileAdd a name or label, like Work or PersonalEnter a profile nameSkipDelete profileWelcome!Back from avatar selection pageWelcome to your new profileThis account is managed by $1This profile is managed by $1 and requires you to create a separate profile for the account $2This profile is managed by $1. A new profile is required for account $2 by $3This device is managed. A new profile is required for account $1 by your device administratorThis device is managed by $1. A new profile is required for account $2 by $1This account ($1) is managed by $2Your device is managed by $1Your device is managed by your organizationYou’re adding a managed profile to this browser. Your administrator has control over the profile and can access its data. Bookmarks, history, passwords, and other settings can be synced to your account and managed by your administrator.You’re adding a managed profile to this browser. Your administrator has control over the profile and can access its data.Your organization requires a profileYour organization will manage this profileCreateKeep local browsing data (bookmarks, passwords, history, etc.)AddGuest modeBack from $1 pageBack from sign inOpen $1 profileDeleteIncognitoShow on startupDelete this profile and its data?Browsing historyAutofill data…Continue without an accountCustomize avatarPick an avatarAdd a name or a label like Work, Personal, or KidsCreate a desktop shortcutTake a tourNextYour profilesAdd family and friendsCustomize your profileChoose a name and color theme to differentiate between profilesSwitchYour device is managed by $1. Administrators can access the data in any profile on this device.Your device is managed by your organization. Administrators can access the data in any profile on this device.This will permanently delete your browsing data from this device.Delete this profile?This will permanently delete your browsing data from this device. To recover the data, turn on sync asSign in for more benefitsAcross devicesPick up where you left off on any deviceStronger securityExtra protection to your passwords and moreBack up your stuffStore your bookmarks and more with syncDon't sign inRelaunchShow a quick highlight on the focused objectContinue{COUNT, plural, =1 {Your Incognito window won't open after you relaunch} other {Your {COUNT} Incognito windows won't reopen after you relaunch}}Version $1 ($2) $3 $4AccessibilityOpen Chrome Web StoreAdd accessibility featuresEnable accessibility featuresGet image descriptions from GoogleIf an image doesn’t have a useful description, Chrome will try to provide one for you. To create descriptions, images are sent to Google.Automatically creates captions for English audio and video. Audio and captions never leave your device.Automatically creates captions for audio and video. Audio and captions never leave your device.Downloading speech recognition files… $1%Speech files downloadedNavigate pages with a text cursorTo turn caret browsing on or off, use the shortcut F7AppearanceCustomEnter custom web addressDisabledThemeReset to defaultChrome ColorsShow home buttonShow bookmarks barSide panelShow on leftShow on rightNew Tab pageReader mode for web pagesOffer to show articles in reader mode, when supportedAdvancedBasicMain menuOpens in a new tabSearch settingsGo to Google Chrome help if you can't find what you're looking forSettingsSettings - $1Subpage button$1 is controlling this settingClearEnd time $1Not validNot a valid web addressOrigin must be secureRetrySlider: $1 to $2Start time $1show passwordscopy passwordsedit passwordsexport passwordsAutofillGoogle PayAdd addressEdit addressCountry / RegionPhoneEmailTitleTypeEnable Autofill to fill out forms in a single click$1 ending in $2Turn on virtual cardTurn off virtual cardEdit in Google PayVirtual card available(Virtual card enabled)Virtual card turned onRemove your virtual cardYou will no longer be able to use your virtual card with Google Pay. Learn about virtual cardsAre you sure you want to remove this address?Remove addressClear copyEdit cardTo add or manage Google Pay payment methods, visit your Google AccountThis card will be saved to this device onlyAdd cardSave cards in your Google AccountRight now, you have one card that can only be used on this deviceRight now, you have some cards that can only be used on this deviceYour payment methods in Google PayName on cardCard numberExpiration dateExpiration monthExpiration yearYour card is expiredCard nicknameNickname can’t include numbersUPI IDNeverPassword ManagerCreate, save, and manage your passwords so you can easily sign in to sites and apps.Passwords on this device onlyPasswords on this device and in your Google AccountCheck passwordsCanceledChecked passwordsKeep your passwords safe from data breaches and other security issues{COUNT, plural, =0 {No compromised passwords found} =1 {{COUNT} compromised password} other {{COUNT} compromised passwords}}{NUM_COMPROMISED, plural, =0 {No compromised passwords} =1 {1 compromised password} other {{NUM_COMPROMISED} compromised passwords}}{COUNT, plural, =0 {No weak passwords found} =1 {Found {COUNT} weak password} other {Found {COUNT} weak passwords}}{NUM_WEAK, plural, =0 {No weak passwords} =1 {1 weak password} other {{NUM_WEAK} weak passwords}}{COUNT, plural, =0 {No security issues found} =1 {Found {COUNT} security issue} other {Found {COUNT} security issues}}Check againChecking passwords ($1 of $2)…Just nowCompromised passwordsChange these passwords immediately to keep your account safe:Dismissed warnings ($1)Weak passwordsWeak passwords are easy to guess. Make sure you're creating strong passwords. See more security tips.Change passwordOpen the app to change your passwordFound in data breachEntered on deceptive siteEntered on deceptive site and found in data breachShow passwordHide passwordRemove passwordDismiss warningRestore warningRemove password?Removing this password will not delete your account on $1. Change your password or delete your account on $2 to keep it safe from others.AppAlready changed this password?Did you already change this password on $1?Offer to save passwordsAuto Sign-inAutomatically sign in to sites and apps using stored credentials. If turned off, you'll be asked for confirmation every time before signing in to a site or app.Warn you if passwords are exposed in a data breachWhen you sign in to your Google Account, this feature is turned on.Saved PasswordsNever SavedDelete this itemMove to Google AccountSearch passwordsPassword detailsEdit passwordMake sure the password you are saving matches your password for $1You already saved a password with this username for $1View passwordView password with username $1 for $2Did you mean $1?Add passwordMake sure you're saving your current password for this siteSave to Google Password Manager ($1)Copy passwordSend passwordCopy usernameSiteApp ($1)UsernamePasswordNoteNo note added$1/$2Notes can save up to $1 characters.Google Password Manager timed out{NUM_MINS, plural, =1 {To keep your passwords safe, Google Password Manager locks after 1 minute of inactivity} other {To keep your passwords safe, Google Password Manager locks after {NUM_MINS} minutes of inactivity}}Enter your usernameEdit passkeyWhen you edit your passkey, your $1 account won't changeGot itSaved addresses will appear hereSaved payment methods will appear hereSaved passwords will appear hereSaved passwords will appear here. Import passwordsSites which never save passwords will appear herePassword deletedYour password is saved on this deviceYour password is saved in your Google AccountYour password is saved on this device and in your Google AccountPassword deleted from your Google AccountPassword deleted from this devicePassword deleted from this device and your Google AccountPassword copied to clipboardUsername copied to clipboardTo easily use them on all your devices, you can move them to your Google Account{COUNT, plural, =1 {{COUNT} password is stored on this device} other {{COUNT} passwords are stored on this device}}Choose which passwords to move. You can access them whenever you're signed in.Move passwords from this device to your Google Account?Passwords moved to your Google AccountMove to Google Account?Move your password to your Google Account to access it securely wherever you're signed inMove passwordsDon't moveMoveGet startedDelete password?Your password for $1 is stored on this device and in your Google Account. Which one do you want to delete?From your Google AccountFrom this deviceSee and manage passwords saved on this deviceView and manage saved passwords in your Google AccountYou can also show passwords from your Google Account hereShowShowing passwords from your Google AccountRemove from deviceImport passwordsSelect fileTo import passwords, select a CSV fileTo import passwords to Google Password Manager for $1, select a CSV fileTo import passwords to Google Password Manager on this device, select a CSV file{NUM_PASSWORDS, plural, =1 {1 password imported to Google Password Manager on this device} other {{NUM_PASSWORDS} passwords imported to Google Password Manager on this device}}{NUM_PASSWORDS, plural, =1 {1 password imported to Google Password Manager for $1} other {{NUM_PASSWORDS} passwords imported to Google Password Manager for $1}}Select where to import your passwordsConsider deleting , so others who use this device can't see your passwordsSomething went wrong and your passwords weren't importedCan't import passwords. Check and make sure it's formatted correctly. Learn moreCan't import passwords. The file size should be less than 150 KB.Can't import passwords. You can only import up to $1 passwords at a time.A password is requiredA URL is requiredURL format should be https://www.example.comURL can only contain ASCII characters{NUM_PASSWORDS, plural, =1 {1 other password wasn't imported because it's formatted incorrectly} other {{NUM_PASSWORDS} other passwords weren't imported because they're formatted incorrectly}}URL is more than 2048 charactersUsername is more than 1000 charactersPassword is more than 1000 charactersA password for this account is already stored in your Google Password Manager ($1)A password for this account is already stored on this devicePasswords not imported ($1)You're already importing passwords in another tabExport passwordsYour passwords will be visible to anyone who can see the exported file.Exporting passwords…Can't export passwords to "$1"Make sure there is enough space on your deviceExport your passwords to another folderMore actions, password for $1 on $2More actions, saved account for $1 on $2Credential details for $1 on $2On-device encryptionFor added safety, encrypt passwords on your device before they‘re saved to Google Password ManagerYour passwords are encrypted on your device before they‘re saved to Google Password ManagerManage passkeysTo manage passkeys, use a newer version of WindowsPasskeysThese passkeys are saved to Windows Hello on this computer. They aren't saved to your Google Account.Search passkeysDelete passkeyAre you sure you want to delete this passkey?Can't delete passkeyYou need this passkey to sign in to your computerMore actions, passkey options for $1 on $2Show password for $1 on $2Hide password for $1 on $2Use Windows Hello when filling passwordsDefault browserMake defaultTime rangeTo clear browsing data from this device only, while keeping it in your Google Account, sign out.To clear browsing data from all of your synced devices and your Google Account, visit sync settings.To clear browsing data from all of your synced devices and your Google Account, enter your passphrase.To clear browsing data from all of your synced devices and your Google Account, sign in.Signs you out of most sites.Signs you out of most sites. You'll stay signed in to your Google Account so your synced data can be cleared.Signs you out of most sites. You won't be signed out of your Google Account.Clears history, including in the search boxClears history from all synced devicesSearch history and other forms of activity may be saved in your Google Account when you're signed in. You can delete them anytime.Other forms of activity may be saved in your Google Account when you're signed in. You can delete them anytime.Your search engine is $1. See their instructions for deleting your search history, if applicable.See your search engine's instructions for deleting your search history, if applicableDownload historyCached images and filesCookies and other site dataPasswords and other sign-in dataAutofill form dataHosted app dataLast hourLast 24 hoursLast 7 daysLast 4 weeksAll timeAlso clear data from these apps?Notifications will be disabledDownloadsAsk where to save each file before downloadingOpen certain file types automatically after downloading$1 ConnectionFor data safety and security, your organization requries all eligible downloads to be saved to your organization's $1 account.Sign in to $1All eligible downloads are routed to your organization's $1 account.Unlink AccountAccount$1 LocationLocal LocationOn startupOpen the New Tab pageContinue where you left offOpen a specific page or set of pagesContinue where you left off and open a specific set of pagesUse current pagesAdd a new pageEdit pageSite URL$1 - $2Please enter a shorter URLPerformanceMemory SaverLearn more about memory saverSend feedback about memory saverAdd to the "always keep these sites active" listSave to the "always keep these sites active" listAlways keep these sites activePowerEnergy SaverTurn on when my computer is unpluggedTurn on only when my battery is at $1% or lowerLearn more about energy saverSend feedback about energy saverEnergy saver optionsLanguagesPreferred languagesSearch languagesMove to the topMove upMove downAdd languagesShow language optionsWebsites will show content in your preferred languages, when possibleOffer to translate pages in this languageUse Google TranslateWhen on, Google Translate will offer to translate sites into your preferred language. It can also automatically translate sites.This language is used when translating pagesLanguage is set by your OrganizationYour administrator has set a default language which cannot be modified.No languages addedGoogle TranslateTranslate into this languageAutomatically translate these languagesDon’t offer to translate these languagesSpell checkBasic spell checkEnhanced spell checkUses the same spell checker that’s used in Google search. Text you type in the browser is sent to Google.Check for spelling errors when you type text on web pagesSpell check isn’t supported for the languages you selectedUse spell check forCustomize spell checkManage spell checkAdd a new wordAdd wordAlready addedCannot exceed 99 lettersDelete wordCustom wordsSaved custom words will appear hereSpell check dictionary download failed.Please check with your network administrator to make sure that the firewall is not blocking downloads from Google servers.Privacy and securitySecurity and PrivacyMorePrivacy SandboxAbout Privacy SandboxTrial features are onTrial features are offLearn about and control new technologies that aim to replace third-party cookiesTrialsWith Privacy Sandbox trials, sites can deliver the same browsing experience using less of your info. That means more privacy for you and less cross-site tracking. We'll add new trials as they're ready to test.About Browser-based ad personalizationBrowser-based ad personalizationYour browsing history affects the ads you seeAd measurementAdvertisers can understand how ads performSpam & fraud reductionHelp sites fight fraud and distinguish bots from peopleSites you visit that define your interestsWhat data is used:How we use this data:How you can manage your data:To protect your privacy, we auto-delete sites from the list that are older than 4 weeks. A site you visit again might appear on the list again. Or you can remove a site if you don’t want that site to ever define interests for you.Interests you removedAdd an interest or site if you think ads related to the item would be useful to you.A list of interests may appear here as you browse the webYou haven't removed any interestsA list of sites you visit may appear here as you browse the webSites you removedYou haven't removed any sitesFor example, if you visit a site to buy shoes for a marathon, the site might define your interest as running marathons. Later, if you visit a different site to register for a race, that site can show you an ad for running shoes based on your interests.To protect your privacy, we auto-delete sites from the list that are older than 4 weeks. A site you visit again might appear on the list again. Or you can remove a site if you don't want that site to ever define interests for you.When you delete your browsing history — all or for a specific site — you also delete associated measurement info. See your browsing historySpam and fraud reductionSpam & fraud reduction relies on trust tokens to help sites fight fraud and distinguish bots from people.When trials are on, Spam & fraud reduction relies on trust tokens to help sites fight fraud and distinguish bots from people.Based on your interaction with a site, like regularly signing in to an account, that site can issue a trust token to your browser. Later, if other sites you visit check for and find a valid trust token, they're more likely to treat you like a person and not a bot.Trust tokens improve privacy on the web and can't be used to find out who you are.Privacy GuideReview key privacy and security controlsTake the Privacy GuidePrivacy Guide back buttonClick to navigate away from Privacy Guide.Step $1 of $2When onThings to considerA guide of your privacy choicesTake a guided tour of key privacy and security controls. For more options, go to individual settings.Review completeExplore more settings below or finish nowYou can come back anytime to take another lookPrivacy Sandbox trialWeb & App ActivityChoose your search and browsing qualityYou'll browse faster because content is proactively loaded based on your current webpage visitYou'll get improved suggestions in the address barURLs you visit are sent to Google to predict what sites you might visit nextReview automatic data clearingChoose whether to sync historyHistory syncYou'll have your history on all your synced devices so you can continue what you were doingIf Google is also your default search engine, you'll see better, contextually relevant suggestionsThe URLs you visit are saved to your Google AccountChoose your third-party cookie preferencesBlock third-party cookies in IncognitoSites can use cookies to improve your browsing experience, for example, to keep you signed in or to remember items in your shopping cartFeatures on some sites may not work in IncognitoSites can use cookies to see your browsing activity across different sites, for example, to personalize adsWhen you’re in Incognito mode, sites can only use cookies to see your browsing activity on their own site. Cookies are deleted at the end of the Incognito session.Block all third-party cookiesFeatures on some sites may not workSites can only use cookies to see your browsing activity on their own siteChoose your Safe Browsing protectionSends URLs to Safe Browsing to check themAlso sends a small sample of pages, downloads, extension activity, and system information to help discover new threatsTemporarily links this data to your Google Account when you're signed in, to protect you across Google appsDetects and warns you about dangerous events when they happenSafety checkRunning…Safety check ran a moment ago{NUM_MINS, plural, =1 {Safety check ran 1 minute ago} other {Safety check ran {NUM_MINS} minutes ago}}{NUM_HOURS, plural, =1 {Safety check ran 1 hour ago} other {Safety check ran {NUM_HOURS} hours ago}}Safety check ran at $1Safety check ran todaySafety check ran yesterday{NUM_DAYS, plural, =1 {Safety check ran 1 day ago} other {Safety check ran {NUM_DAYS} days ago}}Safety check ran on $1Safety check is running.Safety check has completed.Check nowRun safety check nowRun safety check againRunningPassedInfoWarningReviewPermissions removed from unused websitesUpdatesUpdates are managed by your administratorPassword check is not available in ChromiumReview passwordsSafe Browsing is on and protecting you from harmful sites and downloadsStandard Protection is onStandard protection is on. For even more security, use enhanced protection.Enhanced Protection is onYour administrator has turned off Safe BrowsingAn extension has turned off Safe BrowsingManageManage Safe BrowsingYou're protected from potentially harmful extensions{NUM_EXTENSIONS, plural, =1 {1 potentially harmful extension is off. You can also remove it.} other {{NUM_EXTENSIONS} potentially harmful extensions are off. You can also remove them.}}{NUM_EXTENSIONS, plural, =1 {You turned 1 potentially harmful extension back on} other {You turned {NUM_EXTENSIONS} potentially harmful extensions back on}}{NUM_EXTENSIONS, plural, =1 {Your administrator turned 1 potentially harmful extension back on} other {Your administrator turned {NUM_EXTENSIONS} potentially harmful extensions back on}}Review extensions{NUM_SITES, plural, =1 {Review 1 site that recently sent a lot of notifications} other {Review {NUM_SITES} sites that recently sent a lot of notifications}}These sites sent a lot of notifications recently. You can stop them from sending future notifications.Notifications allowed for $1Notifications not allowed for $1Notifications not allowed for $1. You’ll be asked again on your next visit.{NUM_NOTIFICATION, plural, =1 {About 1 notification a day} other {About {NUM_NOTIFICATION} notifications a day}}All done for nowDon't allowDon't allow notifications from $1Always allow notifications from this siteAlways allow notifications from $1Don’t allow but ask laterDon’t allow notifications from $1 but ask later{NUM_SITES, plural, =1 {Review 1 site that recently sent a lot of notifications} other {Review {NUM_SITES} sites that recently sent a lot of notifications}}Block all{NUM_SITES, plural, =1 {Notifications not allowed for 1 site} other {Notifications not allowed for {NUM_SITES} sites}}Preload pages for faster browsing and searchingUses cookies to remember your preferences, even if you don’t visit those pagesPreloads pages that Chrome thinks you might visit. To do this, Chrome may use cookies, if you allow cookies, and may encrypt and send pages through Google to hide your identity from sites.Safe Browsing (protects you and your device from dangerous sites)Sends URLs of some pages you visit to Google, when your security is at riskSends URLs of some pages you visit, limited system information, and some page content to Google, to help discover new threats and protect everyone on the web.Safe BrowsingEnhanced protectionFaster, proactive protection against dangerous websites, downloads, and extensions. Warns you about password breaches. Requires browsing data to be sent to Google.Show enhanced protection detailsPredicts and warns you about dangerous events before they happenImproves security for you and everyone on the webWarns you if passwords are exposed in a data breachSends URLs to Safe Browsing to check them. Also sends a small sample of pages, downloads, extension activity, and system information to help discover new threats. Temporarily links this data to your Google Account when you're signed in, to protect you across Google apps.Standard protectionStandard protection against websites, downloads, and extensions that are known to be dangerousShow standard protection detailsHelp improve security on the web for everyoneNo protection (not recommended)Does not protect you against dangerous websites, downloads, and extensions. You’ll still get Safe Browsing protection, where available, in other Google services, like Gmail and Search.Turn off Safe Browsing?Safe Browsing protects you against attackers who may trick you into doing something dangerous like installing malicious software or revealing personal information like passwords, phone numbers, or credit cards. If you turn it off, be careful when browsing unfamiliar or unreputable sites.Turn offSend a "Do Not Track" request with your browsing trafficDo Not TrackEnabling "Do Not Track" means that a request will be included with your browsing traffic. Any effect depends on whether a website responds to the request, and how the request is interpreted. For example, some websites may respond to this request by showing you ads that aren't based on other websites you've visited. Many websites will still collect and use your browsing data - for example to improve security, to provide content, services, ads and recommendations on their websites, and to generate reporting statistics. Learn morePermissions and content settingsControls what information sites can use and show (location, camera, pop-ups, and more)SecuritySafe Browsing (protection from dangerous sites) and other security settingsGoogle Advanced Protection ProgramSafeguards the personal Google Accounts of anyone at risk of targeted attacksAlways use secure connectionsUpgrade navigations to HTTPS and warn you before loading sites that don't support itManage certificatesManage HTTPS/SSL certificates and settingsManage device certificatesManage HTTPS/SSL certificates on your deviceUse secure DNSDetermines how to connect to websites over a secure connectionWith your current service providerSecure DNS may not be available all the timeWith a provider of your choiceProvider optionsWithSee this provider's privacy policyThis setting is disabled on managed browsersThis setting is disabled because parental controls are onEnter custom providerEnter a correctly formatted URLPlease verify that this is a valid provider or try again laterContent settingsSite settingsControl what information websites can use and what content they can show youClear dataClearing data…Data cleared.Clear browsing dataClear history, cookies, cache, and moreMore settings that relate to privacy, security, and data collectionNo recently changed permissionsAllowed $1Allowed $1, $2Allowed $1 and $2 moreAutomatically blocked $1Automatically blocked $1, $2Automatically blocked $1 and $2 moreBlocked $1Blocked $1, $2Blocked $1 and $2 moreReset settings?Reset settingsRestore settings to their original defaultsSome settings were resetChrome detected that some of your settings were corrupted by another program and reset them to their original defaults.Reset all settingsSearch engineSearch engine used in the address barManage search enginesManage search engines and site searchCreate shortcuts for searching sites and manage your search engineSearch EnginesYou can use shortcuts in the address bar to quickly search a specific site or to use a different search engineSearchAdd search engineEdit search engineDelete search engineAre you sure you want to delete this search engine?Default search enginesSearch enginesTo use a search engine other than the default, type its shortcut in the address bar followed by your preferred keyboard shortcut. You can also change your default search engine here.Site searchTo search a specific site or part of Chrome, type its shortcut in the address bar, followed by your preferred keyboard shortcut.To search a specific site or part of Chrome, type its shortcut in the address bar, followed by your preferred keyboard shortcut. For example, to search only Bookmarks, type "@bookmarks", then press Tab or Space.No sites addedInactive shortcutsNo inactive shortcutsOther saved search engines will appear hereSome extensions can add search engines to ChromeSite or pageInactive sitesShortcutQuery URLURL with %s in place of queryActivateDeactivateRemove from listKeyboard shortcutIn the address bar, use this keyboard shortcut with shortcuts for search engines and site searchIn the address bar, enter the shortcut for the site you want to search, such as "@bookmarks". Then, press your preferred keyboard shortcut, and enter your search term.Space or TabTabAdditional sitesAdditional inactive sitesAdditional extensionsembedded on $1embedded on any hostPermission CategoryAll sitesView permissions and data stored across sitesSort byData storedPartitioned—Default behaviorSites automatically follow this setting when you visit themSites automatically follow this setting when you visit them. Sites usually send notifications to let you know about breaking news or chat messages.Customized behaviorsSites listed below follow a custom setting instead of the defaultSites listed below follow a custom settingSites usually show ads so they can provide content or services free of charge. But, some sites are known to show intrusive or misleading ads.All sites can show any ads to youBlock ads on sites that show intrusive or misleading adsAllowed to show any adsNot allowed to show intrusive or misleading adsSites usually track your camera position for AR features, like games or heads-up directionsSites can ask to track your camera positionDon't allow sites to track your camera positionAllowed to track your camera positionNot allowed to track your camera positionSites might automatically download related files together to save you timeSites can ask to automatically download multiple filesDon't allow sites to automatically download multiple filesAllowed to automatically download multiple filesNot allowed to automatically download multiple filesAfter you leave a site, it can keep syncing to finish tasks, like uploading photos or sending a chat messageRecently closed sites can finish sending and receiving dataDon't allow closed sites to finish sending or receiving dataAfter closing a page, tasks you started might not finishAllowed to finish sending and receiving dataNot allowed to finish sending or receiving dataSites usually connect to Bluetooth devices for features like setting up or syncing a low-energy beacon, a health or fitness tracker, or a smart light bulbSites can ask to connect to Bluetooth devicesDon't allow sites to connect to Bluetooth devicesSites usually use your video camera for communication features like video chattingSites can ask to use your cameraDon't allow sites to use your cameraFeatures that need a camera won't workAllowed to use your cameraNot allowed to use your cameraSites usually read your clipboard for features like keeping the formatting of text you copiedSites can ask to see text and images on your clipboardDon't allow sites to see text or images on your clipboardAllowed to see your clipboardNot allowed to see your clipboardSites usually detect when you're actively using your device to set your availability on chat appsSites can ask to know when you're actively using your deviceDon't allow sites to know when you're actively using your deviceAllowed to know when you're actively using your deviceNot allowed to know when you're actively using your deviceLets you sign in to websites using the account you have with an identity serviceSites can show sign-in prompts from identity servicesBlock sign-in prompts from identity servicesAllowed to show third-party sign-in promptsNot allowed to show third-party sign-in promptsSites usually access files and folders on your device for features like automatically saving your workSites can ask to edit files and folders on your deviceDon't allow sites to edit files or folders on your deviceNot allowed to edit files or folders on your deviceSites usually use your fonts so you can create high-fidelity content with online design and graphics toolsSites can ask to use fonts installed on your deviceDon't allow sites to use fonts installed on your deviceAllowed to use fonts installed on your deviceNot allowed to use fonts installed on your deviceSites usually connect to HID devices for features that use uncommon keyboards, game controllers, and other devicesSites can ask to connect to HID devicesDon't allow sites to connect to HID devicesSites usually show images to provide illustration, like photos for online stores or news articlesSites can show imagesDon't allow sites to show imagesFeatures that need images won't workAllowed to show imagesNot allowed to show imagesSecure sites might embed content like images or web frames that aren't secureAllowed to show insecure contentNot allowed to show insecure contentSites usually use Javascript to display interactive features, like video games or web formsSites can use JavascriptDon't allow sites to use JavascriptAllowed to use JavascriptNot allowed to use JavascriptSites usually use your location for relevant features or info, like local news or nearby shopsSites can ask for your locationDon't allow sites to see your locationFeatures that need your location won't workAllowed to see your locationNot allowed to see your locationSites usually use your microphone for communication features like video chattingSites can ask to use your microphoneDon't allow sites to use your microphoneFeatures that need a microphone won't workAllowed to use your microphoneNot allowed to use your microphoneSites usually connect to MIDI devices for features for creating and editing musicSites can ask to connect to MIDI devicesDon't allow sites to connect to MIDI devicesAllowed to connect to MIDI devicesNot allowed to connect to MIDI devicesSites usually use your device's motion sensors for features like virtual reality or fitness trackingSites can use motion sensorsDon't allow sites to use motion sensorsFeatures that need motion sensors won't workAllowed to use motion sensorsNot allowed to use motion sensorsSites usually send notifications to let you know about breaking news or chat messagesSites can ask to send notificationsUse quieter messagingSites are blocked from interrupting you when they ask to send notificationsDon't allow sites to send notificationsFeatures that need notifications won't workAllowed to send notificationsNot allowed to send notificationsSites usually install payment handlers for shopping features like easier checkoutSites can install payment handlersDon't allow sites to install payment handlersAllowed to install payment handlersNot allowed to install payment handlersSites sometimes publish PDFs, like documents, contracts, and formsDownload PDFsSites might send pop-ups to show ads, or use redirects to lead you to websites you may not want to visitSites can send pop-ups and use redirectsDon't allow sites to send pop-ups or use redirectsAllowed to send pop-ups and use redirectsNot allowed to send pop-ups or use redirectsAllow sites to play protected content (recommended)To play content protected by copyright, sites may need to use a content protection serviceSites can play protected contentDon't allow sites to play protected contentMedia with a copyright might not playSites may also need to recognize your device using an identifierAllow identifiers for protected content (computer restart may be required)Sites can use identifiers to play protected contentDon't allow sites to use identifiers to play protected contentMedia quality may be reducedAllowed to use identifiers to play protected contentNot allowed to use identifiers to play protected contentSites can handle special tasks when you click on certain types of links, like creating a new message in your email client or adding new events to your online calendarSites can ask to handle protocolsDon't allow sites to handle protocolsNot allowed to handle protocolsSites usually connect to serial ports for data transfer features, like setting up your networkSites can ask to connect to serial portsDon't allow sites to connect to serial portsSites might play sound to provide audio for music, videos, and other mediaSites can play soundDon't allow sites to play soundFeatures that need sound won't workAllowed to play soundNot allowed to play soundSites usually connect to USB devices for features like printing a document or saving to a storage deviceSites can ask to connect to USB devicesDon't allow sites to connect to USB devicesSites usually use your virtual reality devices and data to let you enter VR sessionsSites can ask to use virtual reality devices and dataDon't allow sites to use virtual reality devices or dataAllowed to use virtual reality devices and dataNot allowed to use virtual reality devices or dataYou can set how much you zoom in or out on certain websitesAsk when a site wants to create a 3D map of your surroundings or track camera positionAsk when a site wants to create a 3D map of your surroundings or track camera position (recommended)Do not allow sites to create a 3D map of your surroundings or track camera positionAsk when a site wants to see text and images copied to the clipboardAsk when a site wants to see text and images copied to the clipboard (recommended)Do not allow sites to see text and images copied to the clipboardGeneral settingsAllow all cookiesShow details about allowing all cookiesShow details about blocking third-party cookies in IncognitoWhile in Incognito, sites can't use your cookies to see your browsing activity across different sites, for example, to personalize ads. Features on some sites may not work.Block third-party cookiesShow details about blocking third-party cookiesSites can't use your cookies to see your browsing activity across different sites, for example, to personalize ads. Features on some sites may not work.Block all cookies (not recommended)Show details about blocking all cookiesSites can't use cookies to improve your browsing experience, for example, to keep you signed in or to remember items in your shopping cartSites can't use your cookies to see your browsing activity across different sites, for example, to personalize adsFeatures on many sites may not workAllow related sites to see your activity in the groupA company can define a group of sites that can use cookies to share your activity in the group. This is off in Incognito.Clear cookies and site data when you close all windowsSee all site data and permissionsManage site specific exceptionsSites that can always use cookiesAlways clear cookies when windows are closedSites that can never use cookiesApps listed below can handle protocol links as well. Other apps will ask for permission.Apps listed below will never handle protocol links.Ask when a site wants to access HID devicesAsk when a site wants to access HID devices (recommended)Do not allow any sites to access HID devicesInsecure content is blocked by default on secure sitesAllow sites to install payment handlers (recommended)Download PDF files instead of automatically opening them in ChromeAsk when a site wants to use your virtual reality devices and data (recommended)Recent activityAsk when a site wants to use system exclusive messages to access MIDI devices (recommended)Ask when a site wants to access Bluetooth devices (recommended)Ask when a site wants to access USB devices (recommended)Ask when a site wants to access serial ports (recommended)Ask when a site wants to edit files or folders on your device (recommended)Remove zoom levelSites can save and read cookie dataAsk firstAsk first (recommended)Ask before accessing (recommended)Ask before sendingAsk before sending (recommended)Automatically blocked because you declined notifications a few timesShow an indicator in the address bar when notification are blockedUse quieter messaging (blocks notification prompts from interrupting you)Sites will be blocked from asking to show you notifications. If a site requests notifications, a blocked indicator will appear in the address bar.Sites can't ask to send notificationsShow all (recommended){COUNT, plural, =0 {Cookies are allowed} =1 {Cookies are allowed, 1 exception} other {Cookies are allowed, {COUNT} exceptions}}{COUNT, plural, =0 {Cookies are blocked} =1 {Cookies are blocked, 1 exception} other {Cookies are blocked, {COUNT} exceptions}}Third-party cookies are blockedThird-party cookies are blocked in Incognito modeAllow sites to save and read cookie dataAllow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended)Allow recently closed sites to finish sending and receiving data (recommended)Do not allow recently closed sites to finish sending and receiving dataAllow sites to ask to become default handlers for protocols (recommended)Do not allow any site to handle protocolsBlocked on sites that show intrusive or misleading ads (recommended)Allow sites to play sound (recommended)Ask when a site tries to download files automatically after the first file (recommended)Sites usually ask for information about your displays so they can open and place windows intelligently, like showing documents or full-screen content side by sideSites can ask to manage windows on all your displaysDon't allow sites to manage windows on all your displaysAllowed to manage windows on all your displaysNot allowed to manage windows on all your displaysBlock sites from knowing when you're actively using this deviceAllowed (recommended)BlockedBlocked (recommended)AllowBlockMuteClear on exitAsk (default)Allow (default)Automatic (default)Block (default)Mute (default)AskUsageNo usage dataAdditional permissionsContentAdditional content settingsAllowlisted internallySite shows intrusive or misleading adsBlock if site shows intrusive or misleading adsTemporarily blocked to protect your securityBlocked to protect your privacyReset permissionsIncluding third-party cookies on this siteClear all data?Clear displayed data?These sites are in a group defined by $1. Sites in a group can see your activity in the group. Learn moreTotal storage used by sites: $1Total storage used by displayed sites: $1Clear all dataClear displayed data{MEMBERS, plural, =1 {1 site in {FPS_OWNER}'s group} other {{MEMBERS} sites in {FPS_OWNER}'s group}}Show sites in same groupClear data and permissionsThis will clear $1 of data stored by sitesThis will clear $1 of data stored by displayed sitesThis will clear $1 of data stored by sites and installed appsThis will clear $1 of data stored by displayed sites and installed appsYou'll be signed out of all sites, including in open tabsYou'll be signed out of displayed sites, including in open tabsReset site permissions for $1?Clear site data?All data stored by $1 will be deleted.All data and cookies stored by $1 will be cleared.You’ll be signed out of this site, including in open tabsAny offline data will be clearedOffline data in installed app will also be clearedReset site permissions?Sites under $1 will also be reset.All data stored by $1 and any sites under it will be deleted. This includes cookies. You'll be signed out of these sites, including in open tabs.This will clear all data and cookies stored by $1 and any sites under itThis will clear all data and cookies stored by $1, any sites under it, and its installed appThis will clear all data and cookies stored by $1, any sites under it, and its installed appsYou’ll be signed out of these sites, including in open tabsOffline data in installed apps will also be clearedClear site data and permissions for $1?Clear site data and permissions for $1 and its installed app?Clear site data for $1 partitioned on $2?Clear site data and permissions for $1 and all sites under it?Clear site data and permissions for $1, all sites under it, and its installed app?Clear site data and permissions for $1, all sites under it, and installed apps?You'll be signed out of this site, including in open tabsYou'll be signed out of these sites, including in open tabsYour chosen permissions will be resetRemove $1ResetCurrent Incognito session onlyThis custom setting will be removed when you close all your Incognito windowsNo sites have been zoomed in or outLet Chrome choose when sites can play sound (recommended)Sites you visit will appear hereNo sites foundAsk when a site wants to discover nearby Bluetooth devicesAsk when a site wants to discover nearby Bluetooth devices (recommended)Do not allow any site to discover nearby Bluetooth devicesNo Bluetooth devices foundNo USB devices foundNo serial ports foundNo HID devices foundAdd a siteEdit siteDomainPathSend forAccessible to scriptCreatedExpiresFlash data{NUM_COOKIES, plural, =1 {1 cookie} other {{NUM_COOKIES} cookies}}OriginSize on diskLast modifiedDatabase storageLocal storageFile systemTemporary storagePersistent storageService WorkersShared WorkersCache StorageQuota-managed storageYou and GoogleGoogle Profile photoBecause this account is managed by $1, your bookmarks, history, passwords, and other settings will be cleared from this device. However, your data will remain stored in your Google Account and can be managed on Google Dashboard.Turn off sync?Turn off sync and personalization?Clear and continueClear bookmarks, history, passwords, and more from this deviceSettings saved. Sync started.Show desktop shortcutCreate desktop shortcutCreate a desktop shortcut on your device to access directly to this profileChanges to your bookmarks, history, passwords, and other settings will no longer be synced to your Google Account. However, your existing data will remain stored in your Google Account and can be managed on Google Dashboard.Your bookmarks, history, passwords, and more will no longer be synced.This will sign you out of your Google Accounts. Your bookmarks, history, passwords, and more will no longer be synced.Show profile statsSync will start once you leave sync settingsManage your Google AccountActivity and interactionsUses content on sites you visit, plus browser activity and interactions, for personalizationEncrypt synced data with your own sync passphrase. This doesn't include payment methods and addresses from Google Pay.Only someone with your passphrase can read your encrypted data. The passphrase is not sent to or stored by Google. If you forget your passphrase or want to change this setting, you'll need to reset sync.To change this setting, reset sync to remove your sync passphraseTo turn this on, reset sync to remove your sync passphraseIf you forgot your passphrase or want to change this setting, reset sync.Control how your browsing history is used to personalize Search and moreImport bookmarks and settingsFrom:Select items to import:Loading…Favorites/BookmarksSaved passwordsChoose FileImportYour bookmarks and settings are readyNo supported browser foundPage zoomFont sizeVery smallSmallMedium (Recommended)LargeVery largeCustomize fontsFontsStandard fontSerif fontSans-serif fontFixed-width fontMathematical fontMinimum font sizeTinyHugeThe quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogSystemUse hardware acceleration when availableOpen your computer's proxy settings$1 is using proxy settings from an extension$1 is using proxy settings from your administrator$1 is not available to Guest users.Manage security keysReset security keys and create PINsCreate a PINSet PINProtect your security key with a PIN (Personal Identification Number)Change a PINReset your security keyThis will delete all data on the security key, including its PINTouch to confirm resetTo continue, remove your security key from your device, then reinsert and touch itTouch your security key again to confirm reset. All information stored on the security key, including its PIN, will be deleted.Can’t reset this security keyCan’t reset this security key. Error $1.Your security key has been resetCan’t reset this security key. Try resetting the key immediately after inserting it.This security key doesn’t support PINsEnter your current PIN to change it. If you don’t know your PIN, you’ll need to reset the security key, then create a new PIN.Incorrect PINIncorrect PIN. You have one attempt remaining.Incorrect PIN. You have $1 attempts remaining.Create a new PIN that's different from your current PIN{MIN_PIN_LENGTH, plural, =1 {Enter your new PIN. A PIN must be at least one character long and can contain letters, numbers, and other characters.} other {Enter your new PIN. A PIN must be at least # characters long and can contain letters, numbers, and other characters.}}SaveCurrent PINPINToo shortPIN must be at most 63 charactersPIN contains invalid charactersThe PINs you entered don’t matchConfirm PINYour PIN was createdPIN operation failed with code $1.The security key is locked because the wrong PIN was entered too many times. You’ll need to reset the security key.The security key is locked because the wrong PIN was entered too many times. To unlock it, remove and reinsert it.Show PINsHide PINsSign-in dataWebsiteManage sign-in data stored on your security keySecurity key sign-in dataEdit sign-in dataDelete sign-in dataAre you sure you want to delete the selected sign-in data?Input must be at most 62 charactersThis security key does not have any sign-in dataThis security key can't store any sign-in dataYour security key was removed.Your security key is not protected with a PIN. To manage sign-in data, first create a PIN.Your security key couldn't be readYour sign-in data was deletedYour sign-in data couldn't be deletedYour sign-in data was updatedYour sign-in data couldn't be updatedFingerprintsAdd and delete fingerprints saved on your security keyManage fingerprintsAdd fingerprintEnter a name for this fingerprintTry a shorter nameYour security key has no fingerprints storedFingerprints on this security keyKeep touching your security key until your fingerprint is capturedTry touching your security key againAdding a fingerprint to this security key failedYour fingerprint was capturedYour security key can't store fingerprintsDelete this fingerprintYour security key is not protected with a PIN. To manage fingerprints, first create a PIN.Your security key can't store any more fingerprints. To add a new one, first delete an existing fingerprint.To continue, insert and touch your security keyEnter the PIN for your security key. If you don’t know the PIN, you’ll need to reset the security key.To use your new security key, set a new PINEdit phoneYour devicesYou're signed in to Chrome on these devices, so you can use them as security keys.Linked devicesYou linked these devices by scanning a QR code.Manage phonesControl which phones you use as security keys$1 subpage back buttonClick to navigate away from $1 subpage.CaptionsCaption preferencesCustomize caption size and style for Live Caption. Some apps and sites will also use this setting.Text sizeText fontText colorText opacityBackground opacityOpaqueSemi-transparentTransparentText shadowNoneRaisedDepressedUniformDrop shadowBackground colorBlackWhiteRedGreenBlueYellowCyanMagentaNearby ShareSet upDevice nameChange device nameNew device nameShow notificationWhen devices are sharing nearbyShow notification when devices are sharing nearbyCurrent device name is $1Manage contactsData usageWi-Fi onlyNever use mobile data to transferMobile DataMay incur mobile data chargesThis option applies to Chromebooks with a data plan or mobile network dongle, or when tethering to a portable hotspotWithout internetFiles will always be shared offlineCurrent data usage setting is Mobile DataCurrent data usage setting is Wi-Fi onlyCurrent data usage setting is Without internetDevice visibilityChange visibilityShare files with people around you. Learn moreVisible to everyoneVisibility is on for $1 minutesYou will be visible to everyone for $1 minutes. Learn moreMake searches and browsing betterSends URLs of pages you visit to GoogleAutocomplete searches and URLsSends some cookies and searches from the address bar and search box to your default search engineHelp improve Chrome's features and performanceAutomatically sends usage statistics and crash reports to GoogleShow suggestions for similar pages when a page can't be foundSends the web address of the page you're trying to reach to GoogleGoogle Drive search suggestionsSyncing to $1Get Google smarts in ChromeSync isn't workingPassword sync isn't workingManage syncManage what you syncUse another accountClear and Sign OutHistoryOpen tabsWi-Fi networksSync everythingOther Google servicesCustomize syncSync dataPassphraseEncryption optionsEncrypt synced passwords with your Google AccountReading listYou must enter the same passphrase twiceEmpty passphrase is not allowedThe passphrase you entered is incorrectReview your synced dataSync and Google servicesConfirm passphrasePlease wait…Check your internet connection. If the problem continues, try signing out and signing in again.SyncCancel syncCancel sync?You can turn on sync anytime in settingsChecking for updatesAllow access to file URLsAllow on all websitesAutomatically allow access on the following sitesView activity logbackground pageservice workerThis extension may have been corrupted.Collect errorsNothing to see here, move along.Drop to installThere were warnings when trying to install this extension:LogLoaded from:Your parent has disabled extension permissionsRepair(iframe)(Inactive)(Incognito)Developer modeThis extension is outdated and disabled by enterprise policy. It might become enabled automatically when a newer version is available.Allow this extension on $1?You previously chose not to allow any extensions on $1. If you add this site here, other extensions can also request to read and change your site data on $1.ErrorsAllow all extensions to read and change $1Customize for each extensionDon't allow any extensions on $1anonymous functionContextUnknownClear activitiesClear allClear entryStack Trace{LINE_COUNT, plural, =1 {<1 line not shown>} other {<$1 lines not shown>}}This extension can read and change your data on sites. You can control which sites the extension can access.Allow this extension to read and change all your data on websites you visit:Choose when this extension can read and change your site dataYou can always click the extension to use it on any siteOn clickWhen I click the extensionOn specific sitesAllow on specific sitesOn all sitesAllow on all sitesAllowed sitesError on line $1Error from line $1 to $2$1 - Activity LogSearch by API call/URLActivity NameCountTimeReal-timeStart recordingStop recordingListening for extension activities…Press "Start" to listen for extension activitiesAPI function argumentsWeb request infoExpand allCollapse allExport ActivitiesID: $1Inspect views$1 more…No active viewsAllow in IncognitoThe following extensions depend on this extension:$1 (ID: $2)Description$1 details page back buttonClick to navigate away from $1 details page.Related to $1App IconExtension IconIDExtension EnabledApp EnabledOffOnOpen extension websiteView in Chrome Web StoreExtension optionsThis extension requires no special permissionsThis extension requires no special permissions and has no additional site accessRemove extensionSite accessThis extension has no additional site accessRemove the specific sites you added?SourceInstalled by defaultAdded by policyAdded by a third-partyUnpacked extensionVersionReloadedReloading…Failed to load extensionFileCould not load manifest.Fetching activities…Missing or uninstalled extensionNo recent activitiesFind extensions and themes in the Chrome Web StoreNo description providedPack extensionPack extension warningPack extension errorProceed anywayBrowseExtension root directoryPrivate key file (optional)Search extensionsSite permissionsSee extension permissions for other sites$1 extensionsAlways on all sitesAlways on this siteAll extensions allowedNot allowed to use extensionsAdd siteEdit site URLEdit site permissions for $1Edit site permissionsOn click for this siteNot setScopeGlobalChrome AppsKeyboard shortcutsLoad unpackedExtension loadedUpdateUpdate extensions nowExtensions updatedUpdating…Shortcut set: $1Type a shortcutInclude either Ctrl or AltUse either Ctrl or AltType a letterAdding this contact will remember the next time they shareAdd $1 to your contactsShare with this device?Unable to download contact list. Please check your network connection, or try again.Downloading contact list…To use Nearby Share with these contacts, add the email address linked with their Google Account to your contacts.No reachable contacts{COUNT, plural, =1 {# contact is not available. To use Nearby Share with them, add the email address associated with their Google Account to your contacts.} other {# contacts are not available. To use Nearby Share with them, add the email addresses associated with their Google Accounts to your contacts.} }Your contacts can share with you when they are nearby. Transfers won't start until you accept.No one can share with you until you make yourself visible.

To make yourself visible temporarily, open the status area, then turn on Nearby visibility.Selected contacts can share with you when nearby. Transfers won't start until you accept.Your device visibility controls who can share with you while your screen is unlocked. Learn moreAdd a device name to continueDevice name too longDevice name contains invalid charactersMake sure both devices are unlocked, close together, and have Bluetooth turned on. If you’re sharing with a Chromebook not in your contacts, make sure it has Nearby visibility turned on (open the status area, then turn on Nearby visibility). Learn moreSelect the device you’d like to share files withScanning for nearby devices…How your device appears to othersShare files with Chromebooks and Android devices around youSet up Nearby ShareContacts nearby can share with you. Approval will be required.Select who can share with youAcceptConfirmDeclineReject$1's $2The device sharing with you cancelled the transferCan't receiveCan't shareThe device you're sharing with didn't respond. Please try again.You can only share one file at a time. Try again when the current transfer is complete.Not enough disk spaceThe device you’re trying to share with did not acceptSomething went wrong. Please try again.Time outPlease try againUnsupported file type{COUNT, plural, =1 {App} other {# apps}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {an app} other {# apps}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {Image} other {# images}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {an image} other {# images}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {File} other {# files}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {a file} other {# files}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {Video} other {# videos}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {a video} other {# videos}}Secure connection ID: $1{COUNT, plural, =1 {Address} other {# addresses}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {an address} other {# addresses}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {Link} other {# links}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {a link} other {# links}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {Phone number} other {# phone numbers}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {a phone number} other {# phone numbers}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {Text} other {# texts}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {text} other {# texts}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {Item} other {# items}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {an item} other {# items}}Visible to nearby devices as $1 for $2…$1 min$1 secMake sure both devices are unlocked, close together, and have Bluetooth turned on. Learn moreNo available devices sharing nearby. Learn moreCan’t shareBluetooth and Wi-Fi neededTo use Nearby Share, turn on Bluetooth and Wi-FiReceive from this device?$1 FilesNearby Share settings for $1's device, sharing under the account $2.To use Nearby Share, make sure both devices are unlocked, close together, and have Bluetooth turned on. If you’re sharing with a Chromebook that is not in your contacts, make sure it has Nearby visibility turned on (open the status area by selecting the time, then turn on Nearby visibility) Learn moreAll contactsCurrent visibility setting is all contactsSome contactsCurrent visibility setting is some contactsHiddenCurrent visibility setting is hiddenChoose your visibilityCurrent visibility setting is not set yetCopy to clipboardOpen folderOpen in Wi-Fi networks{COUNT, plural, =1 {$1 is sharing $2 with you.} other {$1 is sharing $2 with you.}}$1 is sharing a Wi-Fi network with youReceive with Nearby Share?Set up Nearby Share to receive and send files with people around youTo receive and accept files with people around you, become visibleDevice nearby is sharingEnableReview your settingsNearby contacts can share with you. Click to change.Dismiss{COUNT, plural, =1 {Failed to receive $1 from $2} other {Failed to receive $1 from $2}}Couldn't save '$1' from $2{COUNT, plural, =1 {Receiving $1 from $2} other {Receiving $1 from $2}}Receiving Wi-Fi network{COUNT, plural, =1 {$1 received from $2} other {$1 received from $2}}'$1' saved from $2{COUNT, plural, =1 {Failed to send $1 to $2} other {Failed to send $1 to $2}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {Sending $1 to $2} other {Sending $1 to $2}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {$1 sent to $2} other {$1 sent to $2}}$1 cancelled the transferBookmarks addedBookmark removedBookmarks removedChrome is your default browserAdd bookmarks to your favorite Google AppsGmailMapsNewsTranslateYouTubePick a backgroundArtLandscapeCityscapeEarthGeometric shapesPhoto by $1Start page background has been changed to $1.Start page background has been reset to the default background.Set Chrome as your default browserGet Google Search and Google smarts everytime you browseMake Chrome your ownSet up your browser in a few simple stepsGet StartedAlready a Chrome user? Sign inPause animationsPlay animationsYour Chrome, EverywhereSign in and turn on sync to get your bookmarks, passwords and more on all devicesWhat's NewCheckupSign in automaticallyEasily sign in to sites and apps with your saved passwords. When turned off, you’ll be asked before signing in.Create, save, and manage your passwords so you can easily sign in to sites and apps. ‎Learn moreSet up on-device encryptionFor added safety, you can encrypt passwords on your device before they're saved to your Google AccountAdd saved passwords to Google Password ManagerDownload a copy to use elsewherePassword Checkup{COUNT, plural, =0 {No saved passwords.} =1 {Checked passwords for {COUNT} site} other {Checked passwords for {COUNT} sites and apps}}{COUNT, plural, =0 {No compromised passwords} =1 {{COUNT} compromised password} other {{COUNT} compromised passwords}}If your passwords are compromised, we’ll let you know.You should change these now{COUNT, plural, =0 {Your passwords are unique} =1 {{COUNT} reused password} other {{COUNT} reused passwords}}You’re not reusing any passwordsCreate unique passwords{COUNT, plural, =0 {Your passwords look strong} =1 {{COUNT} weak password} other {{COUNT} weak passwords}}You’re using passwords that look hard to guessCreate strong passwordsPrinting ServicePrint Backend ServiceThe selected printer is not available or not installed correctly. Check your printer or try selecting another printer.PrintPrint preview dialogLoading previewPrint preview failed.The selected printer is not available or not installed correctly.
Check your printer or try selecting another printer.Printing…Saving…AllOdd pages onlyEven pages onlyDestinationBlack and whiteCollateColorPortraitTwo-sidedPrint on both sidesFlip on long edgeFlip on short edgePagesLayoutCopiesScalePages per sheete.g. 1-5, 8, 11-13Save as PDF{COUNT, plural, =1 {1 sheet of paper} other {{COUNT} sheets of paper}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {1 page} other {{COUNT} pages}}Invalid page range, use $1Out of bounds page reference, limit is $1Use a number to indicate how many copies to print (1 to $1).Scale amount must be a number between 10 and 200.Print Specific PagesOptionsHeaders and footersFit to printable areaFit to paperBackground graphicsSelection onlyPrint as imageMarginsMinimumTop marginBottom marginLeft marginRight marginPaper sizeQuality$1x$2 dpi$1 dpiSelect a destinationSearch destinationsNo destinations foundPrint DestinationsSee more…See more destinationsDocuments you send to print via $1 can be read by $1.More settingsPrinting failed. Please check your printer and try again.Advanced settings for $1No matches were found.ApplyAdvanced settingsSelectExtension printersBy selecting this printer, you are giving the following extension the permission to access your printer:$1 could not communicate with this printer. Make sure the printer is plugged in and try again.These settings are enforced by your administratorPrint using system dialog… $1Untitled DocumentPrint FailedSomething went wrong when trying to print. Please check your printer and try again.Go backNew background app added$1 will launch at system startup and continue to run in the background even once you've closed all other $2 windows.$1 has crashed. Click this balloon to restart the app.$1 has crashed. Click this balloon to reload the extension.No background apps runningPermission requested, press F6 to respondPermission request expired$1 wants to$1 wants to: $2$1 wants to: $2 and $3$1 wants to: $2, $3, and moreThis fileCustomizeDid you mean to go to $1?local or shared filetemporary dataCrashed.Search historyChrome historyTabs from other devicesTurn on syncContinue from another deviceTo get your tabs from your other devices, turn on syncDisableSearch clearedSearch results for '$1'1 result for '$1'$1 results for '$2'1 result$1 resultsNo search results foundThis dialog is not currently focused. Press Alt-Shift A to focus this dialog.Press |$1| to focus this bubble.Press |$1| to focus this bubble, then again to focus the element it is pointing to.A series of tutorial bubbles with instructions will be displayed. Press |$1| to focus a bubble, then again to focus the element it is pointing to.I&nspectGet image descriptions from Google?Yes, I'm in&Enable Live Caption&Disable Live Caption&Back&ForwardSave &as…&View page sourceOpen link with…Configure…Inspect &background pageOpen in ReaderRecognize P&DF text&ReloadSimulate browser restart&Reload app&Translate to $1Exit full screenReload &frame&View frame sourceOpen link in new &tabOpen link in new &windowOpen link in inco&gnito windowOpen link asOpen link as $1Open link in $1Open link in new $1 windowSave lin&k as…Copy link addr&essCopy &email addressCopy link te&xtCopy link to highlightAdd a noteRemove highlightSa&ve image as…C&opy image addressCop&y imageOpen &image in new tabOpen original &image in new tabLoad image&LoopShow all &controlsRotate &clockwiseRotate c&ounterclockwiseSa&ve video as…C&opy video address&Open video in new tabSa&ve audio as…C&opy audio address&Open audio in new tabPicture in picture&Undo&RedoPaste as plain text&Add to dictionaryAlwaysJust onceUse enhanced spell checkTurn on enhanced spell checkTurn onLoading suggestionNo more suggestions from Google&Search $1 for “$2”&Search $1 for imageSearch image with $1Search page with $1Search any part of the page with $1Search inside image with $1Search images with $1&Go to $1Suggest password…Open with $1ShareRun this pluginHide this pluginEnable Flash&Language settings&Spell check&All your languages&Use basic spell checkNew Incognito &tab&Show as tabEnter reader modeExit reader mode&Larger&Normal&SmallerCopy &URLMove tab to new windowQuick commandsSearch tabs…View s&ource&Inspect elements&JavaScript console&Inspect devicesT&ake screenshotR&estore all tabsR&eopen closed tabR&eopen closed windowReopen closed group&Restore window&Restore groupName &window…Chrome's Terms of Service are changing March 31Please review the new termshttps://www.google.com/chrome/privacy/eula_text.htmlManaged by your organizationTips for Chrome&Profiling enabled&Full screen&OptionsBeta forumGet H&elp&Manage search engines…&Manage search engines and site searchKeyword$1 (Default)Downloads barClose downloads barShow allDownload startedDownload errorInsufficient permissionsCannot save due to insufficient permissions. Please save to another location.Path too longThe file path or name is too long. Please save with a shorter name or to another location.Disk fullYour hard disk is full. Please save to another location or make more room on the hard disk.File too largeThe file is too large for your computer to handle. Sorry.System busyYour computer is doing too many things right now. Try again later.Virus detectedAnti-virus software detected a virus.Security settings on your computer blocked this file.File incompleteDestination file was incomplete due to a connection issue.Virus scan failedAnti-virus software failed unexpectedly while scanning this file.File truncatedDestination file was truncated or removed since last download.Already downloadedThe file already exists in your download folder.Network timeoutThe download was taking too long and was stopped by the network.Network disconnectedInternet disconnected. Please check your internet connection and try again.Server unavailableServer unavailable.Network errorUnknown network error.No fileThe server could not find the file.Server problemUnknown server error. Please try again, or contact the server administrator.$1 ($2)ShutdownThe browser was shut down before the download completed.CrashThe browser crashed before the download completed.Needs authorizationServer did not authorize you to access this resource.Bad certificateThere was a problem with server's certificate.ForbiddenAccess to this resource was forbidden by the server.Server unreachableThe server may be unreachable. Try again later.Open when doneStarting…$1, $2Opening in $1…Opening when completeOpening $1…In progressRemovedSending to $1Saved to $1Failed to save to $1 - $2Failed - $1UnconfirmedThis type of file can harm your computer. Do you want to keep $1 anyway?Extensions, apps, and themes can harm your computer. Are you sure you want to continue?$1 is not commonly downloaded and may be dangerous.$1 was blocked by Advanced Protection.Checking $1 with your organization's security policies…Checking with your organization's security policies.$1 is being scanned.$1 can't be downloaded securely$1 is too big for a security check. You can open files up to 50 MB.$1 is encrypted. Ask its owner to decrypt.Security checks are done$1 has sensitive content$1 has sensitive or dangerous content. Ask its owner to fix.This file is dangerous$1 may be dangerous. Send to Google Advanced Protection for scanning?$1 may be dangerous. Send to Google for scanning?This file is not commonly downloaded and may be dangerous.This file was blocked by Advanced Protection.This type of file may harm your computer.This file can't be downloaded securelyThis file is being scanned.This file could let attackers steal your personal information.This file has sensitive contentThis file has sensitive or dangerous content. Ask its owner to fix.This file is too big for a security check. You can open files up to 50 MB.This file is encrypted. Ask its owner to decrypt.Confirm downloadKeep dangerous file?Keep file?This file may be harmful for your computer.Even if you have downloaded files from this site before, the site may be temporarily unsafe (hacked). Try downloading this file later.Keep anywayKeepKeep dangerous fileDiscardOpen nowPauseSearch downloadsFiles you download appear hereOptions menuResumeRemove $1 from listShow in $1Deleted$1 - $2, $3$1 of $2Open downloads folderActionsDownloaded by $2Downloaded in IncognitoPress $1 to undoRemoved '$1' from listCleared allDownloading $1, $2Downloading, $1% remainingDownloading, $1Download unsuccessful: $1Download cancelled: $1Download complete: $1. Press Shift+F6 to cycle to the downloads bar area.$1 may be dangerous. Send to Google Advanced Protection for scanning? Press Shift+F6 to cycle to the downloads bar area.$1 may be dangerous. Send to Google for scanning? Press Shift+F6 to cycle to the downloads bar area.$1 can't be downloaded securely. Press Shift+F6 to cycle to the downloads bar area.&Show in folderOpen when &done&Open&Always open files of this typeOpen with system viewerAlways open with system viewer&Cancel&Pause&Resume&Discard&Keep&Learn more&More informationAlways open in Adobe ReaderScan file{NUM_DOWNLOAD, plural, =1 {Download is in progress} other {Downloads are in progress}}Continue downloadingExit Incognito mode anyway?Exit guest mode anyway?ExitRecent DownloadsShow all downloads$1 • $2↓ $1Resuming…Done, no issues foundMalwareI understand this download will harm my computerContinue downloadScanOpen NowOut of storage spaceFree up space on your device. Then, try to download againFile name or location is too longTry using a shorter file name or saving to a different folderNeeds permission to downloadFile is too big for this deviceThis file is too big for your device to manage. Try to download it on another deviceCouldn’t finish downloadBlocked by your organizationYour organization blocked this file because it didn't meet a security policySomething went wrongCheck internet connectionSite wasn’t availableFile wasn’t available on siteTry to sign in to the site. Then, download againInsecure downloadThis file may have been read or edited because this site isn't using a secure connectionDangerousEncryptedToo bigBlocked by Advanced ProtectionThis file is not commonly downloaded and has been blocked by Advanced ProtectionUncommon fileThis file is not commonly downloaded and may be dangerousUnknown sourceSensitive contentYour organization recommends deleting this file because it has sensitive contentYour organization blocked this file because it has sensitive or dangerous content. Ask its owner to fix.Your organization blocked this file because it is encrypted. Ask its owner to decrypt.Your organization blocked this file because it is too big for a security check. You can open files up to 50 MB.Scan before openingScanning…Checking with your organization's security policies…Anyone using this device can see downloaded filesThis file contains malware that can compromise your personal or social network accountsThis file contains malware that can compromise your personal or social network accounts, including $1Install $1Create shortcut?Install app?Shortcut nameOpen as tabOpen as tabbed windowReview name updateReview icon updateReview name & icon updatesIf this web app is trying to trick you into thinking it's a different app, uninstall it.Current iconNew iconUninstall appThis app was added by your organization. Restart the app to finish installing it.RestartNot nowInstall $1…Uninstall $1…View in storeDeveloper websiteManage supported linksOverviewRemove…LicensesSize:Version:Create shortcuts…How would you like this application to launch?Calculating…< 1 MBRevoke the permission '$1'This app requires no special permissions.This extension requires no special permissions.{NUM_FILES, plural, =1 {Access a file stored on your computer} other {Access # files stored on your computer}}{NUM_DEVICES, plural, =1 {Communicate with a USB device} other {Communicate with # USB devices}}Create application shortcutsAdd shortcuts to the following places:DesktopApplications menuStart menuPin to TaskbarDevice CredentialsEnter Bluetooth Passkey for device $1Pair ConfirmationBluetooth device $1 would like permission to pair.Confirm passkeyPlease confirm that $1 is the passkey displayed on Bluetooth device $2.• $1Continue blocking automatic downloads of multiple filesAlways allow $1 to download multiple filesThis site downloaded multiple files automaticallyThis site attempted to download multiple files automaticallyDownload blockedContinue allowing automatic downloads of multiple filesAlways block multiple automatic downloads on $1Cookies blockedCookies setThis page was prevented from setting cookies.This page set cookies.Show cookies and other site data…Images blockedImages were blocked on this page.Always allow $1 to set cookiesAlways allow $1 to show imagesContinue blocking cookiesContinue allowing cookiesAlways block cookies on $1Continue blocking imagesPop-ups were blocked on this page.Pop-ups blocked:Always allow pop-ups and redirects from $1Continue blockingAlways allow $1 to access your camera and microphoneAlways allow $1 to access your microphoneAlways allow $1 to access your cameraAsk if $1 wants to access your camera and microphoneAsk if $1 wants to access your microphoneAsk if $1 wants to access your cameraAlways block camera and microphone accessAlways block microphone accessAlways block camera accessContinue blocking camera and microphone accessContinue blocking microphone accessContinue blocking camera accessContinue allowing $1 to access your camera and microphoneContinue allowing $1 to use and move your camera, and use your microphoneContinue allowing $1 to access your microphoneContinue allowing $1 to access your cameraContinue allowing $1 to use and move your cameraPop-up blockedJavaScript blockedJavaScript was blocked on this page.Always allow JavaScript on $1Continue blocking JavaScriptSound was muted on this pageAlways allow sound on $1Continue muting soundNotifications are automatically blocked for all sites except ones you allowAllow for this siteGot it. By default, new sites that you visit won't send you notifications.You usually block notifications. To let this site notify you, click here.Most people block notifications from this siteThis site may be trying to trick you into allowing intrusive notificationsNotifications from this site may be disruptiveNotifications were automatically blocked because you usually don't allow themLocation blockedThis site was blocked from knowing your precise location because you usually don't allow this{COUNT, plural, =0 {No third-party cookies} =1 {1 third-party cookie is blocked} other {# third-party cookies are blocked}}{COUNT, plural, =0 {No cookies} =1 {1 cookie is blocked} other {# cookies are blocked}}Third-party cookies are allowed on this siteBlock cookiesAllow cookiesSite not working?Some sites use third-party cookies to load their pages. If a site isn't working, you can try allowing cookies.Sites can't use cookies that track you across the webThird-party cookie blockingCookies are files created by websites. There are two types of cookies: First-party cookies are created by the site you visit. The site is shown on the address bar. Third-party cookies are created by other sites. These sites own some of the content, like ads or images, that you see on the website you visit.SubjectIssuerProviderSerialBase64-encoded ASCII, single certificateBase64-encoded ASCII, certificate chainDER-encoded binary, single certificatePKCS #7, single certificatePKCS #7, certificate chainCertificate Viewer: $1&General&DetailsSSL Client CertificateSSL Server CertificateCode SignerSSL Certification AuthorityCertificate HierarchyCertificate FieldsField ValueCertificateVersion $1Serial NumberCertificate Signature AlgorithmValidityNot BeforeNot AfterSubject Public Key InfoSubject Public Key AlgorithmSubject's Public KeyModulus ($1 bits): $2 Public Exponent ($3 bits): $4Certificate Signature ValueE&xport…Export selected certificateCNSTOOUdnQualifierCserialNumberLDCMAILUIDemailAddressbusinessCategoryjurisdictionLocalityNamejurisdictionStateOrProvinceNamejurisdictionCountryNameSTREETpostalCodePKCS #1 RSA EncryptionPKCS #1 MD2 With RSA EncryptionPKCS #1 MD4 With RSA EncryptionPKCS #1 MD5 With RSA EncryptionPKCS #1 SHA-1 With RSA EncryptionPKCS #1 SHA-256 With RSA EncryptionPKCS #1 SHA-384 With RSA EncryptionPKCS #1 SHA-512 With RSA EncryptionX9.62 ECDSA Signature with SHA-1X9.62 ECDSA Signature with SHA-256X9.62 ECDSA Signature with SHA-384X9.62 ECDSA Signature with SHA-512Elliptic Curve Public KeySECG elliptic curve secp256r1 (aka ANSI X9.62 prime256v1, NIST P-256)SECG elliptic curve secp384r1 (aka NIST P-384)SECG elliptic curve secp521r1 (aka NIST P-521)Netscape Certificate TypeEmail CertificateEmail Certification AuthorityNetscape Certificate Base URLNetscape Certificate Revocation URLNetscape Certification Authority Revocation URLNetscape Certificate Renewal URLNetscape Certification Authority Policy URLNetscape Certificate SSL Server NameNetscape Certificate CommentNetscape Lost Password URLNetscape Certificate Renewal TimeCertificate Subject Directory AttributesCertificate Subject Key IDKey ID: $1Issuer: $1Serial Number: $1Certificate Key UsageCertificate Issuer Alternative NameCertificate Basic ConstraintsCertificate Name ConstraintsCRL Distribution PointsCertificate PoliciesCertificate Policy MappingsCertificate Policy ConstraintsCertification Authority Key IDExtended Key UsageAuthority Information AccessSigningNon-repudiationKey EnciphermentData EnciphermentKey AgreementCertificate SignerCRL SignerEncipher OnlyDecipher OnlyIs a Certification AuthorityIs not a Certification AuthorityMaximum number of intermediate CAs: $1unlimitedCertification Practice Statement PointerUser NoticeUnusedKey CompromiseCA CompromiseAffiliation ChangedSupersededCessation of OperationCertificate on HoldOCSP Responder: $1CA Issuers: $1$1:Email AddressDNS NameX.400 AddressX.500 NameEDI Party NameURIIP AddressRegistered OIDMicrosoft Certificate Template NameMicrosoft CA VersionMicrosoft Principal NameMicrosoft Domain GUIDAnyTLS WWW Server AuthenticationTLS WWW Client AuthenticationCode SigningEmail ProtectionTime StampingSigning OCSP ResponsesMicrosoft Individual Code SigningMicrosoft Commercial Code SigningMicrosoft Trust List SigningMicrosoft Time StampingMicrosoft Server Gated CryptographyMicrosoft Encrypting File SystemMicrosoft File RecoveryMicrosoft Windows Hardware Driver VerificationMicrosoft Qualified SubordinationMicrosoft Key RecoveryMicrosoft Document SigningMicrosoft Lifetime SigningMicrosoft Smart Card LogonMicrosoft Key Recovery AgentNetscape International Step-UpCriticalNot CriticalError: Unable to decode certificateError: Unable to decode extensionCertificate managerhardware-backed$1 (extension provided)"$1" started debugging this browserDevTools requests full access to $1. Make sure you do not expose any sensitive information.DenySharing this tab to $1Sharing a tab to $1Sharing $1 to $2Share this tab insteadStop sharingView tab: $1Switch to capturing tabSwitch to captured tabEnd processProcess IDGDI handlesUSER handlesTaskNaCl debug portNetworkCPUStart TimeCPU TimeMemory footprintSwapped memoryProfileIdle wake upsHard faultsFile descriptorsProcess priorityImage cacheScript cacheCSS cacheGPU memorySQLite memoryJavaScript memoryKeepalive count$1K$1K ($2K live)–LowNormal$1 ($2 peak)BrowserExtension: $1Incognito Extension: $1App: $1Incognito App: $1Tab: $1Incognito Tab: $1Background App: $1Background Page: $1Back/Forward Cached Page: $1Incognito Back/Forward Cached Page: $1Plugin: $1Plugin Broker: $1Prerender: $1Spare RendererRendererDedicated Worker: $1Shared Worker: $1Service Worker: $1Unknown pluginUtility: $1Native Client module: $1Native Client security managerGPU ProcessPrint: $1Subframe: $1Incognito Subframe: $1Back/Forward Cached Subframe: $1Incognito Back/Forward Cached Subframe: $1Portal: $1Incognito Portal: $1Fenced Frame: $1Incognito Fenced Frame: $1Tool: $1Service: $1Receiver: $1System: $1Linux Virtual Machine: $1Parallels Desktop: $1Chrome File UtilitiesProfile ImporterQR Code GeneratorWiFi Credentials GetterChromeOS System Image WriterMedia File CheckerNo-op ServiceChrome Document AnalysisInstalled theme "$1"Restart nowTo re-enable it, accept the new permissions:Google has flagged "$1" as malicious and installation has been prevented$1 was added remotely$1 is disabledReload page to use this extensionReload the page to use "$1"Reload the page to use these extensionsReload the page to apply your changesUninstall app?Data associated with this app will be removed from this device.Confirm RemovalConfirm PermissionsAdd "$1" for $2?Add "$1"?Remove "$1"?Send a request to your administrator to install "$1"?You already requested "$1"Your admin has blocked "$1" - App ID $2"$1" would like to remove "$2".The newest version of "$1" has been disabled because it requires more permissions."$1" has requested additional permissions.Current Permissions for "$1"Enable "$1"?Repair "$1"?Another program on your computer added an app that may change the way Chrome works. $1Another program on your computer added an extension that may change the way Chrome works. $1Another program on your computer added a theme that may change the way Chrome works. $1Enable extensionEnable appEnable themeRemove from Chrome{NUM_EXTENSIONS, plural, =1 {This extension is blocked} other {These extensions are blocked}}{NUM_APPS, plural, =1 {This app is blocked} other {Some apps are blocked}}Some items are blocked{NUM_EXTENSIONS, plural, =1 {This extension is not allowed} other {Some extensions are not allowed}}The following extensions were blocked by your administrator:"$1"The extension "$1" was blocked by your administratorOK$1 wants to communicate with the app "$2"$1 wants to communicate with the extension "$2"It can:It can now:It could:Has no special permissions.Manually control site permissions.From your administrator: $1• $1($1){1, plural, =1 {Rated {0, number,0.0} by one user.} other{Rated {0, number,0.0} by # users.}}Not yet rated by any users.$1 usersOpen in Web Store{NUM_FILES, plural, =1 {It has permanent access to one file.} other {It has permanent access to # files.}}Read and change all your data on your computer and all websitesRead and change all your data on all websitesRead all your data on all websitesUse your microphoneUse your cameraUse your microphone and cameraAccess information about Bluetooth devices paired with your system and discover nearby Bluetooth devices.Send messages to and receive messages from Bluetooth devices.Control Bluetooth adapter state and pairingAccess your Bluetooth and Serial devicesRead and change your bookmarksRead data you copy and pasteRead and modify data you copy and pasteModify data you copy and pasteAccess the page debugger backendBlock parts of web pagesBlock content on any pageAccess document scanners attached via USB or on the local networkRead the manufacturer and model of this computerRead the icons of the websites you visitDetect your physical locationRead your browsing historyRead your browsing history on all your signed-in devicesRead and change your browsing historyRead and change your browsing history on all your signed-in devicesChange your home page to: $1Read and change your data on $1Read your data on $1Read and change your data on $1 and $2Read your data on $1 and $2Read and change your data on $1, $2, and $3Read your data on $1, $2, and $3Read and change your data on a number of websitesRead your data on a number of websitesall $1 sitesAll $1 sitesRead and change anything you typeLaunch and exit managed guest sessionsDisplay UI on the login screenStore persistent data on the login screen and inject credentials into the session.Manage your apps, extensions, and themesDiscover devices on your local network, like printersAccess list of network connectionsManage network connectionsAccess your printersSee your printing historyChange your search settings to: $1Access your serial devicesExchange data with any device on the local network or internetExchange data with any device in the domain $1Exchange data with any device in the domains: $1Exchange data with the device named $1Exchange data with the devices named: $1Access your microphone and analyze your speechChange your start page to: $1Identify and eject storage devicesView and manage your tab groupsRead a list of your most frequently visited websitesRead all text spoken using synthesized speechAccess your Universal 2nd Factor devicesDisplay notificationsAccess any $1 via USBAccess any of these USB devicesunknown devices from $1devices from an unknown vendorAccess USB devices from $1Access USB devices from an unknown vendorAccess your network trafficChange your settings that control websites' access to features such as cookies, JavaScript, plugins, geolocation, microphone, camera, etc.Change your privacy-related settingsManage your downloadsOpen downloaded filesKnow your email addressChange your wallpaperRead folders that you open in the applicationWrite to files and folders that you open in the applicationAccess photos, music, and other media from your computerRead and change photos, music, and other media from your computerRead and delete photos, music, and other media from your computerRead, change and delete photos, music, and other media from your computerStore data in your Google Drive accountCommunicate with cooperating native applicationsLock and unlock the screenMonitor the behavior of other extensions, including visited URLsCapture content of your screenChange your accessibility settingsRead your accessibility settingsRead and change your accessibility settingsUse your client certificatesProvide certificates for authenticationRead and change user and device settingsRead and change autofill settingsRead and change saved password settingsRead and change allowlisted usersReplace the page you see when opening a new tabRun in the background when requested by a cooperating native applicationSee device information, such as its serial number or asset IDSee network information, such as your IP or MAC addressPerform security-related tasks for your organization, such as managing certificates and keys stored on the deviceRead information about your browser, OS, device, installed software, registry values and filesRead information about your browser, OS, and deviceAdd remote apps to the ChromeOS launcherRun ChromeOS diagnostic tests.Read ChromeOS device information and device data.Read ChromeOS device and component serial numbers.Read ChromeOS network information.Attempted to downgrade extension.Attempted to downgrade app.Could not move extension directory into profile.Installation is not enabledApps must be served with content-type "$1"Apps must be served from the host they affectExpected ID "$1", but ID was "$2"Apps, extensions, and user scripts cannot be added from this websiteExpected version "$1", but version was "$2"Extension requires "$1" with a minimum version "$2", but only version "$3" is installedUnable to import extension "$1" because it is not a shared moduleUnable to install "$1" because it is not allowed by "$2"This can only be added from the $1App with 'kiosk_only' manifest attribute must be installed in ChromeOS kiosk modeCould not add application "$1" because it conflicts with "$2".Could not load '$1' for theme.This icon will be visible when the extension can act on the current page.This icon will be visible when the extension can act on the current page. Use this extension by clicking on the icon or by pressing $1.Use this extension by clicking on this icon.Use this extension by clicking on this icon or by pressing $1.To use this extension, type "$1", then TAB, then your command or search.Manage your extensions by clicking Extensions in the Tools menu.Manage shortcutsTo get your extensions on all your computers, turn on syncConfirm AccessThe folder you selected contains sensitive files. Are you sure you want to grant "$1" permanent read access to this folder?The folder you selected contains sensitive files. Are you sure you want to grant "$1" permanent write access to this folder?Connection DialogAddressPortError Loading ExtensionAllow $1?Click to allow "$1" on $2:Click to allow on $1:Always allow "$1" to run on $2?Always allow these extensions to run on $1?Always allowAllowed to read & changeNot allowed to read & changeRequested to read & changeAll extensions can read & change $1You blocked all extensions from $1This extension can read & change $1Click this extension's icon to read & change $1Pinned by your administratorCan't read or change site's dataThis can read and change site dataYou previously chose to allow all extensions on $1You previously chose to not allow any extensions on $1Always on $1Manage site permissionsWhen you click the extensionOn $1Learn more about site accessInstalled by your administratorPinUnpinManage extensionManage extensionsInspect popupApps and extensions can only be modified by the manager ($1).Select the extension directory.Activate the extensionSelect the root directory of the extension to pack. To update an extension, also select the private key file to reuse.Select private key file.Private keyExtension root directory is required.Extension root directory is invalid.Private key file is invalid.Created the following files: Extension: $1 Key File: $2 Keep your key file in a safe place. You will need it to create new versions of your extension.Created the extension: $1Continue to installProceed with cautionThis extension is not trusted by Enhanced Safe Browsing.Add extensionAdd appAdd themeAsk a parentCan't add $1Can't enable $1Go get a parent to approve "$1"extensionapp$1 wants to install an $2 that can:ApproveChoose parent account for approvalParent accountEnter passwordPassword incorrectReport abuseReport abuse from "$1""$1" would like to remove this extension.Re-enableAccept permissionsRevoke file accessRevoke device accessRevoke file and device accessRepair extensionRepair appShow DetailsHide DetailsAccess denied.Extension errorNew extension added ($1)New app added ($1)New theme added ($1)"$1" addedAnother program on your computer added an app that may change the way Chrome works.Another program on your computer added an extension that may change the way Chrome works.Another program on your computer added a theme that may change the way Chrome works.Unsupported extensions disabledand $1 moreOK, got itThis extension is not listed in the $1 and may have been added without your knowledge.Disable developer mode extensionsExtensions running in developer mode can harm your computer. If you're not a developer, you should disable these extensions running in developer mode to stay safe.Change it backKeep itDid you mean to change this page?Change back to Google?This page was changed by the "$1" extensionDid you mean to change your search provider?Change back to Google Search?Change back to $1?The "$2" extension changed search to use $1Old versions of Chrome Apps won't open on Windows devices after December 2022. Contact your administrator to update to a new version or remove this app.$1 apps are no longer supported"$1" is no longer supportedOld versions of Chrome apps won't open on Windows devices after December 2022. You can check if there's a new version available.Learn more about unsupported Chrome apps{NUM_APPS, plural, =1 {Remove 1 unsupported app} other {Remove # unsupported apps}}{NUM_APPS, plural, =1 {Remove app} other {Remove apps}}Open anywayPin extensionUnpin extensionFull accessThese extensions can see and change information on this site.Access requestedTo give an extension access to this site, click it.No access neededThese extensions don't need to see and change information on this site.Allowed to read and change $1Requesting to read and change $1To allow an extension, change your default setting below.No extensions have requested to read and change $1No extensions are allowed to read and change $1Choose your default settingDon't allow any extensions to read and change $1Customize permissions for each extensionInstalledDiscover more extensionsIs this the home page you were expecting?Is this the startup page you were expecting?Is this the search page you were expecting?Is this the new tab page you were expecting?Your Internet connection is being controlledThis extension has changed what page is shown when you search from the Omnibox.The extension "$1" has changed what page is shown when you search from the Omnibox.This extension has changed what page is shown when you click the Home button.The extension "$1" has changed what page is shown when you click the Home button. It also controls what page is shown when you search from the Omnibox. It also controls what page is shown when you click the Home button. It also controls what page is shown when you click the Home button or search from the Omnibox. Print request"$1" wants to print $2 with $3.An extension has changed what page is shown when you open a new tab.The extension "$1" has taken control of your proxy settings, which means it can change, break, or eavesdrop on anything you do online. If you aren't sure why this change happened, you probably don't want it.This extension has taken control of your proxy settings, which means it can change, break, or eavesdrop on anything you do online. If you aren't sure why this change happened, you probably don't want it. If you didn't want these changes, you can restore your previous settings.Restore settingsKeep changesFrom the appCustomize and control $1Hide title barShow title barTitle bar is now hiddenTitle bar is now showingApp SettingsGo to settingsComponentsNo components installed.No components are installedCheck for updateStatusChecking for status…NewCheckingDownloading diffDownloadingDownloadedUpdating diffUpdatingUpdatedUp-to-dateUpdate errorUpdater startedUpdater sleepingUpdate foundUpdate readyComponent updatedComponent already up to dateComponent downloadingComponent updatingSign in asPassword savedWeak password enteredUse strong passwordSaved passwordSave password?Save username?Update password?Sign in to save passwordsSign in to use passwordsSign back in to Google Password ManagerSave password for $1?Update password for $1?Save it in your Google Account, $1Update it in your Google Account, $1Passwords are saved in your Google Account so you can use them on any deviceGoogle Password ManagerYou can use saved passwords on any device. They're saved to $1 for $2.Passwords are saved to $1 on this device.You can view and manage saved passwords in $1.You won't need to remember this password. It will be saved to $1 for $2.Passwords are saved to $1.You can view and manage saved passwords in Google Password ManagerTo Google Password Manager for $1In Google Password Manager for $1Manage passwordsSave your passwords?Store once. Use everywhereNever worry about your passwordsSave passwords securely in your Google Account, and you'll never have to type them againAccess your passwords whenever you're signed in to your Google AccountTo save passwords to your Google Account, sign in and turn on sync.To save passwords to your Google Account, turn on sync.WebRTC logsWebRTC text logs ($1)WebRTC event logs ($1)WebRTC log captured $1Local file:No local log file.Uploaded $1Upload failed ($1).Report ID $1File bugLog upload pending.Log upload underway.Log not uploaded.Local log ID: $1.You have no recently captured WebRTC text logs.You have no recently captured WebRTC event logs.Right-click to run $1$1 is blocked by enterprise policy$1 needs your permission to run$1 disabled.$1 is no longer supportedRestore pages?usage statisticsFree up space to continueSome features on $1 might not work until you clear data that other sites have stored on your deviceChoose sites to clearExperimental (alpha-quality) browser! Some features missing or incomplete. Report issues with: Help > "Report an issue...".The standard browser can be found by typing "Chrome" into Launcher.For more information, contact your administrator.Learn MoreYou are using an unsupported command-line flag: $1. Stability and security will suffer.You are using an unsupported feature flag: $1. Stability and security will suffer.You are using an unsupported environment variable: $1. Stability and security will suffer.Insecure content blockedThis page is trying to load scripts from unauthenticated sources.Load unsafe scriptsAdd this site to your shelf to use it any timeAbout SystemSystem diagnostic dataDetails: $1Expand all…Collapse all…Expand…Collapse…Unable to parse file: $1Legacy Browser SupportOpening in alternative browser nowOpening in $1 nowThe alternative browser could not be opened$1 could not be openedOpening in alternative browser in $1 secondsOpening in $2 in $1 seconds$1 could not be open in an alternative browser. Please contact your system administrator.$1 could not be open in $2. Please contact your system administrator.Only http, https and file protocols are supported for browser redirects.Legacy Browser Support (LBS) allows specific URLs patterns to be opened in an alternative browser that supports legacy features required to properly run those sites.Legacy Browser Support (LBS) - InternalsNothing to showLBS is currently disabled. You can enable LBS by setting the {BrowserSwitcherEnabled} policy.URL CheckerEnter a URL to see what LBS would do with it.Opens in: $1Reason: LBS only supports http://, https://, and file:// URLs.Reason: $1 was found in the "$2" list.Reason: The inverted rule $1 was found in the "Force open in" list.Reason: LBS stays in $1 by default.Invalid URL. Make sure it is formatted properly.XML configuration sourceXML files that are being used to set the policies.Source policy(not configured)XML sitelists have not been fetched yet.Download nowXML sitelists were last downloaded at $1.Next download is at $1.Force open inThe list of websites that redirect to alternative browser.This list is affected by {BrowserSwitcherUrlList} , {BrowserSwitcherExternalSitelistUrl} and {BrowserSwitcherUseIeSitelist}URLs matching these rules will be forced to open in a specific browser.RuleOpens inIgnoreThe list of websites that can open in either browser.This list is affected by {BrowserSwitcherExternalGreylistUrl} and {BrowserSwitcherUrlGreylist}URLs matching these rules won't trigger a browser switch and can be open in either $1 or $2.This page uses a Native Client app that doesn't work on your computer.An error occurred while checking for updates: $1Update check failed to start (error code $1).The updater is currently running. Refresh in a minute to check again.$1 (error code $2).Pa&ste and go to $1Pa&ste and search for “$1”Pa&ste and goPress $1 to search $2Press $1 to send commands to $2Search $1Send commands to $1Search $1:Why this suggestion?Remove suggestion?This page will also be removed from your history and $1 activity.Always show full URLsSearch Google or type URLSearch Google*.jpeg, *.jpg, *.pngShortcut already existsRefresh dailyBackgroundCustom backgrounds have been turned off by your administratorShortcutsCardsColor and themeClassic ChromeUpload from deviceHide shortcutsDon't show shortcuts on this pageMy shortcutsMost visited sitesShortcuts are suggested based on websites you visit oftenShortcuts are curated by youHide all cardsCustomize cardsCurrent theme you have installedCustom colorTheme is set by your OrganizationYour administrator has set a default theme which cannot be changed.Default colorWarm greyCool greyMidnight blueBeige and whiteYellow and whiteGreen and whiteLight teal and whiteLight purple and whitePink and whiteBeigeOrangeLight greenLight tealLight bluePinkDark pink and redDark red and orangeDark greenDark tealDark blueDark purpleYou won't see this specific message againAbout this card$1 hiddenYou won't see $1 again on this pageHide $1Don't show $1Viewed todayViewed yesterdayViewed in the past weekViewed in the past monthViewed previouslyShopping suggestionsshopping suggestionsYou’re seeing suggested recipes based on your recent Search activity for recipes.

You can manage settings from the card menu or see more options in Customize Chrome.You’re seeing recipes based on your recent Search activity for recipes.

You can manage settings from the card menu or see more options in Customize Chrome.Recipe ideasrecipe ideasthese recipe ideasRecently viewed recipesrecently viewed recipesthese recently viewed recipesYour cartsIn your shopping cartcartsthese cartsyour cartsYou’re seeing carts that help you easily get back to items you left in shopping carts across the web.

You can manage settings from the card menu or see more options in Customize Chrome.$1 item$1 itemsGoogle Drive filesDrive filesFilesthese filesthis moduleSuper Duper ModuleEven Better ModuleFrom your Google DriveYou’re seeing suggested files to help you easily get back to your most recent activity in Google Drive.

You can manage settings from the card menu or see more options in Customize Chrome.From your Google PhotosGoogle Photos memoriesyour memories for todayMemories hidden for todayMemories hidden for two daysmemoriesmemories from Google PhotosYou’re seeing photo and video highlights from your Google Photos library. You can control what shows up in your highlights at photos.google.com/settings.

You can manage settings for this card from the card menu or see more options in Customize Chrome.Explore more of your memories in Google PhotosSee your memories hereSee "$1" and other memories hereSee "Recent Highlights" and other memories hereSee memories of your favorite people and moreSee memories of your recent trips and moreStart exploring your memories from Google Photos, whenever you’re signed in.See memoriesAsk me later2 years agoYour tripTop picks for youYou're seeing this item based on your previous activity using Google services. You can see your data, delete it, and change your settings at myactivity.google.com.

Learn about the data Google collects and why at policies.google.com.Related to your searchRecommendedFind what you added to shopping carts and check out when you're readyCarts hidden. They'll reappear when you make changes.$1 hidden. You'll see it again when you revisit your cart.Never show $1You won't see $1 again$1 offUp to $1 offLet Google find personalized discounts on your carts?Get discountsIf Google finds a discount, you will see it on this pageDiscounts are off. You can turn them on in the customize menuLet Chrome find personalized discounts on your carts?Let Google use your cart to find available discounts?Get discounts for $1Get discounts for $1 and $2Get discounts for $1, $2 and moreGet discounts?Your page, your wayPick cards that keep you updated on things that matter to youSee all card options in Customize ChromeDon't showYou won't see cards on this page againFollowingWeb browsing should be fast. Take a moment to check your extensions now.Safety matters. Take a moment and check your extensions nowGot extensions? Manage your extensions in one easy place.Add to reading listMark as read{NUM_BOOKMARKS, plural, =1 {1 bookmark} other {# bookmarks}}UNREADPAGES YOU'VE READMark as unreadTo add a page to read later, click the buttonYou'll find your reading list hereTo save a page for later, click the Bookmark iconAdd current tabCan't add current tabMark current tab as readRemove current tabSide PanelSide Panel Resize HandleSide Panel SelectorCustomize ChromeRead anythingText formattingFontDecrease font-sizeIncrease font-sizeLine heightLetter spacingTightLooseVery looseNotesAdd note…FeedEnable featured experimentsToggle left aligned side panelSelect experiment state for $1Send feedback for $1Reload this pageReload this page, hold to see more optionsStop loading this pageExtension permissionsShow side panelHide side panelSearch by imageSearch any image with Google LensDrag an image here orupload a fileorPaste image linkDrop an image hereUploading…No network connectionplease check your internet connection and try againSave cardSaving cardCan't save card right nowSave payment methodTranslate this pageZoom: $1This page was zoomed by the "$1" extensionFindSearch tabsTo open this link, choose an appOpen withRemember this choiceStay in ChromeFrom $1Open in appSelect an app on your device to open this linkOpen websites in apps installed on your device$1 (Incognito)$1 (Guest)$1 (Update is available)Saved Tab GroupsBookmark buttonBookmark folder buttonSaved Tab Group buttonExperimentsLeft aligned side panelEnterprise policy changed. Experiments button added to toolbar. Click the button to open a dialog to enable experiments.Enterprise policy changed. Experiments button removed from toolbar.Select experiment state for the $1 experiment.Select experiment state for the $1 experiment. Experiment description: $2SeparatorClose $1Reset to default zoom levelScroll towards the first tabScroll towards the last tabMute tabSite Access OptionScroll backwardScroll forwardClipboard read access allowedClipboard read access deniedThis site can see text and images copied to the clipboard.Always block $1 from seeing the clipboardContinue allowing this site to see the clipboardThis site has been blocked from seeing text and images copied to the clipboardAlways allow $1 to see the clipboardContinue blocking this site from seeing the clipboardBookmark this page to easily find it laterYou can click the star to bookmark a tabGet back here fast by bookmarking this tabChrome tipNew! Control your music, videos, and more.You can browse privately using an Incognito windowUse the web without saving your browsing history with an Incognito windowUsing a shared computer? Try opening an Incognito window.To browse privately, click the dots icon menu to open an Incognito windowOpen a new tab with one clickYou can click here to open a new tabOpen a new tab to browse two sites at onceWhen you're ready, find your reading list hereTo add this page to your reading list, click the Bookmark iconReopen a tab if you accidentally closed itTo get back here quickly, install $1 by clicking the install buttonYour connection is always secure unless Chrome tells you otherwise$1 can reopen accidentally closed tabsYour reading list has moved to the new side panel. Try it here.Organize your tabs with tab groupsUnnamed group - $1Click the speaker icon to mute this tabTo create a highlight like this one, select any text and right-click.Energy Saver turned onThis extends battery power by limiting background activity and visual effects like smooth scrollingWhile this tab was inactive, Memory Saver freed up memory for other tasks. You can change this anytime in settings.Memory Saver frees up memory from inactive tabs so it can be used by active tabs and other appsRight-click on a tab and select "Add tab to new group"Right-click on a tab and select "Add tab to group" and then select "New group"Name your group, choose a color, then press EscTry dragging other open tabs to your groupClick the group name to expand or collapse itNicely Done!Try using tab groups to organize tasks, for online shopping, and moreThe following plugin is unresponsive: $1 Would you like to stop it?{NUM_PAGES, plural, =1 {Page Unresponsive} other {Pages Unresponsive}}{NUM_PAGES, plural, =1 {You can wait for it to become responsive or exit the page.} other {You can wait for them to become responsive or exit the pages.}}$1, in $2.Wait{NUM_PAGES, plural, =1 {Exit page} other {Exit pages}}$1 isn't respondingStop pluginAuto sign-inAutomatically sign in to websites using stored credentials. When the feature is disabled, you will be asked for confirmation every time before signing in to a website.with $1Show original content?To save memory, Chrome removed some contentAlso turn on Enhanced Safe Browsing for this Chrome profile?Turn on enhanced security?Turn off enhanced security?You turned off Enhanced Safe Browsing in your account.Password updated{COUNT, plural, =1 {Successfully changed the compromised password. You have # more compromised password. Google Password Manager recommends checking this password now.} other {Successfully changed the compromised password. You have # more compromised passwords. Google Password Manager recommends checking these passwords now.}}Successfully changed the compromised password. Check your passwords anytime in $1.Check remaining passwordsUpdate passwordSelect where to save your passwordSave in your Google AccountSave only on this deviceChoose where to saveThis password will be saved on this deviceYou can save this password in your Google Account or only on this deviceSave your passwordManage your passwordsMove your passwordProtect your passwordsImport Passwords To ChromeExport Passwords From ChromeSave passwords?Google Password Manager couldn't save these passwords in your Google Account. You can save them to this device.Save to deviceMicrosoft Internet ExplorerMicrosoft EdgeMozilla FirefoxIceweaselSafariBookmarks HTML FileClose FirefoxTo finish importing, close all Firefox windows.Describe what you were doing when the tab crashedDescribe the issue in detailDo not include email addressInclude this screenshot and titles of open tabsScreenshot of programs that are currently on the screenSend performance trace dataAttach Bluetooth Logs (Google internal)This information helps us better understand your Assistant issue. It's stored for up to 90 days and access is restricted to appropriate engineering and feedback teams.To better diagnose Bluetooth issues, Googlers can include additional Bluetooth logs with their feedback reports. When this option is checked, your report will include btsnoop and HCI logs from your current session, sanitized to remove as much PII as possible. Access to these logs will be restricted to managers of the ChromeOS product group in Listnr. Logs will be purged after 90 days.Feedback ReportThank you for your feedback. You are offline now, and your report will be sent later.Send system informationInclude recent Assistant history via Sherlog. This may include your identity, location, and debug info. Learn moreFile will be sent to Google for debuggingAttach fileSelected file is too big (max size: 3mb).Go to the Legal Help page to request content changes for legal reasons. Some account and system information may be sent to Google. We will use the information you give us to help address technical issues and to improve our services, subject to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.Please describe the problem before sending feedback.System Information PreviewAdditional info (optional)The selected data has been removed from Chrome and synced devices. Your Google Account may have other forms of browsing history like searches and activity from other Google services at myactivity.google.com.Cleared Chrome dataOk, got itWe were not able to delete all passwords stored in your Google Account. Try again or visit passwords.google.com.Some passwords were not deletedMicrophone:Camera:None available(Chrome error pages)Update failed (error: $1)Error details:Updates are disabled by your administrator.Automatic updates are enabled. Manual updates are disabled by your administrator.Report an issueRemove harmful software?To finish removing harmful software, restart your computerRestart computerReport details to GoogleRestore default search engine?Restore default startup page?Restore default homepage?Your search engine was changed to $1.Your startup page was changed to $1.Your startup pages were changed to include $1.Your homepage was changed to $1.Turn on autoupdatePlayPlay from the beginningBack to tabSkip AdMute microphoneUnmute microphoneTurn on cameraTurn off cameraHang upResizeToggle video to play or pauseNext trackPrevious trackWaiting for available socket…Processing request…Waiting for cache…Waiting for proxy tunnel…Resolving proxy…Resolving host in proxy script…Downloading proxy script…Resolving host…Establishing secure connection…Sending request…Uploading ($1%)…New tab to the rightNew tab to the leftDuplicateClose other tabsClose tabs to the rightClose tabs to the leftFocus this tab{NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Mute site} other {Mute sites}}{NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Unmute site} other {Unmute sites}}{NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Add tab to reading list} other {Add tabs to reading list}}{NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Add tab to group} other {Add tabs to group}}{NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Add tab to new group} other {Add tabs to new group}}New groupRemove from group{NUM_OTHER_TABS, plural, =0 {"$1"} =1 {"$1" and 1 other tab} other {"$1" and # other tabs}}{NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Move tab to new window} other {Move tabs to new window}}{NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Move tab to another window} other {Move tabs to another window}}New windowFollow siteUnfollow siteFind your tabs here{NUM_OPEN_TABS, plural, =1 {# open tab, press to toggle tab strip} other {# open tabs, press to toggle tab strip}}Close tabTo search your tabs, click hereSearch TabsNo Results FoundClose TabSubmit FeedbackTab ClosedFound $1 TabFound $1 TabsFound $1 Tab For '$2'Found $1 Tabs For '$2'Open TabRecently Closed TabRecently Closed Tab GroupAudio & VideoOpen TabsRecently ClosedRecently Closed Tabs$1 Tab$1 TabsToggle Recently Closed ItemsExpand recently closedCollapse recently closed{NUM_PAGES, plural, =0 {$1} =1 {$1 and 1 other tab} other {$1 and # other tabs}}Save groupNew tab in groupUngroupClose groupMove group to new windowName this groupOpen browser window$1 Screen Sharing RequestDo you want $1 to share your screen?Do you want $1 to share your screen and audio output?$1 is sharing your screen.$1 is sharing your screen and audio.$1 is sharing a window.$1 is sharing a Chrome tab.$1 is sharing a Chrome tab and audio.HideChange source$1 wants permanent access to a certificate to authenticate itself on your behalf.This frame was blocked because it contains some insecure content.Select a certificateSelect a certificate to authenticate yourself to $1Sign in to Security DevicePlease sign in to $1 to import client certificate from $2.Please sign in to $1 to authenticate to $2 with your certificate.Please sign in to $1.Please sign in to $1 to import the client certificate.Please sign in to $1 to export the client certificate.Password:UnlockAutomatically send usage statistics and crash reports to GoogleHelp our engineers investigate and fix this crash. List exact steps if you can. No detail is too small! Tab killed feedback. To hide access to this program, you need to uninstall it by using $1 in Control Panel. Would you like to start $1?Your home page has been set.This setting is managed by your administrator.This setting is enforced by the "$1" extension.This setting is enforced by an extension.You are following the administrator's recommendation for this setting.Your administrator recommends a specific value for this setting.This setting can't be changed by a child user.Not from Chrome Web Store.Installed by a third party.Installed by enterprise policy.Installed because of dependent extension(s).This extension contains malware.This extension contains a serious security vulnerability.This extension violates the Chrome Web Store policy.Disabled by Chrome. This extension may be unsafe.This will reset your startup page, new tab page, search engine, and pinned tabs. It will also disable all extensions and clear temporary data like cookies. Your bookmarks, history and saved passwords will not be cleared.This action will:

• Reset Chrome settings and Chrome shortcuts
• Disable extensions
• Delete cookies and other temporary site data

Bookmarks, history, and saved passwords won't be affected.$1 wants to reset your settings.$1 wants to restore your Chrome settings to their original defaults. This will reset your homepage, new tab page and search engine, disable your extensions, and unpin all tabs. It will also clear other temporary and cached data, such as cookies, content and site data.A cleanup toolLocaleStartup URLsStartup typeHomepageHomepage is the New Tab pageShow Home buttonDefault search engineShortcut targetsProcessing shortcuts…MonthYearSend this pageActive todayActive $1 day agoActive $1 days agoShared from $1Page shared from another deviceOpen in New TabShared TabChoose a device. Then, to see the page, open Chrome there.Send to your devicesSending link to $1$1Your devices$2 · $3To send this tab to another device, sign in to Chrome on both devicesTo send this tab to another device, sign in to Chrome thereCreate QR Code for this pageCreate QR Code for this imageCreate QR Code for this linkQR CodeCreate QR Code for this PageScan QR CodeCreate QR CodeTo scan this code, you can use a QR scanner app on your phone, or some camera apps.DownloadUse $1 characters or fewerCan't create QR CodeShare this pageScreenshotCopy linkSave page as…Cast…Share link toShare link to $1FollowScreenshot copied to clipboardSearch with GoogleSelection ToolCrop ToolText ToolEllipse ToolRectangle ToolLine ToolArrow ToolBrush ToolEmoji ToolHighlighter ToolRedoZoom InZoom OutCropConfirm CropCancel CropDownload ImageCopy to ClipboardScreenshot Image EditorClear CanvasAlign leftAlign centerAlign rightNo shadowSmall shadowLarge shadowDefault fontMonospace fontItalic fontOutline fontClipboardText copied from other deviceText copied from $1Image copied from other deviceImage copied from $1Press $1 to pasteCall from your deviceCall from $1Copy to your deviceCopy to $1Text shared from other deviceText shared from $1Copied to your clipboardCookies in useThe following cookies were set when you viewed this pageThe following cookies were blockedThe following cookies were blocked (third-party cookies are being blocked without exception)Cookies from $1 allowedCookies from $1 blockedCookies from $1 will be cleared on exitAllowedCleared on ExitNew cookie settings will take effect after reloading the pageCookies and site dataFrom the site you’re viewingIncluding sites from the same domain, for example, google.com and mail.google.com. Sites you’re viewing can save data on your device.From other sitesA site you’re viewing can embed content from other sites, for example images, ads, and text. These embedded sites can save data on your device.If a site uses cookies, it will appear hereAllow to save dataAllow to set third-party cookiesDon’t allow to save dataDelete when you close all windowsAllowed to save data to your deviceNot allowed to save data to your deviceDelete data when you close all windowsData is treated the same as the site you’re viewingDelete data when you close all windows. Data is treated the same as the site you’re viewingDelete saved data for $1Infobar ContainerInfobarYour bookmarks, history, and other settings will be synced to your Google Account.Create a new profileAdd work profileLink dataProfile will be deletedYour account $1 is no longer allowed as the primary account. Because this account is managed by $2, your bookmarks, history, passwords, and other settings will be cleared from this device.Your browser is managed by your organizationYour browser is managed by $2When the browsing session endsAny kind of connectionSecure connections onlySame-site connections onlySecure same-site connections onlyNo (HttpOnly)no cookie selectedCookiesWeb databasesSession storageIndexed databasesMedia licenseMedia licensesFile systemsecdsa_signYou're browsing as a GuestPages you view in this window won't appear in the browser history and they won't leave other traces, like cookies, on the computer after you close all open Guest windows. Any files you download will be preserved, however.Use left and right arrow keys to navigate.Add more appsThumbnail removed.Go to $1More $1View in Web StoreInstall on this deviceApp infoOpen as pinned tabOpen as regular tabOpen full screenOpen maximizedOpen in a tab$1 (unsupported app)Turn on sync?Sync your bookmarks, passwords, history, and more on all your devicesGoogle may use your history to personalize Search and other Google servicesYou can always choose what to sync in settings.Sync settingsTurn on sync to get your bookmarks, passwords, history, and more on this device and anywhere else you're syncing. Google may use your history to personalize Search and other Google services.Sync is disabled by your administratorYour administrator has disabled syncing of your bookmarks, history, passwords, and other settings.Sign in anywayCancel sign inLoading account information…OkLet's goNot your device? Use Guest mode.This will separate your browsing from $1$2's profile is linked to $1Separate your browsing?This new profile will be managed by your organization. Learn moreThis new profile will be managed by $1. Learn moreWorkCan't sign inCan't sign in to $1Can't sync to $1Switch to $1This wasn't me.Create a new profile for $1This was me.Add my bookmarks, history, passwords, and other settings to $1Use your Google Account to save and fill passwords?Passwords from your Google Account will also be available on this device while you're signed inChrome saved your password to this device, but you can save it to your Google Account instead. Then, all passwords in your Google Account will also be available while you're signed in.No, this device only$1 has crashed$1 has encountered an errorCould not load $1Open $1?$1 wants to open this application.A website wants to open this application.Open $1Always allow $1 to open links of this type in the associated appIndex of LOCATION[parent directory]SizeDate ModifiedWebpage, HTML OnlyWebpage, Single FileWebpage, CompleteWebpage, Single File (Web Bundle)Profile error occurredSomething went wrong when opening your profile. Some features may be unavailable.Something went wrong when opening your profile. Please sign out then sign in again.Send feedback to help us fix this issue.Please help our engineers fix this problem. Tell us what happened right before you got the profile error message: Cannot start Chrome because something went wrong when opening your profile. Try to restart Chrome.$1 can not be run as root.Please start $1 as a normal user. If you need to run as root for development, rerun with the --no-sandbox flag.Warning: your $1 settings are stored on a network drive. This may result in slowdowns, crashes, or even loss of data.Failed To Create Data DirectoryRecent tabs{NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {$1 - 1 tab} other {$1 - # tabs}}{NUM_TABS, plural, =1 {Unnamed group - 1 tab} other {Unnamed group - # tabs}}downloadOpening in existing browser session.No, thanksOn - sync everythingOn - custom settingsSign InSign-in errorTo continue saving passwords in your Google Account, verify it’s youMake sure you can always access your sync dataMake sure you can always access your saved passwordsSign in againSync needs to verify it's youEnter passphraseVerify it's youOpen settingsSign in to get your bookmarks, history, passwords and other settings on all your devices. You'll also automatically be signed in to your Google services.Sync is disabled by your administrator.Sync has been stopped via the Google Dashboard.Confirm sync settings to start sync.Setup in progress…Sync isn't working. Try signing in again.Sync isn't working. Try signing out and back in again.Enter your passphrase to sync your dataCouldn't connect to the sync server. Retrying…Sign in again to resume syncData is encrypted with your sync passphrase. This doesn't include payment methods and addresses from Google Pay.Data was encrypted with your sync passphrase on $1. This doesn't include payment methods and addresses from Google Pay.Waiting for translationTranslate this page?TranslatedThis selection couldn't be translatedThis page couldn't be translatedChoose the page language to translate fromChoose the language to translate the page toTranslation to $1 completeChange languagesChoose another languagePage is not in $1Selection is not in $1Always translate $1Never translate $1Never translate this siteTranslating…Show originalAlways translateTranslate optionsPage language:Translation language:Language to translate intoPage language to translateLanguage to translate fromTranslate full pageSend messageDetails are hidden while you share your screen{MUTED_NOTIFICATIONS_COUNT, plural, =1 {New notification} other {# new notifications}}{MUTED_NOTIFICATIONS_COUNT, plural, =1 {Show} other {Show all}}SnoozeLocation access allowedLocation access deniedThis site can access your location.Always block $1 from accessing your locationContinue allowing this site to access your locationThis site has been blocked from accessing your location.Always allow $1 to access your locationContinue blocking this site from accessing your locationThis site will ask again next time.Full control of MIDI devices allowedFull control of MIDI devices deniedThis page has full control of MIDI devices.Always block $1 from having full control of MIDI devices.Continue allowing this site to have full control of MIDI devicesThis site has been blocked from having full control of MIDI devices.Always allow $1 to have full control of MIDI devicesContinue blocking this site from having full control of MIDI devicesThis page is accessing your camera and microphone.This page has been blocked from accessing your camera and microphone.This page is accessing your microphone.This page is accessing your camera.This page has been blocked from accessing your microphone.This page has been blocked from accessing your camera.Camera and microphone allowedCamera and microphone blockedMicrophone allowedCamera allowedMicrophone blockedCamera blockedThis page may need to be reloaded before the new settings take effect.Change this setting in the address bar.View and manage saved passwords in your $1https://passwords.google.comGoogle AccountSaved passwords for this siteNo passwords saved for this siteSaved passwords for $1No passwords saved for $1Password stored in your Google accountRestore deleted password for $1Delete password for $1Signing in asSign in easily across devicesSign in easily$1 automatically signs you in to eligible sites with passwords you saved.Access to local files on your machine is disabled by your administratorImage FilesAudio FilesVideo FilesCustom FilesYou have gone full screen."$1" triggered full screen.An extension triggered full screen.$1 is now full screen.This page is now full screen.$1 is now full screen and has disabled your mouse cursor.This page is now full screen and has disabled your mouse cursor.$1 has disabled your mouse cursor.This page has disabled your mouse cursor.Press |$1| to show your cursorThis site is using motion or light sensors.This site is using motion sensors.This site has been blocked from using motion and light sensors.This site has been blocked from using motion sensors.Always allow $1 to access sensorsContinue blocking sensor accessSensors allowedSensors blockedThis site is accessing your motion or light sensors.This site is accessing your motion sensors.This site has been blocked from accessing your motion or light sensors.This site has been blocked from accessing your motion sensors.Continue allowing sensor accessAlways block $1 from accessing sensorsGet captions for your audio and videoGet captions for your audio and video by enabling Live Caption in settingsYou can navigate pages with a text cursor. Press F7 to turn off.Don't ask me againTurn on caret browsing?Media-File Permissions for "$1""$1" can read and write images, video, and sound files in the checked locations."$1" can read and delete images, video, and sound files in the checked locations."$1" can read images, video, and sound files in the checked locations.Suggestionslast attached on $1Add location…Add Media Gallery by Directoryattachednot attachedPermanently remove access for all appsA fast, simple, and secure web browser, built for the modern web.Choose what to shareShare your entire screenShare an application window$1 wants to share the contents of your screen.$1 wants to share the contents of your screen with $2.Share system audioShare window audioShare tab audioAlso share system audio. This device will be muted to prevent feedback.Entire ScreenWindowEntire screen{SCREEN_INDEX, plural, =1{Screen #} other{Screen #}}Options for sharing are managed by your organization. Some items may be hidden.Choose a different screenChoose a different windowThis TabOther TabSelect a tab to previewPreview of shared tabUnnamed media sourceScreen sharing has endedYour organization doesn't allow you to share this content. If you need help, contact your administrator.This tab is using your camera or microphone.This tab's content is being shared.This tab is playing audio.This tab's audio is being muted.This tab is connected to a Bluetooth Device.This tab is actively scanning for Bluetooth devices.This tab is connected to a USB device.This tab is connected to a HID device.This tab is connected to a serial port.This tab is playing a video in picture-in-picture mode.This tab is sharing your screen.This tab is presenting VR content to a headset.$1 - Camera or microphone recording$1 - Tab content shared$1 - Video playing in picture-in-picture mode$1 - Audio playing$1 - Audio muted$1 - Bluetooth device connected$1 - Bluetooth scan active$1 - USB device connected$1 - HID device connected$1 - Serial port connected$1 - Network error$1 - Crashed$1 - Desktop content shared$1 - VR presenting to headset$1 - Part of unnamed group$1 - Part of group $2$1 - Pinned$1 - Permission requested, press F6 to respondUnnamed group - $2 - $1Group $2 - $3 - $1CollapsedExpandedTab moved rightTab moved leftTab moved to start of tabstripTab moved to end of tabstripTab moved into unnamed group - $1Tab moved into group $1 - $2Tab removed from unnamed group - $1Tab removed from group $1 - $2Loading $1QuitUnlock Profile and RelaunchThis site has been updated in the background.Finding devices…Device LogAdd a query param in URL to auto-refresh the page: chrome://device-log/?refresh=RefreshClear TypesNo log entriesLog Level:UserEventDebugLoginBluetoothUSBHIDPrinterFIDOFile InfoDetailed Timestamps[$1] $2 $3Go to $1 to connect.$1 detectedCommunications"$1" wants to pair$1 to allow pairingTurn on BluetoothOpen System PreferencesRe-scanRe-scan Bluetooth devicesGet help$1$1 or $2Paired$1 - Paired"$1" wants to connectCompatible devicesUnknown device from $1Unknown device [$1:$2]Unknown product $1 from $2Unknown product $1 from vendor $2Devices from vendor $1Devices from $1Devices from any vendor$1 wants to connect to a serial port"$1" wants to connect to a serial port$1ConnectFinding serial devices…USB device from $2 (product $1)USB device ($2:$1)USB devices from vendor $1USB devices from $1Any serial port$1 wants to connect to a HID device"$1" wants to connect to a HID deviceUnknown Device ($1)Finding HID devices…HID device ($1:$2)HID devices from vendor $1HID devices with usage $1 from usage page $2HID devices with usages from usage page $1Any HID deviceOpen and edit $1 in this web app?{0, plural, =1 {unused plural form} other {Open and edit # files in this web app?} }{FILE_TYPE_COUNT, plural, =1 {Remember my choice for this file type: {FILE_TYPES}} other {Remember my choice for these file types: {FILE_TYPES}} }Don’t openDon’t allowAllow app to open $1 links?$1 wants to use local fontsNo matching font found.Select all fontsLoading fonts…$1 extension may collect all the text you type, including personal data like passwords and credit card numbers. Do you want to use this extension?Never show this again.Ads blocked on this siteWindows UtilitiesQuarantine ServiceRedirect blocked:Redirect blockedRedirect blocked on this page.Open AnywaySystem Signals UtilitiesBrowse fast with Google ChromeBrowse safely with Google ChromeBrowse smart with ChromeSwitch to a fast browserSwitch to a smart browserSwitch to a secure browserSwitch to a smart and secure browserGoogle recommends ChromeOpen ChromeChrome is being controlled by automated test software.Open downloadAllow $1 to open $2?{0, plural, =1 {Upload one file to this site?} other {Upload # files to this site?} }This will upload all files from "$1". Only do this if you trust the site.UploadSave changes to $1?Save changes$1 will be able to edit $2 until you close all tabs for this site$1 will be able to edit files in $2 until you close all tabs for this site$1 will be able to view $2 until you close all tabs for this site$1 will be able to view files in $2 until you close all tabs for this site$1 will be able to edit $2$1 will be able to edit files in $2$1 will be able to view $2$1 will be able to view files in $2Let site edit $1?Let site edit files?Let site view $1?Let site view files?Edit fileEdit filesView fileView filesThis page is allowed to edit filesThis page is allowed to view files$1 can edit $2$1 can edit the following files$1 can edit files in $2$1 can edit files in the following folders$1 can edit the following files and folders$1 can view $2$1 can view the following files$1 can view files in $2$1 can view files in the following folders$1 can view the following files and folders$1 can view and edit the following files and foldersView changes{0, plural, offset:2 =1 {{1}} =2 {{1}, {2}} other {{1}, {2}, and # more} }Remove accessSelect a folder this site can viewSelect where this site can save changesCan't open this folder$1 can't open this folder because it contains system filesChoose a different folderCan't open this file$1 can't open files in this folder because it contains system filesChoose a different fileSave $1?This type of file can be dangerous. Only save this file if you trust $1Don't saveRelaunch nowUse your security key with $1Verify your identity with $1Pick an optionUSB security keyThis deviceYour phoneYour phone with a USB cableExternal security key or built-in sensorInsert your security key and touch itTry a different security keyYou already registered this security key. You don't have to register it again.Try a different deviceYou already registered this device. You don't have to register it again.You're using a security key that's not registered with this websiteThe request timed outYour identity couldn't be verifiedThis device doesn't support the type of security key requested by this websiteTurn on Bluetooth?Bluetooth will be temporarily turned on to communicate with your security keyBluetooth is disabledCheck your device settings and turn it on to continueChoose another optionVerify via USBPair with new phoneUse this deviceVerify via your phoneVerify via your phone with a USB cableCheck your phoneCheck your deviceUnlock your phoneA notification was sent to your phone to confirm it's you.A notification was sent to $1$1 sent a notification to your phone. To confirm it's you, follow the steps there.Didn't get it?Try another wayConnect your phone with a cableUse a USB cable to connect your phone to your computer. If your phone is already connected, unplug it and plug it back in.Security key request$1 sent a notification to your phone. To confirm it's you, tap the “$2” notification and follow the steps.Use phone with a QR codeA different deviceUnlock your phone and confirm it's youUse your Android phone as a security keyOpen Chrome on your Android phone, and go to "Settings > Passwords > Use phone as a security key", and follow the instructions there.PIN requiredEnter the PIN for your security keySet up a new PIN for your security key{NUM_CHARACTERS, plural, =1 {PIN must be at least one character} other {PIN must be at least # characters}}{NUM_ATTEMPTS, plural, =1 {Incorrect PIN. You have one attempt remaining.} other {Incorrect PIN. You have # attempts remaining.}}Touch your security key again to complete the request.The PINs you entered don't matchThe security key is locked because the wrong PIN was entered too many times. You'll need to reset the security key.Reinsert your security key and try againFingerprint not recognizedYour fingerprint couldn't be recognized. Try again.{NUM_ATTEMPTS, plural, =1 {You have one attempt remaining.} other {You have # attempts remaining.}}Your security key is locked because your fingerprint couldn't be recognized. To unlock it, enter your PIN.Select an account to sign inUnknown accountA record of your visit to this site will be kept on your security key.A record of your visit to this site may be kept on your security key.Your security key can't be used with this site$1 may require a newer or different kind of security keyYour security key does not have enough space for any more accounts.Allow this site to see your security key?$1 wants to see the make and model of your security keyAllow this site to identify your security key?$1 issued your security key and wants to learn its ID number. The site will know exactly which security key you're using.Use your device to sign in to $1?Sign-in data will be stored on this device after you exit Incognito mode. You'll be able to sign in to this website with your device again later.Manage devicesCreate a passkey for $1This passkey will only be saved on this deviceThis passkey will only be saved on this device. It will remain on this device after you close all Incognito windows.This passkey will only be saved in Windows HelloThis passkey will be saved only in Windows Hello. It will remain on this device after you close all Incognito windows.Create a passkeyChoose how you want to create a passkey for $1Use your passkeyChoose which device has the passkey for $1Use your passkey for $1Choose a passkeyWhich passkey do you want to use for $1?Create a passkey on another deviceScan this QR code with the device where you want to create a passkey for $1Use a passkey from another device?Scan this QR code with the device that has the passkey you want to use for $1Side SearchClose search in side panel. Search is open in the side panel.Open search in side panel. Search is not open in the side panel.Close search in side panelSee more search results in side panelSee more search resultsOpen search in side panelVerify with this phoneVerify your identity{0, plural, =1 {# open window} other {# open windows} }Exit IncognitoClose IncognitoTo clear data, close all Incognito windowsThis only affects Incognito windowsClose windowsSites you visit aren’t saved in IncognitoTo clear Incognito browsing history from your device, close all Incognito tabs{0, plural, =1 {Close Guest} other {Close Guest} }Take surveyYour feedback is important to us.HelpfulNot HelpfulScanning{NUM_FILES, plural, =0 {Checking this data with your organization's security policies...} =1 {Checking this file with your organization's security policies...} other {Checking these files with your organization's security policies...}}Checking this document with your organization's security policies…{NUM_FILES, plural, =0 {Security checks are done. Your data will be uploaded.} =1 {Security checks are done. Your file will be uploaded.} other {Security checks are done. Your files will be uploaded.}}Security checks are done. Your document will be printed.{NUM_FILES, plural, =0 {This data has sensitive or dangerous content. Remove this content and try again.} =1 {This file has sensitive or dangerous content. Remove this content and try again.} other {These files have sensitive or dangerous content. Remove this content and try again.}}{NUM_FILES, plural, =0 {This data has sensitive or dangerous content} =1 {This file has sensitive or dangerous content} other {These files have sensitive or dangerous content}}This document has sensitive content.Something went wrong. Scanning could not be completed. Please try again.Continue anyway{NUM_FILES, plural, =1 {This file is too big for a security check. You can upload files up to 50 MB.} other {Some of these files are too big for a security check. You can upload files up to 50 MB.}}This document is too big for a security check. You can print documents of up to 50 MB.{NUM_FILES, plural, =1 {This file is encrypted. Ask its owner to decrypt.} other {Some of these files are encrypted. Ask their owner to decrypt.}}Your administrator says: "$1"$1 has sensitive or dangerous data. Your administrator says: "$2"Discard filePlease enter a reason for uploading this data:Scan in progress, open now?An unknown file is being scanned for dangerous content.Scan file before opening?$1 may be dangerous. Send to Google Safe Browsing for scanning?Timed outScan againEnhanced Safe Browsing is onEnhanced Safe Browsing is offYou have Chrome's strongest security against dangerous websites, downloads and extensionsYou're getting standard security protection. To get more protection against dangerous websites, downloads, and extensions, turn on Enhanced Safe Browsing in Chrome settings.Chrome settingsYou’re on Chrome’s strongest securityYou’re getting standard protectionBoxGoogle DriveStoring $1 Authentication TokenUpon signing in, an unique authentication token will be stored and used for all future eligible downloads.Sign into $1 to complete downloadYour organization requires eligible downloads to be saved to $1. Upon signing in, an unique authentication token will be stored and used for all future eligible downloads.Cancel downloadLink $1 account for DownloadsUninstall "$1"?Also clear browsing data ($1) which will sign you out of $2. $3Also clear browsing data ($1) which may sign you out of Google.com. $2Speech recognition service$1 is pausedYou reached the time limit your parent set for $1. You can use it for $2 tomorrow.You reached the time limit your parent set for $1 Chrome app. You can use it for $2 tomorrow.$1 is blocked$1 is blocked by your parent. Ask your parent for permission to use this app.$1 is blocked by admin. Ask admin for permission to use this app.{NUM_EXTENSIONS, plural, =1 {An extension has been approved} other {# extensions have been approved}}{NUM_EXTENSIONS, plural, =1 {An extension has been rejected} other {# extensions have been rejected}}{NUM_EXTENSIONS, plural, =1 {An extension has been installed by your administrator} other {# extensions have been installed by your administrator}}{NUM_EXTENSIONS, plural, =1 {Click to install the extension} other {Click to install these extensions}}{NUM_EXTENSIONS, plural, =1 {Click to view the extension} other {Click to view these extensions}}Justification for requesting this extension:Enter justification…Name this windowWindow nameQuick CommandsEnter a keyword like "tabs" or "windows" to find an actionNo commands foundSend feedback for $1.EnabledEnabled – $1Media Tabs Section in Tab SearchAdds a new section in 'Search Tabs' to easily find your tabs playing audio or video. Access through the button on the top corner of your browser.Media tabs also shown in Open Tabs sectionEnables a browser-level side panel for a useful and persistent way to access your Reading List and Bookmarks.Tab ScrollingEnables tab strip to scroll left and right when full.Tabs shrink to pinned tab widthTabs shrink to a medium widthTabs shrink to a large widthTabs don't shrinkTab SearchEnable a popup bubble in Top Chrome UI to search over currently open tabs.Search your screen with Google LensRight click and select “Search images with Google Lens” to search any region of the site to learn more about the visual content you see while you browse and shop on the web.Drag over any image to searchSelect image area to searchSelect any part of the page to searchThumbnail tab strip for tablet modeIn tablet mode, tap on the tab counter toolbar button to open the new tab strip that shows thumbnails of each tab.Enhanced protection does more to block phishing and malwareSign in to $1 with $2on $1Continue as $1To continue, $1 will share your name, email address, and profile picture with this site.To continue, $1 will share your name, email address, and profile picture with this site. See this site's $2terms of service$3.To continue, $1 will share your name, email address, and profile picture with this site. See this site's $2privacy policy$3.To continue, $1 will share your name, email address, and profile picture with this site. See this site's $2privacy policy$3 and $4terms of service$5.Failed signing in to $1 with $2Verifying…Help us build a more private webHelp us build a better webLimited sharing between sitesChrome is finding new ways to reduce tracking and keep you even safer as you browse. Chrome also $1 and enables you to manage them. Then, sites you visit can ask Chrome for your interests to show you ads.estimates your interestsestimates your interests - Chrome can estimate your interestsWe’re exploring ways to restrict tracking while enabling sites to stop ad spam and fraud.More control over the ads you seeHow you can manage your data: To protect your privacy, we auto-delete sites from the list that are older than 4 weeks. A site you visit again might appear on the list again. Or you can remove a site if you don’t want that site to ever define interests for you.Yes, I’m inWe’re exploring ways to restrict cross-site tracking while enabling sites to stop ad spam and fraud.AssistantAutomatic password changeLet Google Assistant help you change your passwordGoogle Assistant in Chrome can complete actions across websites for youTo help you complete tasks, Google will receive the URLs and contents of sites on which you use Assistant, as well as information you submit through Assistant. This information may be stored in your Google Account. You can turn off Assistant in Chrome settings. $1Learn more about automatic password changeI agreeSuccessfully changed the compromised passwordCheck your email to choose a new passwordCheck your passwords anytime in $1.Something went wrong.Check the site and try changing your password.Your password didn't change. To change it, try again and leave this tab and side panel open. $1Google Assistant stoppedEnergy Saver is onBackground activity and some visual effects, like smooth scrolling, may be limitedTurn off nowTab active againWhile this tab was inactive, Memory Saver freed up memory for other tasks. You can change this anytime in $1.While this tab was inactive, Memory Saver freed up $1 of memory for other tasks. You can change this anytime in $2.Webview7025https://chrome.google.com/webstore?hl=en&category=theme81https://myactivity.google.com/myactivity/?utm_source=chrome_nhttps://myactivity.google.com/myactivity/?utm_source=chrome_h-10 EH!..&Ub*IJ'Y/k/3F{C0ltb);3^+|VGYV)} A(˼mЖbqɑe_Cf͕!#`sC&g}oiThis app supports only this size.Allow resizing?This app is designed for mobile and may not resize well. The app may experience issues or restart.Don’t ask again for this appPreparing filePreparing filesSomething went wrong while using Nearby ShareFree up space{NUM_FILES, plural, =1 {To send this file using Nearby Share, free up space ($1) on your device} other {To send these files using Nearby Share, free up space ($1) on your device}}Storage managementTabletResizableResize toggle menuThis app is designed for mobile$1 may not resize well. Use preset window sizes to prevent the app from experiencing issues.This app can't be resized.You can now resize the appApp iconApp launching throbberUpdating Android System Starting your app may take longer than usual.Information missingSorry I'm not able to help, please continue on your own.Continue manually?The screening is different from what you selected. Continue?Google Assistant in Chrome stoppingBilling AddressSave card?Do you want to save this card to your Google Account and on this device?Save card securelySave card to Google Account?Card savedManage cardsCan't save cardYour card can't be saved right nowPay quickly on sites and apps across devices using cards you have saved with Google.To pay faster next time, save your card and billing address to your Google Account.It’ll be encrypted, saved securely and the CVC is never stored.Pay faster next time and protect your card with Google’s industry-leading security.To pay faster next time, save your card, name, and billing address to your Google Account.Cardholder nameThis name is from your Google AccountConfirm nameEnter expiration dateChrome is offering to save your cards in your Google Account because you are signed in. You can change this behavior in settings.Chrome is offering to save your cards in your Google Account because you are signed in. You can change this behavior in settings. The cardholder name comes from your account.Google Pay logoSaving cards…Use your cards on all your devices?Right now, you have cards that can only be used on this device. Click Continue to review cards.{NUM_CARDS, plural, =1 {Save card in your Google Account} other {Save cards in your Google Account}}You're all set!Almost doneSaved on this device only{NUM_CARDS, plural, =1 {This card and its billing address will be saved. You'll be able to use it when signed in to $1.} other {These cards and their billing addresses will be saved. You'll be able to use them when signed in to $1.}}{NUM_CARDS, plural, =1 {This card has been saved in your Google Account} other {These cards have been saved in your Google Account}}{NUM_CARDS, plural, =1 {This card can't be saved right now} other {These cards can't be saved right now}}Check the info below and delete any invalid cardsThe invalid cards have been removedView cardsInvalidRemove cardCheck your CVC and try againCheck your CVC and try again or update the expiration dateThis card can't be verified right nowThere was a problem confirming your card. Check your internet connection and try again.Enter the CVC for $1Verify your cardEnter the expiration date and CVC for $1After you confirm, card details from your Google Account will be shared with this site.Once you confirm, your card details will be shared with this site.Confirm the security code to share your card details with this siteThe CVC is located behind your card.VerifyConfirming card…Your card is confirmedThe card is expired/Update cardCVCContacting your bank…Use Windows Hello instead of CVC?Couldn't use Windows HelloConfirm your cards faster by using Windows Hello from now onUse Windows HelloPlease try again next timeVerifying your identity…From Google PayUse a virtual card number…Add virtual cardVirtual card{NUM_CARDS, plural, =1 {Use a virtual number for this card} other {Select a card}}{NUM_CARDS, plural, =1 {This card will be charged when you pay, but its real number won't be shared with this site. For extra security, a temporary CVC will be generated.} other {The card you select will be charged when you pay, but its real number won't be shared with this site. For extra security, a temporary CVC will be generated.}}Virtual card for $1Virtual card number not filled in? Click card details to copy. $1Learn about virtual cardsVirtual number:Expiration date:Name on card:CVC:View your virtual card numberClick to copyCopiedUse your virtual card for added securityMake it more secure with a virtual card?A virtual card hides your actual card to help protect you from potential fraud. $1Virtual card not availableVirtual card is not available right now, please try again laterVirtual card is not available right now, please contact your bankNot eligible for virtual cardThis card is not eligible for virtual card number.Your bank wants to confirm it's you.Text messageNot seeing your current info? Please contact your bank to update it.Enter verification codeCan't find your code? $1Get new codeEnter $1-digit codeVerifying code…Verification code expired, request a new codeEnter correct codeRemember your UPI ID?Cashback linkedReminder: saved offer availableSee promo code detailsOffer availablePay with $1 at checkoutUse this code at checkoutReminder: Saved promo code availableCopied to clipboard$1 $2Enter Verification CodeCan't find your code? Get new codeEnter %1$s-digit codeClear formAutomatic credit card filling is disabled because this form does not use a secure connection.This form is not secure. Autofill has been turned off.To use cards from your Google Account, sign in to ChromeRemove form suggestion from Chromium?Remove credit card from Chromium?Remove address from Chromium?American ExpressAmexDiners ClubDiscoverEloJCBMastercardMirTroyChina UnionPayCardManage…Manage addresses…Manage payment methods…Manage passwords…Scan new cardShow all saved passwordsShow cards from your Google Account • Exp: $1/$2$1, expires on $2Expires on $1No saved addressesAddressesIncludes information like phone numbers, email addresses, and shipping addressesFills in payment forms with your saved payment methodsSave and fill addressesSave and fill payment methodsWindows HelloUse Windows Hello to confirm cards fasterPayment methods, offers, and addresses using Google PayOldSave address?Update address?$1 bookmarksBookmark this tab{COUNT, plural, =0 {None} =1 {1 item} other {# items}}{COUNT, plural, =0 {At least 1 item on synced devices} =1 {1 item (and more on synced devices)} other {# items (and more on synced devices)}}Less than $1Less than 1 MBFrees up $1. Some sites may load more slowly on your next visit.Frees up less than $1. Some sites may load more slowly on your next visit.Frees up less than 1 MB. Some sites may load more slowly on your next visit.{COUNT, plural, =0 {None} =1 {1 password (for $1)} =2 {2 passwords (for $1)} other {# passwords (for $1)}}{COUNT, plural, =0 {None} =1 {1 password (for $1, synced)} =2 {2 passwords (for $1, synced)} other {# passwords (for $1, synced)}}{COUNT, plural, =0 {None} =1 {1 password in your account (for $1)} other {# passwords in your account (for $1)}}{COUNT, plural, =0 {None} =1 {$1} =2 {$1, $2} other {$1, $2, $3}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {and 1 more} other {and # more}}{COUNT, plural, =0 {None} =1 {sign-in data for 1 account} other {sign-in data for # accounts}}$1; $2{COUNT, plural, =0 {None} =1 {1 site} other {# sites}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {1 credit card} other {# credit cards}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {1 address} other {# addresses}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {1 suggestion} other {# suggestions}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {1 other suggestion} other {# other suggestions}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {1 other} other {# others}}$1 (synced)$1, $2 (synced)$1, $2, $3$1, $2, $3 (synced)This will sign you out of most websites.{COUNT, plural, =0 {None} =1 {From 1 site } other {From # sites }}{COUNT, plural, =0 {None} =1 {From 1 site (you won't be signed out of your Google Account)} other {From # sites (you won't be signed out of your Google Account)}}{COUNT, plural, =0 {None} =1 {1 app ($1)} =2 {2 apps ($1, $2)} other {# apps ($1, $2, $3)}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {and 1 more} other {and # more}}Get discount on $1 and moreLet Google use your carts to find personalized discounts when availableGoogle will find discounts for youWhen Google finds available discounts, they will show during checkoutLet Google help you find discounts for your cartsLet Google use your carts to search for personalized discounts. When available, discounts will automatically show up on your carts.Let Google help you find discounts for your cartsTrack priceGet alerts if the price drops on any siteGet alerts if the price drops on any site. Alerts will be sent to your email.Something went wrong. Try again.Track prices with ChromeYou’ll get email alerts if the price drops on any site. This page will be saved to $1.Tracking priceYou’re tracking this product. This page is saved in $1.UntrackPrice tracking offAlerts for this product have been turned offAlerts for this product have been turned off and the bookmark removedGet email alerts if the price drops on any siteTrack prices across multiple sitesUntrack priceTracked productsSee all your tracked products hereTracked ProductsTurn off alertsTurn on alertsGet price tracking notificationsPrice drop alerts will be sent to $1Price drop alerts show up as popup notifications on your desktop$1 price drop on $2Now $1 on $2Visit siteTurn off Live Caption for nowShow more linesShow fewer linesLive Caption is not available right nowprotected content IDsLive Caption is not available for this media. To get captions, block $1 for this site.Don't show this message again for this siteLive Caption visible, use window switcher to focusHide advanced settings…Show advanced settings…Use a prediction service to load pages more quicklyChange proxy settings…CrashesCrashes ($1)Show developer detailsCrash from $1Status:Not uploadedNot yet uploaded, or ignoredUpload requested by userUploadedUploaded Crash Report ID:Upload Time:Local Crash Context:Provide additional detailsYou have no recently reported crashes. Crashes that occurred when crash reporting was disabled will not appear here.Crash reporting is disabled.Start uploading crashesSend nowConfirm Form ResubmissionThe page that you're looking for used information that you entered. Returning to that page might cause any action you took to be repeated. Do you want to continue?JavaScript must be enabled to use this feature.Failed to add article.ViewFailed to view article.Fetching entries…Failed to find articleCould not find the requested article.Customize appearanceFont styleSans-serif FontSerif FontMonospace FontPage ColorLightSepiaDarkFont SizeNo data found.DOM DistillerReader ModeIgnored because either the "enable" or "disable" list is missing.Ignored because the disable list contains a pattern equal to '*', which is equivalent to disabling the policy.Your admin has prohibited this data from being copied.Hide detailsShow saved copyThe owner of this device turned off the dinosaur game.Press the reload button to resubmit the data needed to load the page.Check your Internet connectionCheck any cables and reboot any routers, modems, or other network devices you may be using.Check your Secure DNS settingsCheck your secure DNS settings. You may have configured a secure DNS server to which connections are failing.Check your DNS settingsContact your network administrator if you're not sure what this means.Try disabling network predictionIf it is already listed as a program allowed to access the network, try removing it from the list and adding it again.If you use a proxy server…Check your proxy settings or contact your network administrator to make sure the proxy server is working. If you don't believe you should be using a proxy server: $1Check your administrator's policiesVisit chrome://policy to see the list of blocked URLs and other policies enforced by your system administrator.Unsupported protocolThe client and server don't support a common SSL protocol version or cipher suite.Try visiting the site's homepage.This site can’t be reachedYour Internet access is blockedNo internetThis site can’t be loaded from the cacheYour connection was interruptedThis page can’t be foundYour file couldn’t be accessed is blocked“” links are blockedThe webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. took too long to respond.The connection was reset. unexpectedly closed the connection. is currently unreachable.A network change was detected. refused to connect.’s server IP address could not be found.This site on the company, organization or school intranet has the same URL as an external website.

Try contacting your system administrator. is unreachable.The file at is not readable. It may have been removed, moved, or file permissions may be preventing access.Firewall or antivirus software may have blocked the connection.There is something wrong with the proxy server, or the address is incorrect.The saved (cached) copy of this site was unreadable.Your computer went to sleep.No webpage was found for the web address: It may have been moved, edited, or deleted. redirected you too many times. didn’t send any data. sent an invalid response.’s DNS address could not be found. Diagnosing the problem.Access to was deniedAccess to the file was deniedYou don't have authorization to view this page.It may have been moved or deleted.This page isn’t workingIf the problem continues, contact the site owner. is currently unable to handle this request. doesn't adhere to security standards. uses an unsupported protocol.This site can’t provide a secure connection didn’t accept your login certificate, or one may not have been provided.This page has been blocked by an extensionThe person who set up this computer has chosen to block this site.This content is blocked. Contact the site owner to fix the issue.This webpage requires data that you entered earlier in order to be properly displayed. You can send this data again, but by doing so you will repeat any action this page previously performed.Try:Checking the connectionChecking the proxy, firewall, and DNS configurationChecking the proxy, firewall, and Secure DNS configurationChecking firewall and antivirus configurationsChecking the proxy and the firewallChecking the proxy addressContacting the system adminTry contacting the system admin.Learning more about this problem.Learn more about this problem.Try clearing your cookies.Checking the network cables, modem, and routerReconnecting to Wi-FiFix your connection using the diagnostics appSign out and complete setupTry disabling your extensions.Check if there is a typo in .Running Windows Network DiagnosticsTry running Windows Network Diagnostics.If spelling is correct, try running Windows Network Diagnostics.Press space to playDino game. A pixelated dinosaur dodges cacti and pterodactyls as it runs across a desolate landscape. When you hear an audio cue, press space to jump over obstacles.Dino game, playGame started.Game over, your score is $1.Your highest score is $1.Jump!Start slowerFind in page $1Result $1 of $2No resultsPreviousClose find barSearch flagsReset allWarning: Experimental features ahead!By enabling these features, you could lose browser data or compromise your security or privacy. Enabled features apply to all users of this browser. If you are an enterprise admin you should not be using these flags in production.Flags that apply system-wide can only be set by the owner: $1UnavailableNo matching experimentsNot available on your platform.Reset acknowledged.Experiment enabledFeatures that apply system-wide can only be set by the owner: $1Search featuresDeprecated FeaturesUnsupported featuresThese features are disabled by default. They will not be available in future versions of Chrome.No matching featuresPress and hold |$1| to exit full screenPress |$1| to exit full screenPress |$1| + |$2| to exit full screenPress |$1| + |$2| to show your cursorDownload started. To see it, press |$1|.Press |$1| to exit full screen and see download.Ad removed.This ad used too many resources for your device, so Chrome removed it.Reload and show anywayList of history entriesAre you sure you want to delete these pages from your history?Bookmarked$1 $2 $3 $4 $5Found $1 $2 for '$3'Your Google Account may have other forms of browsing history at myactivity.google.comMore from this siteYour browsing history appears hereClear browsing data…Collapse listExpand listHide for nowRemove bookmarkRemove from historyRemove selected itemssearch resultsearch resultsShow Full HistoryUnknown device$1 saysAn embedded page at $1 saysThis page saysAn embedded page on this page saysPrevent this page from creating additional dialogsLeave site?Leave app?LeaveChanges you made may not be saved.Reload site?Reload app?$1 requires a username and password.The proxy $1 requires a username and password.Your connection to this site is not privateSettings - ManagementYour browser is managed by $1Your browser is not managedYour browser is managedYour browser is managed by $1 and your profile is managed by $2Your profile and browser are managed by $1Your profile is managed by $1Your administrator can change your browser setup remotely. Activity on this device may also be managed outside of Chromium. Learn moreThis browser is not managed by a company or other organization. Activity on this device may be managed outside of Chromium. Learn moreThe administrator of this device has installed extensions for additional functions. Extensions have access to some of your data.$1 has installed extensions for additional functions. Extensions have access to some of your data.Websites with info from your organizationThe administrator of this device has sent some info to the following websites, like settings or policies.Your organization, $1, has sent some info to the following websites, like settings or policies.Your administrator can see:Your device nameYour device name and network addressYour device username and Chrome usernameVersion information about your device and browserWhich extensions and plugins you have installedWebsites you visit and time spent on themPerformance data and crash reportsChrome Enterprise ConnectorsYour administrator has turned on Chrome Enterprise Connectors on your browser. These connectors have access to some of your data.$1 has turned on Chrome Enterprise Connectors on your browser. These connectors have access to some of your data.Visible dataFile is attachedFile is downloadedText is enteredPage is printedFile is copied or movedSecurity event occursPage is visitedFiles you upload or attach are sent to Google Cloud or third parties for analysis. For example, they might be scanned for sensitive data or malware and might be stored based on company policies.Files you download are sent to Google Cloud or third parties for analysis. For example, they might be scanned for sensitive data or malware and might be stored based on company policies.Text you paste or attach is sent to Google Cloud or third parties for analysis. For example, it might be scanned for sensitive data.The content of pages you print is sent to Google Cloud or third parties for analysis. For example, it might be scanned for sensitive data.Files you copy or move are sent to Google Cloud or third parties for analysis. For example, they might be scanned for sensitive data or malware.When security events are flagged by Chrome, relevant data about the events is sent to your administrator. This can include URLs of pages you visit in Chrome, file names or metadata, and the username that you use to sign in to web based applications, your device and Chrome.URLs of pages you visit are sent to Google Cloud or third parties for analysis. For example, they might be scanned to detect unsafe websites.Previous TrackSeek BackwardSeek ForwardNext TrackEnter picture-in-pictureExit picture-in-pictureUnmuteMedia ControlsIf you're seeing this frequently, try these $1.suggestionsNot enough memory to open this pageTry closing other tabs or programs to free up memory.Try exiting other programs to free up memory.New Incognito TabYou’ve gone IncognitoPages you view in Incognito tabs won’t stick around in your browser’s history, cookie store, or search history after you’ve closed all of your Incognito tabs. Any files you download or bookmarks you create will be kept.However, you aren’t invisible. Going Incognito doesn’t hide your browsing from your employer, your internet service provider, or the websites you visit.Now you can browse privately, and other people who use this device won’t see your activity. However, downloads and bookmarks will be saved.Now you can browse privately, and other people who use this device won’t see your activity. However, downloads, bookmarks and reading list items will be saved.Chromium won’t save the following information:
  • Your browsing history
  • Cookies and site data
  • Information entered in forms
Your activity might still be visible to:
  • Websites you visit
  • Your employer or school
  • Your internet service provider
This setting is controlled in Cookies settings.When on, sites can't use cookies that track you across the web. Features on some sites may break.Incognito in ChromiumWhat Incognito doesWhen you close all Chromium Incognito tabs, your activity in those tabs is cleared from this device:
  • Browsing activity
  • Search history
  • Information entered in forms
What Incognito doesn’t doIncognito does not make you invisible online:
  • Sites and the services they use can see visits
  • Employers or schools can track browsing activity
  • Internet service providers can monitor web traffic
Learn more about Incognito in ChromiumBlock third party cookies in IncognitoSites can't use cookies that track you across the web. Features on some sites may break.Articles aren't available right nowArticles for youYour suggested articles appear herePages from your reading list appear hereYour open tabs appear hereFrom $1. Read this and $2 other stories.Clear your browsing history, cookies, cache, and more in Chrome settings$1, press Tab then Enter to Clear your browsing history, cookies, cache, and more in Chrome settingsClear browsing data button, press Enter to clear your browsing history, cookies, cache, and more in Chrome settingsView and manage your passwords in Chrome settings$1, press Tab then Enter to view and manage your passwords in Chrome settingsManage passwords button, press Enter to view and manage your passwords in Chrome settingsManage payment methodsManage your payments and credit card info in Chrome settings$1, press Tab then Enter to manage your payments and credit card info in Chrome settingsManage payment methods button, press Enter to manage your payments and credit card info in Chrome settingsOpen Incognito windowOpen a new Incognito window to browse privately$1, press Tab then Enter to open a new Incognito window to browse privatelyOpen Incognito Window button, press Enter to open a new Incognito window to browse privatelyTranslate pageTranslate this page with Google Translate$1, press Tab then Enter to translate this page with Google TranslateTranslate page button, press Enter to translate this page with Google TranslateUpdate ChromeUpdate Chrome from your Chrome settings$1, press Tab then Enter to update Chrome from your Chrome settingsUpdate Chrome button, press Enter to update Chrome from your Chrome settingsRun Chrome safety checkRun a safety check in Chrome settings$1, press Tab then Enter to run a safety check in Chrome settingsRun Chrome safety check button, press Enter to run a safety check in Chrome settingsManage security settingsManage your Safe Browsing and more in Chrome settings$1, press Tab then Enter to manage your Safe Browsing and more in Chrome settingsManage security settings button, press Enter to manage your Safe Browsing and more in Chrome settingsManage cookiesManage your cookie preferences in Chrome settings$1, press Tab then Enter to manage your cookie preferences in Chrome settingsManage cookies button, press Enter to manage your cookie preferences in Chrome settingsManage addressesAdd and manage addresses in Chrome settings$1, press Tab then Enter to add and manage addresses in Chrome settingsManage addresses button, press Enter to add and manage addresses in Chrome settingsManage what info you sync in Chrome settings$1, press Tab then Enter to manage what info you sync in Chrome settingsManage sync button, press Enter to manage what info you sync in Chrome settingsManage site settingsManage permissions and data stored across sites in Chrome settings$1, press Tab then Enter to manage permissions and data stored across sites in Chrome settingsManage site settings button, press Enter to manage permissions and data stored across sites in Chrome settingsCreate docCreate a new Google Doc quickly$1, press Tab then Enter to create a new Google Doc quicklyCreate doc button, press Enter to create a new Google Doc quicklyCreate sheetCreate a new Google Sheet quickly$1, press Tab then Enter to create a new Google Sheet quicklyCreate sheet button, press Enter to create a new Google Sheet quicklyCreate presentationCreate a new Google presentation in Slides quickly$1, press Tab then Enter to create a new Google presentation in Slides quicklyCreate presentation button, press Enter to create a new Google presentation in Slides quicklyCreate eventCreate a new event in Google Calendar quickly$1, press Tab then Enter to create a new event in Google Calendar quicklyCreate event button, press Enter to create a new event in Google Calendar quicklyCreate siteCreate a new site in Google Sites quickly$1, press Tab then Enter to create a new site in Google Sites quicklyCreate site button, press Enter to create a new site in Google Sites quicklyCreate noteCreate a new note in Google Keep quickly$1, press Tab then Enter to create a new note in Google Keep quicklyCreate note button, press Enter to create a new note in Google Keep quicklyCreate formCreate a new form in Google Forms quickly$1, press Tab then Enter to create a new form in Google Forms quicklyCreate form button, press Enter to create a new form in Google Forms quicklySee Chrome tipsLearn about Chrome features$1, press Tab then Enter to learn about Chrome featuresSee Chrome tips button, press Enter to learn about Chrome featuresManage Google AccountManage your info, privacy, and security in your Google Account$1, press Tab then Enter to manage your info, privacy, and security in your Google AccountManage Google Account, press Enter to manage your info, privacy, and security in your Google AccountChange Google passwordChange your Google Account password$1, press Tab then Enter to change your Google Account passwordChange Google password button, press Enter to change your Google Account passwordClose all Incognito windowsClose all Incognito windows that are currently open$1, Press tab then Enter to close all Incognito windows that are currently openClose Incognito windows button, press Enter to close all Incognito windows that are currently openPlay Chrome Dino gamePlay the Dino Run game in Chrome$1, Press tab then Enter to play the Dino Run game in ChromePlay Chrome Dino game button, press Enter to play the Dino Run game in ChromeFind your phoneFind, secure, or erase your device$1, Press Tab then Enter to Find your device in the Google AccountFind my device button, press Enter to visit find your device in the Google AccountManage Google Account privacy settingsManage Google privacy settings in your Google Account$1, Press Tab then Enter to manage your Google Account privacy settingsManage Google Privacy settings button, press Enter to visit your Google Account privacy settingsManage settingsManage your Chrome settings$1, Press Tab then Enter to manage your Chrome settingsManage Chrome settings button, press Enter to visit your Chrome settingsManage downloadsManage files you have downloaded in Chrome$1, Press Tab then Enter to manage files you have downloaded in ChromeManage downloads in Chrome button, press Enter to manage files you have downloaded in ChromeView your Chrome historyView and manage your browsing history in Chrome settings$1, Press tab then Enter to view your browsing history in ChromeView your Chrome history button, press Enter to view and manage your browsing history in Chrome settingsShare this tabShare this tab by sharing the link, creating a QR code, casting, and more$1, Press tab then Enter to share this tab by sharing the link, creating a QR code, casting, and moreShare this tab button, press Enter to share this tab by sharing the link, creating a QR code, casting, and moreManage accessibility settingsPersonalize your accessibility tools in Chrome settings$1, Press tab then Enter to personalize your accessibility tools in Chrome settingsManage accessibility settings button, press Enter to personalize your accessibility tools in Chrome settingsCustomize font sizes and typefaces in Chrome$1, Press tab then Enter to customize font sizes and typefaces in ChromeCustomize fonts in Chrome button, press Enter to customize font sizes and typefaces in ChromeCustomize the look of your browser$1, Press tab then Enter to customize the look of your browserCustomize Chrome button, press Enter to customize the look of your browserManage your default search engine and site search$1, Press tab then Enter to manage site search and your default search engineManage search engines button, press Enter to manage your default search engine and site searchPersonalize your accessibility tools in ChromeOS settings$1, Press tab then Enter to personalize your accessibility tools in ChromeOS settingsManage accessibility settings button, Enter to personalize your accessibility tools in ChromeOS settingsSet Chrome as default browserSet Chrome as the system's default browser in iOS settings$1, Press tab then Enter to set Chrome as the system's default browser in iOS settingsSet Chrome as default browser button, press Enter to set Chrome as the system's default browser in iOS settingsRun Chrome Safety CheckOpen Incognito tabOpen a new Incognito tab to browse privately$1, press Tab then Enter to open a new Incognito tab to browse privatelyOpen Incognito tab button, press Enter to open a new Incognito tab to browse privatelyClear Browsing DataSet Chrome as Default BrowserManage Payment MethodsOpen Incognito TabManage SettingsView Your Chrome HistoryPlay Chrome Dino GameManage Passwords$1 SearchLink you copiedText you copiedImage you copied$1 [$2]SecureNot secureOfflineSwitch to this tabGoogle DocsGoogle FormsGoogle SheetsGoogle Slides$1 - $2 - $3Accuracy checkResume your journeyResume your journey to see relevant activity in your Chrome history$1, press Tab, then Enter to resume your journey and see relevant activity in your Chrome historyResume your journey button, press Enter to resume your journey and see relevant activity in your Chrome history$2 $1 location from history$1 search from history$1 search$1 search suggestion$1, $2, search suggestion$1, answer, $2$2 $1 bookmarkSearch for clipboard imageSearch for clipboard text, $2Search for clipboard URL, $2Search icon$1, $2 of $3$1, currently open, press Tab then Enter to switch to the open tabTab switch button, press Enter to switch to the open tab, $1Tab switch button, press Enter to switch to this tab$1, multiple actions are available, press Tab to cycle through them$1, press Tab then Enter to searchSearch $1, type a query and press Enter to search$1, press Tab then Enter to Remove Suggestion.Remove Suggestion button, press Enter to remove, $1Remove Suggestion button, press Enter to remove this suggestion"$1" section shown"$1" section hiddenTabsNo results foundConnection is secureYour connection to this site is not fully secureConnection is not fully secureYour connection to this site is not secureConnection is not secureThis site contains malwareThis site is deceptiveThis site contains harmful programsYou're viewing an extension pageYou're viewing the source of a web pageYou're viewing a developer tools pageChrome simplified this page to make it easier to read. Chrome retrieved the original page over a secure connection.Chrome simplified this page to make it easier to read. Chrome retrieved the original page over an insecure connection.Suspicious siteLeave siteYes, continueAttackers sometimes mimic sites by making hard-to-see changes to the web address.Take a moment to consider accuracyDon't show againWho’s behind this information?What evidence supports it?What do other sources say?You're viewing a local or shared fileYour information (for example, passwords or credit card numbers) is private when it is sent to this site.The site's connection is secure unless Chrome tells you otherwise.You have accessed content using an administrator-provided certificate. Data you provide to $1 can be intercepted by your administrator.Attackers might be able to see the images you’re looking at on this site and trick you by modifying them.This site uses an outdated security configuration, which may expose your information (for example, passwords or credit card numbers) when it is sent to this site.You should not enter any sensitive information on this site (for example, passwords or credit cards), because it could be stolen by attackers.Attackers on this site might attempt to install dangerous programs on your computer that steal or delete your information (for example, photos, passwords, messages, and credit cards).Attackers on this site may trick you into doing something dangerous like installing software or revealing your personal information (for example, passwords, phone numbers, or credit cards).Attackers on this site might try to trick you into installing programs that harm your browsing experience (for example, by changing your homepage or showing extra ads on sites you visit).The identity of this website isn't verified.Your password may be compromisedCheck your passwordsYou just entered your password on a deceptive site. To secure your accounts, Chromium recommends checking your saved passwords.You have chosen to turn off security warnings for this site.Turn on warningsWhat do these mean?The certificate chain for this site contains a certificate signed using SHA-1.Your connection to $1 is encrypted using a modern cipher suite.Further, this page includes other resources which are not secure. These resources can be viewed by others while in transit, and can be modified by an attacker to change the behavior of the page.Further, this page includes other resources which are not secure. These resources can be viewed by others while in transit, and can be modified by an attacker to change the look of the page.This page includes a form that may not submit securely. Data you send can be viewed by others while in transit or could be modified by an attacker to change what the server receives.The connection is encrypted using $1, with $2 for message authentication and $3 as the key exchange mechanism.The connection is encrypted and authenticated using $1 and uses $2 as the key exchange mechanism.The identity of the server you are connected to cannot be fully validated. You are connected to a server using a name only valid within your network, which an external certificate authority has no way to validate ownership of. As some certificate authorities will issue certificates for these names regardless, there is no way to ensure you are connected to the intended website and not an attacker.Your connection to $1 is not encrypted.The connection uses $1.unknown nameYour connection to $1 is encrypted using an obsolete cipher suite.Certificate information$1, $2 $3Issued to: $1 [$2]ValidCertificate $1(Valid)(Invalid)Certificate is validCertificate is not validShow certificate (issued by $1)Show certificateCookies $1{NUM_COOKIES, plural, =1 {(1 in use)} other {(# in use)}}{NUM_COOKIES, plural, =1 {1 in use} other {# in use}}Show cookiesOnly this timeDetectDetect (default)Use global default (Allow)Use global default (Block)Use global default (Ask)Use global default (Detect)Always allow on this siteAlways block on this siteAlways ask on this siteAlways detect important content on this siteBlock on this siteAllowed until you close this tabAllowed until you close tabs for this siteNot allowedNot allowed in IncognitoNot allowed for non-secure sitesMutedAllowed (default)Not allowed (default)Select permission for $1Can ask to track your camera positionCan ask to automatically download multiple filesCan ask to connect to Bluetooth devicesCan ask to use your cameraCan ask to use & move your cameraCan ask to see text and images on your clipboardCan ask to edit files and folders on your deviceCan ask to connect to HID devicesCan ask for your locationCan ask to use your microphoneCan ask to connect to MIDI devicesCan ask to send notificationsCan ask to connect to USB devicesCan ask to use virtual reality devices and dataCan ask to use fonts installed on your deviceCan ask to connect to serial portsCan ask to know when you're actively using this deviceCan ask to manage windows on all your displaysCan ask to discover nearby Bluetooth devicesUSB deviceUSB device allowed by your administratorRevoke accessSerial portSerial port allowed by your administratorBluetooth deviceHID deviceHID device allowed by your administratorGo to site settingsAllowed by your administratorBlocked by your administratorSetting controlled by your administratorAllowed by an extensionBlocked by an extensionSetting controlled by an extensionAutomatically blockedManaged by your organisationManaged by an extensionTo apply your updated settings to this site, reload this pageYou could lose access to your Google Account. Chromium recommends changing your password now. You'll be asked to sign in.Chromium can help you protect your Google Account and change your password.You just entered your password on a deceptive site. Chromium can help. To change your password and notify Google that your account may be at risk, click Protect Account.You could lose access to your organization's account or experience identity theft. Chromium recommends changing your password now.You could lose access to your $1 account or experience identity theft. Chromium recommends changing your password now.Protect accountSite is legitimateThis page may try to charge you moneyThese charges could be one-time or recurring and may not be obvious.VR session in progressEndIssued ToIssued ByCommon Name (CN)Organization (O)Organizational Unit (OU)Validity PeriodIssued OnExpires OnSHA-256 FingerprintSHA-1 FingerprintCertificate Subject Alternative NameShow connection detailsShow permission detailsGo to permission settingsRemember this setting{NUM_PERMISSIONS, plural, =1 {Reset permission} other {Reset permissions}}From the webAbout this pageLearn about its source and topicShow information from the webLearn about this page's source & topicCookies and other site data are used to remember you, for example to sign you in or to personalize ads. To manage cookies for all sites, see $1.Managed by cookies settings{NUM_COOKIES, plural, =0 {No sites blocked} =1 {1 site blocked} other {# sites blocked}}{NUM_COOKIES, plural, =0 {No sites blocked, including related sites} =1 {1 site blocked, including related sites} other {# sites blocked, including related sites}}{NUM_COOKIES, plural, =0 {No sites allowed} =1 {1 site allowed} other {# sites allowed}}Manage cookies and site dataSee related sites in a new tabSee related sitesThis site is in a group, defined by $1, that can see your activityLast visited todayLast visited yesterdayLast visited $1 days agoLast visited $1Ad personalizationShow ad personalization detailsThis site defines interests other sites can use to show you ads. This site also gets your interests from Chrome to show you more relevant ads.This site gets your interests from Chrome to show you more relevant adsThis site defines interests other sites can use to show you adsManage interestsPaint Preview Compositor ServiceChange automaticallyChange your passwordChange your password nowCheck your saved passwordsChrome found the password you just used in a data breach. To secure your accounts, we recommend checking your saved passwords.Chrome found the password you just used in a data breach. We recommend changing this password now.Chrome found the password you just used in a data breach. Your Google Assistant can change your password automatically.Chrome found the password you just used in a data breach. To secure your accounts, we recommend changing it now and then checking your saved passwords.The password you just used was found in a data breach. Your Google Assistant can change your password automatically.The password you just used was found in a data breach. To secure your accounts, Google Password Manager recommends checking your saved passwords.The password you just used was found in a data breach. Google Password Manager recommends changing your password now.The password you just used was found in a data breach. To secure your accounts, Google Password Manager recommends changing it now and checking your saved passwords.The password you just used was found in a data breach. To secure your accounts, Password Manager recommends checking your saved passwords.The password you just used was found in a data breach. Password Manager recommends changing this password now.The password you just used was found in a data breach. To secure your accounts, Password Manager recommends changing it now and then checking your saved passwords.Chrome periodically checks your passwords against lists that have been published online. When doing this, your passwords and usernames are encrypted, so they can’t be read by anyone, including Google.Signing in as $1No usernameUse passwords saved in your Google AccountSign in to use passwords saved in your Google AccountNo matching passwords. Show all saved passwords.Manage passwords and passkeys…Suggest strong password…Never savedGoogle Smart LockChrome PasswordsPassword for $1Use a passkey on a different deviceGoogle Chrome is trying to fill your password on $1.Protect passwords with Windows HelloIf you share this device with others, you can turn on Windows Hello to verify it's you whenever you use a saved passwordGoogle Chrome is trying to turn on Windows Hello for filling passwords.Google Chrome is trying to turn off Windows Hello for filling passwords.Windows Hello is on for filling passwordsYou can turn Windows Hello on or off in $1Review your paymentPayment not completedPayment methodContact infoAdd contact infoEdit contact infoAdd billing addressAdd name on cardAdd valid card numberAdd more informationAdd phone numberAdd nameAdd valid addressAdd emailOrder summaryPaymentShippingShipping addressShipping methodDeliveryDelivery addressDelivery methodPickupPickup addressPickup methodPayCancel paymentPhone numberSave this card to this deviceAccepted cardsExpires %1$s/%2$sLoadingProcessingThere was an error processing your order. Please try again.You can manage cards and addresses in BEGIN_LINKSettingsEND_LINK.Cards and addresses are from Chrome and your Google Account ($1). You can manage them in BEGIN_LINKSettingsEND_LINK.Cards and addresses are from Chrome. You can manage them in BEGIN_LINKSettingsEND_LINK.Allow sites to check if you have payment methods saved* Field is requiredEnter a nameEnter a valid expiration yearEnter a valid expiration monthThis card is expiredThis type of card isn’t supportedEnter a valid phone numberEnter a valid email addressEnter a valid card numberEnter a valid expiration dateEnter a valid addressBilling address requiredCardholder name requiredCard billing address requiredMore information requiredPhone number requiredName requiredEmail requiredRequired field$1 $2 $3{MORE_ITEMS, plural, =1 {# more item} other {# more items}}MultipleTo see shipping methods and requirements, select an addressCan’t ship to this address. Select a different address.This shipping method isn’t available. Try a different method.To see delivery methods and requirements, select an addressCan’t deliver to this address. Select a different address.This delivery method isn’t available. Try a different method.To see pickup methods and requirements, select an addressCan’t pick up from this address. Select a different address.This pickup method isn’t available. Try a different method.Can’t open payment appPayment Manifest Parser{PAYMENT_METHOD, plural, =0 {{1}} =1 {{1} and {2} more} other {{1} and {2} more}}{SHIPPING_ADDRESS, plural, =0 {{1}} =1 {{1} and {2} more} other {{1} and {2} more}}{SHIPPING_OPTIONS, plural, =0 {{1}} =1 {{1} and {2} more} other {{1} and {2} more}}{CONTACT, plural, =0 {{1}} =1 {{1} and {2} more} other {{1} and {2} more}}$1, currently selected. $2Order Summary, $1, More DetailsPayment handler sheetPayment handler sheet is half-openedPayment handler sheet is openedPayment handler sheet is closedUse Windows Hello to verify and complete your purchase?You chose to verify with Windows Hello on websites that use $1. This provider may have stored information about your payment method, which you can $2.StoreTotalrequest to be deleted$1 may need to take additional steps to verify your paymentWithout your changesWith your changesPresentThis document is password protected. Please enter a password.Password requiredIncorrect passwordFailed to load PDF document.SectionDocument propertiesFile name:File size:Title:Author:Subject:Keywords:Created:Modified:Application:PDF producer:PDF version:Page count:Page size:$1 × $2 in ($3)$1 × $2 mm ($3)portraitlandscapesquareVariesFast web view:Rotate counterclockwiseFit to pageFit to widthTwo page viewAnnotationsZoom levelZoom inZoom outThumbnailsDocument outlinePage number{COUNT, plural, =1 {Page 1} other {Page {COUNT}}}{COUNT, plural, =1 {PDF document containing {COUNT} page} other {PDF document containing {COUNT} pages}}Thumbnail for page $1Highlight$1 wants to use your computer's locationKnow your unique device identifier$1 wants to play protected content. Your device’s identity will be verified by Google.$1 wants to play protected content. Your device's identity will be verified by Google and may be accessed by this site.Know your locationShow notificationsUse your MIDI devicesUse & move your cameraRespond to Accessibility EventsSee text and images copied to the clipboardUse virtual reality devices and dataCreate a 3D map of your surroundings and track camera positionAccess cookies and site data.Do you want to allow $1 to use cookies and site data on $2? This will otherwise be blocked by your privacy settings. This will allow the content you interacted with to work correctly, but may allow $1 to track your activity.Manage windows on all your displaysUse the fonts on your computer so you can create high-fidelity contentKnow when you're actively using this deviceDownload multiple filesSee the make and model of your Security KeyUse your Security KeyThis site won't be able to use the U2F API after February 2022. If you own this site, you should change it to use the Web Authentication API.On every visitAllow $1 to:$1 wants to pairNo compatible devices found.PairScanning for Bluetooth devices…$1 wants to scan for nearby Bluetooth devices. The following devices have been found:Unknown or unsupported device ($1)No nearby devices found.$1 wants to connectFinding USB devices…Use your location?Get notifications?Connect MIDI device?Use microphone?Use camera?Use camera & microphone?Share clipboard?Allow VR?Allow AR?Know your device use?Notifications allowedNotifications not allowedLocation allowedLocation not allowedCamera not allowedMicrophone not allowedCamera and microphone not allowed$1 wants to permanently store data on your local computer$1 wants to permanently store large data on your local computerStore files on this deviceRequest succeededInvalid request or request parametersTemporary server errorHTTP errorFailed to decode responseManagement not supportedMissing device recordInvalid device management tokenActivation is pending on the serverDevice serial number is invalidConflicting device identifierLicenses exhaustedDeprovisionedPolicy not foundUnknown errorThis is a bundled device and can not be enrolled with Kiosk and Signage Upgrade.Domain mismatchRequest could not be signedRequest is too largeToo many requestsDevice reset requiredCan't enroll with consumer account (packaged license available).Can't enroll with enterprise account (enterprise account is not eligible).Validation successfulBad initial signatureBad signatureError code present in the policy responseError parsing policyWrong policy typeWrong entity identifierBad policy timestampReturned policy token is empty or doesn't match current tokenReturned policy device id is empty or doesn't match current device idWrong policy subjectError parsing policy settingsBad verification signatureValidation of policy values has raised warningsValidation of policy values has failed with errorsPolicy cache OKFailed to load policy settingsFailed to store policy settingsPolicy parse errorSerialization errorValidation error: $1Backing store in bad stateActiveUnmanagedExpected $1 value.Value is out of range $1.Value doesn't match format.File extension is empty or malformed.Hash must be of format SHA-256.The inserted $1 couldn't be found.Found paper size name "custom", but the "custom_size" property is empty or invalid.The property "custom_size" is set, expected name to be "custom".Invalid format: Expected a list of patterns.Invalid protocol format.Invalid origin format.Origin list is empty.Invalid Extension: Expected the value to be of one of the following forms: or ;.The URL pattern "$1" has a path specified. Paths are not supported for this key, please remove the path and try again. e.g. *://example.com/ => *://example.com",The attribute "vendor_id" must also be specified.Each urls string entry must contain between 1 to 2 URLs.Ignored because the policy is not set by a cloud source.Ignored because the policy can only be set as a cloud user policy.Ignored because the machine is not enrolled with Chrome Browser Cloud Management.Ignored because default search is not enabled by policy.Must be specified.This field should not have more than $1 entries. All further entries will be discarded.This field should not have more than $1 entries. All further entries will be ignored.Error at $1: $2Schema validation error: $1Error while parsing JSON value: $1Invalid URL.Invalid search URL.Invalid DnsOverHttps mode.One or more of the DnsOverHttpsTemplates server template URIs is invalid and will not be used.The DnsOverHttpsTemplates value is not relevant, and will not be used, unless the DnsOverHttpsMode policy is set to either 'automatic' or 'secure'.The templates you've specified may not be applied due to an error with the DnsOverHttpsMode policy.The templates you've specified may not be applied due to the DnsOverHttpsMode policy not being set.Must be specified and a valid string when DnsOverHttpsMode is 'secure'.Invalid proxy mode.Invalid update URL for extension with ID "$1".This computer is not detected as enterprise managed so policy can only automatically install extensions hosted on the Chrome Webstore. The Chrome Webstore update URL is "$1".Invalid URL. Must be a URL with a standard scheme, e.g http://example.com or https://example.com.Use of a proxy is disabled but an explicit proxy configuration is specified.Proxy is set to auto configured.Proxy configuration is set to use a .pac script URL, not fixed proxy servers.Proxy is set to use fixed proxy servers, not a .pac script URL.System proxy settings are set to be used but an explicit proxy configuration is also specified.Both fixed proxy servers and a .pac script URL are specified.Neither fixed proxy servers nor a .pac script URL are specified.This value is deprecated for this policy.Ignored because $1 is not set to $2.Ignored because user is not affiliated to the machine management or the machine is not managed.Policy level is not supported.Not set.Unknown policy.Policy parsing error: $1Value "$1" is an invalid hex color.PoliciesFilter policies by nameReload policiesLoading policiesPolicies is loadedExport to JSONDevice policiesUser policiesMachine policiesGoogle UpdateEnrollment domain:Enrollment Token:Device ID:Machine Name:User:Gaia ID:Client ID:Asset ID:Assigned Location:Directory API ID:Managed by:Last fetch attempted:Last policy timestamp:Report sent:Not SpecifiedPolicies push:Fetch interval:ConflictSupersedingValue (conflict)Value (superseded)DeprecatedUnreleasedIgnoredValueCurrent precedence orderShow policies with no value setNo policies setApplies toLevelPolicy namePolicy valueShow moreShow lessLearn more about $1 policyCurrent userMachineMandatoryEnterprise defaultCommand lineCloudMergedCloud (Ash)Restricted managed guest session overrideLocal ServerPlatformDevice local account overrideFull Admin AccessSystem SecuritySharing with WebsitesSharing with AdministratorFilteringLocal Data AccessSharing with GoogleShow statusHide statusWarning: This policy was not merged as a list as specified by policy because it is not a list.Warning: This policy was not merged as a dictionary as specified by policy because it is not a dictionary.Warning: This policy was not merged as specified in PolicyDictionaryMultipleSourceMergeList policy because it is not part of the dictionary policies that can be merged.This policy is working as intended but the same value is set elsewhere and is superseded by this policy.This policy is working as intended but a conflicting value is set elsewhere and is overridden by this policy.This policy is deprecated. You should use the $1 policy instead.This policy was automatically copied from the deprecated $1 policy. You should use this policy instead.This policy is blocked, its value will be ignored.This policy value failed to validate against its schema and will be ignored.This policy is ignored because another policy from the same policy group has a higher priority.Policy value is not valid.This policy cannot be set to "True" and be mandatory, therefore it was changed to recommended.This policy cannot be set at the Chrome profile level and will be ignored.This policy is ignored because the user is unaffiliated. For this policy to be applied, the Chrome browser and profile must be managed through the Admin console by the same organization.Platform machinePlatform userCloud machineCloud userList entry "$1": Unknown or unsupported language.List entry "$1": Entry ignored because it is also included in the SpellcheckLanguage policy.Is affiliated:Off-Hours Policy:Not activesign-in screen profileCopy the value of $1 policyCopy as JSONApplication is blockedApplication blocked by your administratorThis application has been blocked by your administratorPasting from $1 to this location is blocked by administrator policySharing from $1 to $2 has been blocked by administrator policyView detailsAndroid appsPasting from $1 to this location is not recommended by administrator policyPaste anywayCopying and pasting this content to $1 is not recommended by administrator policyPrinting is blockedPrinting this content is blocked by administrator policyPrint confidential file?Administrator policy doesn’t recommend printing this contentPrint anywayCan’t share confidential contentAdministrator policy disables screen sharing with $1 when confidential content is visibleScreen share pausedScreen share resumedScreen sharing with $1 was resumedCan't capture confidential contentAdministrator policy disables screen capture when confidential content is visibleCan't record confidential contentAdministrator policy disables screen recording when confidential content is visibleShare confidential content?Administrator policy doesn’t recommend sharing your screen with $1 when confidential content is visible:Share anywayCapture confidential content?Administrator policy doesn’t recommend taking screenshots or recordings when confidential content is visible:Capture anywaySave anywayDelete recording{0, plural, =1 {Download confidential file?} other {Download confidential files?}}{0, plural, =1 {Transfer confidential file?} other {Transfer confidential files?}}{0, plural, =1 {Upload confidential file?} other {Upload confidential files?}}{0, plural, =1 {Move confidential file?} other {Move confidential files?}}{0, plural, =1 {Copy confidential file?} other {Copy confidential files?}}{0, plural, =1 {Administrator policy doesn’t recommend downloading this file to $1} other {Administrator policy doesn’t recommend downloading these files to $1}}{0, plural, =1 {Administrator policy doesn’t recommend transferring this file to $1} other {Administrator policy doesn’t recommend transferring these files to $1}}{0, plural, =1 {Administrator policy doesn’t recommend uploading this file to $1} other {Administrator policy doesn’t recommend uploading these files to $1}}{0, plural, =1 {Administrator policy doesn’t recommend moving this file to $1} other {Administrator policy doesn’t recommend moving these files to $1}}{0, plural, =1 {Administrator policy doesn’t recommend copying this file to $1} other {Administrator policy doesn’t recommend copying these files to $1}}Download anywayTransfer anywayUpload anywayMove anywayCopy anywayRemovable storage$1. $2Device will restart very soonYour administrator will restart your device at $1 on $2Your administrator will restart your device automatically at $1 on $2. Save any open items before your device restarts.{0, plural, =1 {Your device will restart in 1 minute} other {Your device will restart in # minutes}}{0, plural, =0 {Your device will restart now} =1 {Your device will restart in 1 second} other {Your device will restart in # seconds}}Your administrator restarted your deviceE12A0A0A10A1A2A3A4A4-ExtraA4-TabA5A5-ExtraA6A7A8A9B0B10B1B2B3Envelope B4Envelope B5B5-ExtraEnvelope B6/C4Envelope B6B7B8B9Envelope C0Envelope C10Envelope C1Envelope C2Envelope C3Envelope C4Envelope C5Envelope C6/C5Envelope C6Envelope C7/C6Envelope C7Envelope C8Envelope C9Envelope DLJIS B0JIS B1JIS B2JIS B3JIS B4JIS B5JIS B6JIS B7JIS B8JIS B9JIS B10JIS ExecEnvelope Chou 2Envelope Chou 3Envelope Chou 4Envelope Chou 40Hagaki PostcardEnvelope KahuEnvelope Kaku 1Envelope Kaku 2Envelope Kaku 3Envelope Kaku 4Envelope Kaku 5Envelope Kaku 7Envelope Kaku 8Oufuku Hagaki PostcardEnvelope You 4Envelope You 610x11Envelope 10 x 13 inEnvelope 10 x 14 inEnvelope 10 x 15 in11x1211x1512x195x7Envelope 6 x 9 inEnvelope 7 x 9 inEnvelope 9 x 11 inEnvelope A2Envelope 9 x 12 inArchitecture-BArchitecture-CArchitecture-DArchitecture-EB-PlusEngineering-CEngineering-DEdpEuropean-EdpEngineering-EFanfold-EuropeanFanfold-UsFoolscapFGovernment-LegalGovernment-LetterIndex-3x5Index-4x6 (Postcard)Index-4x6-ExtIndex-5x8StatementLedgerLegalLegal-ExtraLetterLetter-ExtraLetter-PlusEnvelope MonarchEnvelope #9Envelope #10Envelope #11Envelope #12Envelope #14Envelope PersonalSuper-ASuper-BWide-Format3.5x5275 x 395 mmFolio-SpEnvelope InviteEnvelope Italian198 x 275 mmLarge-Photo267 x 389 mmEnvelope PostfixSmall-PhotoEnvelope Chinese #10PRC 16KEnvelope Chinese #1Envelope Chinese #2PRC 32KEnvelope Chinese #3Envelope Chinese #4Envelope Chinese #5Envelope Chinese #6Envelope Chinese #7Envelope Chinese #8ROC 16KROC 8K$1 on $2Print Compositor Service{NUM_DAYS, plural, =0 {When this control is on and the status is active, Chrome determines which large group of people, or "cohort," your recent browsing activity is most similar to. Advertisers can select ads for the group and your browsing activity is kept private on your device. Your group is updated every day.} =1 {When this control is on and the status is active, Chrome determines which large group of people, or "cohort," your recent browsing activity is most similar to. Advertisers can select ads for the group and your browsing activity is kept private on your device. Your group is updated every day.} other {When this control is on and the status is active, Chrome determines which large group of people, or "cohort," your recent browsing activity is most similar to. Advertisers can select ads for the group and your browsing activity is kept private on your device. Your group is updated every {NUM_DAYS} days.}}{NUM_DAYS, plural, =0 {In less than a day} =1 {In a day} other {In {NUM_DAYS} days}}Not applicable{NUM_DAYS, plural, =0 {You can reset your group at any time. It takes about a day to join a new group.} =1 {You can reset your group at any time. It takes about a day to join a new group.} other {You can reset your group at any time. It takes {NUM_DAYS} days to join a new group.}}Trial is activeEligible for trial but not activeArts & entertainmentActing & theaterComicsConcerts & music festivalsDanceEntertainment industryHumorLive comedyLive sporting eventsMagicMovie listings & theater showtimesMoviesAction & adventure moviesAnimated moviesComedy moviesCult & indie moviesDocumentary moviesDrama moviesFamily moviesHorror moviesRomance moviesThriller, crime & mystery moviesMusic & audioBluesClassical musicCountry musicDance & electronic musicFolk & traditional musicJazzMusical instrumentsPop musicRap & hip-hopRock musicClassic rock & oldiesHard rock & progressiveIndie & alternative musicSoul & R&BSoundtracksTalk radioWorld musicReggae & caribbean musicOnline image galleriesOnline videoOperaTV shows & programsTV comediesTV documentary & nonfictionTV dramasTV soap operasTV familly-oriented showsTV reality showsTV sci-fi & fantasy showsVisual art & designDesignPaintingPhotographic & digital artsAutos & vehiclesCargo trucks & trailersClassic vehiclesCustom & performance vehiclesGas prices & vehicle fuelingMotor vehiclesAutonomous vehiclesConvertiblesCoupesHatchbacksHybrid & alternative vehiclesLuxury vehiclesMicrocars & subcompactsMotorcyclesOff-road vehiclesPickup trucksScooters & mopedsSedansStation wagonsSUVsCrossoversVans & minivansTowing & roadside assistanceVehicle & traffic safetyVehicle parts & accessoriesVehicle repair & maintenanceVehicle shoppingUsed vehiclesVehicle showsBeauty & fitnessBody artFace & body careAntiperspirants, deodorants & body spraysBath & body productsClean beautyMake-up & cosmeticsNail care productsPerfumes & fragrancesRazors & shaversFashion & styleFitnessBodybuildingHair careBooks & literatureChildren's literaturePoetryBusiness & industrialAdvertising & marketingSalesAgriculture & forestryFood productionAutomotive industryAviation industryBusiness operationsFlexible work arrangementsHuman resourcesCommercial lendingConstruction & maintenanceCivil engineeringDefense industryEnergy & utilitiesWater supply & treatmentHospitality industryManufacturingMetals & miningPharmaceuticals & biotechPrinting & publishingRetail tradeVenture capitalComputers & electronicsAntivirus & malwareComputer peripheralsConsumer electronicsCameras & camcordersHome automationHome theater systemsWearable technologyDesktop computersLaptops & notebooksNetwork securityComputer networksDistributed & cloud computingProgrammingSoftwareAudio & music softwareDesktop publishingFreeware & sharewareGraphics & animation softwareOperating systemsPhoto softwareVideo softwareWeb browsersFinanceAccounting & auditingTax preparation & planningCredit cardsFinancial planning & managementRetirement & pensionGrants, scholarships & financial aidStudy grants & scholarshipsHome financingInsuranceAuto insuranceHealth insuranceHome insuranceLife insuranceTravel insuranceInvestingCommodities & futures tradingCurrencies & foreign exchangeHedge fundsMutual fundsStocks & bondsPersonal loansStudent loans & college financingFood & drinkCooking & recipesBBQ & grillingWorld cuisineVegetarian cuisineVegan cuisineHealthy eatingFood & grocery retailersGamesBilliardsCard gamesComputer & video gamesAction & platform gamesAdventure gamesCasual gamesCompetitive video gamingMassively multiplayer gamesMusic & dance gamesSimulation gamesSports gamesStrategy gamesDrawing & coloringRoleplaying gamesTable tennisHobbies & leisureAnniversariesBirthdays & name daysDiving & underwater activitiesFiber & textile artsOutdoorsFishingHunting & shootingPaintballRadio control & modelingWeddingsHome & gardenGardeningHome & interior decorHome appliancesHome improvementHome safety & securityHousehold suppliesLandscape designInternet & telecomInternet service providers (ISPs)Phone service providersSmart phonesTeleconferencingText & instant messagingWeb apps & online toolsWeb design & developmentWeb hostingJobs & educationEducationAcademic conferences & publicationsColleges & universitiesDistance learningEarly childhood educationPreschoolHomeschoolingStandardized & admissions testsVocational & continuing educationJobsCareer resources & planningJob listingsLaw & governmentCrime & justiceLegal servicesEconomy newsLocal newsMergers & acquisitionsPoliticsWeatherWorld newsOnline communitiesDating & personalsForum & chat providersSocial networksPeople & societyFamily & relationshipsAncestry & genealogyMarriageParentingAdoptionBabies & toddlersChild internet safetyScience fiction & fantasyPets & animalsPet food & pet care suppliesPetsBirdsCatsDogsFish & aquariaReptiles & amphibiansVeterinariansReal estateLots & landTimeshares & vacation propertiesReferenceEducational resourcesForeign language studyHow-to, DIY & expert contentScienceAugmented & virtual realityBiological sciencesGeneticsChemistryEcology & environmentGeologyMachine learning & artificial intelligencePhysicsRoboticsShoppingAntiques & collectiblesChildren's clothingConsumer resourcesCoupons & discount offersCostumesFlowersMen's clothingParty & holiday suppliesWomen's clothingSportsAmerican footballAustralian footballAuto racingBaseballBowlingBoxingCheerleadingCollege sportsCricketCyclingEquestrianExtreme sportsClimbing & mountaineeringFantasy sportsGolfGymnasticsHockeyIce skatingMartial artsMotorcycle racingOlympicsRugbyRunning & walkingSkiing & snowboardingSoccerSurfingSwimmingTennisTrack & fieldVolleyballWrestlingTravel & transportationAdventure travelAir travelBusiness travelCar rentalsCruises & chartersFamily travelHoneymoons & romantic getawaysHotels & accommodationsLong distance bus & railLow cost & last minute travelLuggage & travel accessoriesTourist destinationsBeaches & islandsRegional parks & gardensTheme parksZoos, aquariums & preservesTravel guides & traveloguesemailweb calendarAllow $1 to open all $2 links?Allow $1 to open all $2 links instead of $3?Open $1 linksOpen $1 links instead of $2Reset PasswordReset your password nowReset password?You entered your password on a site that’s not managed by your organization. To protect your account, don’t reuse your password on other apps and sites.You entered your password on a site that’s not managed by $1. To protect your account, don’t reuse your password on other apps and sites.Reset passwordChromium recommends resetting your password if you reused it on other sites.Chromium recommends resetting your $1 password if you reused it on other sites.Hide advancedCaptive Portal AuthorizationConnect to networkConnect to Wi-FiThe network you are using may require you to visit $1.The Wi-Fi you are using may require you to visit $1.The Wi-Fi you are using ($1) may require you to visit $2.The network you are using may require you to visit its login page.The Wi-Fi you are using may require you to visit its login page.The Wi-Fi you are using ($1) may require you to visit its login page.An application is stopping Chrome from safely connecting to this site"$1" wasn’t installed properly on your computer or network. Ask your IT administrator to resolve this issue."$1" wasn’t installed properly on your computer or the network:
  • Try uninstalling or disabling "$1"
  • Try connecting to another network
A root certificate for "$1" is required but isn’t installed. Your IT administrator should look at configuration instructions for "$1" to fix this problem. $2"$1" isn’t configured correctly. Uninstalling "$1" usually fixes the problem. $2Applications that can cause this error include antivirus, firewall, and web-filtering or proxy software.Safety warningDid you mean $1?The site you just tried to visit looks fake. Attackers sometimes mimic sites by making small, hard-to-see changes to the URL.Fake site aheadAttackers sometimes mimic sites by making small, hard-to-see changes to the URL.Back to safetyClose pageClock errorYour clock is aheadYour clock is behindUpdate date and timeA private connection to $1 can't be established because your computer's date and time ($2) are incorrect.To establish a secure connection, your clock needs to be set correctly. This is because the certificates that websites use to identify themselves are only valid for specific periods of time. Since your device's clock is incorrect, Chromium cannot verify these certificates.Privacy errorYour connection is not privateAttackers might be trying to steal your information from $1 (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards). Learn moreWarnings may be common while websites update their security. This should improve soon.Proceed to $1 (unsafe)You cannot visit $1 right now because the website uses certificate pinning. Network errors and attacks are usually temporary, so this page will probably work later.You cannot visit $1 right now because the website uses HSTS. Network errors and attacks are usually temporary, so this page will probably work later.You cannot visit $1 right now because its certificate has been revoked. Network errors and attacks are usually temporary, so this page will probably work later.$1 normally uses encryption to protect your information. When Chromium tried to connect to $1 this time, the website sent back unusual and incorrect credentials. This may happen when an attacker is trying to pretend to be $1, or a Wi-Fi sign-in screen has interrupted the connection. Your information is still secure because Chromium stopped the connection before any data was exchanged.You cannot visit $1 right now because the website sent scrambled credentials that Chromium cannot process. Network errors and attacks are usually temporary, so this page will probably work later.Security errorThe site ahead contains malwareAttackers currently on $1 might attempt to install dangerous programs on your computer that steal or delete your information (for example, photos, passwords, messages, and credit cards). Learn moreGoogle Safe Browsing recently detected malware on $1. Websites that are normally safe are sometimes infected with malware.Google Safe Browsing recently detected malware on $1. Websites that are normally safe are sometimes infected with malware. The malicious content comes from $2, a known malware distributor.If you understand the risks to your security, you may visit this unsafe site before the dangerous programs have been removed.Help improve security on the web for everyone by sending URLs of some pages you visit, limited system information, and some page content to Google. Privacy policyTo get Chrome’s highest level of security, turn on enhanced protectionThe site ahead contains harmful programsAttackers on $1 might attempt to trick you into installing programs that harm your browsing experience (for example, by changing your homepage or showing extra ads on sites you visit). Learn moreGoogle Safe Browsing recently found harmful programs on $1.If you understand the risks to your security, you may visit this site before the harmful programs have been removed.Deceptive site aheadAttackers on $1 may trick you into doing something dangerous like installing software or revealing your personal information (for example, passwords, phone numbers, or credit cards). Learn moreGoogle Safe Browsing recently detected phishing on $1. Phishing sites pretend to be other websites to trick you.You can report a detection problem or, if you understand the risks to your security, visit this unsafe site.Dangerous content blocked.This content might try to install dangerous software on your device that steals or deletes your information. Show anywayDeceptive content blocked.This content might try to trick you into installing software or revealing personal information. Show anywayHarmful content blocked.This content might try to install deceptive apps that pretend to be something else or collect data that may be used to track you. Show anywayPotential charges ahead.These charges could be one-time or recurring and may not be obvious. Show anywayShow MoreShow LessConnection HelpFix connection errors

If you try to visit a website and it doesn’t open, first try to fix the error with these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check the web address for typos.
  2. Make sure your internet connection is working normally.
  3. Contact the website owner.
Get help with a specific error message"Your connection is not private" or "NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID" or "ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID" or "NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM" or "ERR_CERT_SYMANTEC_LEGACY" or "SSL certificate error""Connect to network""Your clock is behind" or "Your clock is ahead" or "NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID"

Step 1: Sign in to the portal

Wi-Fi networks at places like cafes or airports need you to sign in. To see the sign-in page, visit a page that uses http://.

  1. Go to any website starting with http://, like http://example.com.
  2. On the sign-in page that opens, sign in to use the internet.

Step 2: Open the page in Incognito mode (computer only)

Open the page you were visiting in an Incognito window.

If the page opens, a Chrome extension isn't working right. To fix the error, turn off the extension.

Step 3: Update your operating system

Make sure your device is up-to-date.

Step 4: Temporarily turn off your antivirus

You'll see this error if you have antivirus software that provides "HTTPS protection" or "HTTPS scanning." The antivirus is preventing Chrome from providing security.

To fix the problem, turn off your antivirus software. If the page works after turning off the software, turn off this software when you use secure sites.

Remember to turn your antivirus program back on when you're done.

Step 5: Get extra help

If you still see the error, contact the website owner.

You'll see this error if you're using a Wi-Fi portal where you have to sign in before you can get online.

To fix the error, click Connect on the page you're trying to open.

You'll see this error if your computer or mobile device's date and time are inaccurate.

To fix the error, open your device's clock. Make sure the time and date are correct.

"Software on your computer is stopping Chrome from safely connecting to the web" (Windows computers only)

You'll see this error if you have Superfish software on your Windows computer.

Follow these steps to temporarily disable the software so you can get on the web. You'll need administrator privileges.

  1. Click Start, then search for and select "View local services"
  2. Select VisualDiscovery
  3. Under Startup type, select Disabled
  4. Under Service status, click Stop
  5. Click Apply, then click OK
  6. Visit the Chrome help center to learn how to permanently remove the software from your computer
Page may charge moneyThe page ahead may try to charge you moneyProceedYour activity on $1 is being monitoredMonitoring DetectedYour activity on the web is being monitoredAnything you type, any pages you view, or any other activity on the web is being watched. Content on sites may be changed without your knowledge.This problem happens because of a certificate you or someone else installed on your device. The certificate is known to be used to monitor and intercept networks, and is not trusted by Chromium. While some legitimate cases for monitoring do exist, like on a school or company network, Chromium wants to make sure you're aware it's happening, even if you can't stop it. Monitoring may happen in any browser or application that accesses the web.Your connection is not fully secureThis site uses an outdated security configuration, which may expose your information (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards) when it is sent to this site.The connection used to load this site used TLS 1.0 or TLS 1.1, which are deprecated and will be disabled in the future. Once disabled, users will be prevented from loading this site. The server should enable TLS 1.2 or later.Form is not secureThe information you’re about to submit is not secureBecause this form is being submitted using a connection that’s not secure, your information will be visible to others.Send anywaySite is not secureThe connection to $1 is not secureYou are seeing this warning because this site does not support HTTPS. Learn moreContinue to siteComputerDeviceAdsadsAugmented realityaugmented realityAutomatic downloadsautomatic downloadsBackground syncbackground syncBluetooth devicesbluetooth devicesBluetooth scanningbluetooth scanningcameraCamera use & movementcamera use & movementclipboardcookies and site dataThird-party sign-inthird-party sign-inYour device useyour device useJavaScriptjavascriptlocationmicrophoneMIDI devicesMotion sensorsmotion sensorsNFC devicesnotificationsPop-ups and redirectspop-ups and redirectsProtected content IDsMotion or light sensorsmotion or light sensorsSoundsoundUSB devicesVirtual realityvirtual realityFile editingfile editingfontsProtocol handlersprotocol handlersHID devicesImagesimagesInsecure contentinsecure contentPayment handlerspayment handlersPDF documentsSerial portsserial portsZoom levelszoom levelsWindow managementwindow managementVerify your phone number$1 is your code for $2$1 is your code for $3 to continue on $2EnglishFrenchGermanItalianJapaneseSpanishThis server could not prove that it is $1; its security certificate does not specify Subject Alternative Names. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.This server could not prove that it is $1; its security certificate is from $2. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.Server's certificate does not match the URL.{1, plural, =1 {This server could not prove that it is {0}; its security certificate expired in the last day. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection. Your computer's clock is currently set to {2, date, full}. Does that look right? If not, you should correct your system's clock and then refresh this page.} other {This server could not prove that it is {0}; its security certificate expired # days ago. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection. Your computer's clock is currently set to {2, date, full}. Does that look right? If not, you should correct your system's clock and then refresh this page.}}Server's certificate has expired.{1, plural, =1 {This server could not prove that it is {0}; its security certificate is supposedly from tomorrow. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.} other {This server could not prove that it is {0}; its security certificate is supposedly from # days in the future. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.}}Server's certificate is not yet valid.This server could not prove that it is $1; its security certificate is not valid at this time. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.Server's certificate is not valid at this time.Server's certificate is not trusted.This server could not prove that it is $1; its security certificate contains errors. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.Server's certificate contains errors.This server could not prove that it is $1; its security certificate might be revoked. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.Server's certificate cannot be checked.No revocation mechanism found.You attempted to reach $1, but the certificate that the server presented has been revoked by its issuer. This means that the security credentials the server presented absolutely should not be trusted. You may be communicating with an attacker.Server's certificate has been revoked.You attempted to reach $1, but the server presented an invalid certificate.Server's certificate is invalid.You attempted to reach $1, but the server presented a certificate signed using a weak signature algorithm (such as SHA-1). This means that the security credentials the server presented could have been forged, and the server may not be the server you expected (you may be communicating with an attacker).Server's certificate is signed using a weak signature algorithm.You attempted to reach $1, but the server presented a certificate containing a weak key. An attacker could have broken the private key, and the server may not be the server you expected (you may be communicating with an attacker).The server certificate contains a weak cryptographic key.This server could not prove that it is $1; its security certificate might have been issued fraudulently. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.Server's certificate violates name constraints.You attempted to reach $1, but the server presented a certificate whose validity period is too long to be trustworthy.The server certificate has a validity period that is too long.An unknown error has occurred.Unknown server certificate error.The server presented a certificate that doesn't match built-in expectations. These expectations are included for certain, high-security websites in order to protect you.The server's certificate appears to be a forgery.The server presented a certificate that was not publicly disclosed using the Certificate Transparency policy. This is a requirement for some certificates, to ensure that they are trustworthy and protect against attackers.The server's certificate was not disclosed via Certificate Transparency.The server used an obsolete version of TLS.The server should upgrade to TLS 1.2 or later.This server could not prove that it is $1; its security certificate is not trusted by your computer's operating system. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.Always allow ads on this siteAds blockedThis site shows intrusive or misleading ads.Addresses and MoreReading ListEmpty passphrase is not allowed.Encrypt synced data with your own sync passphraseSetting up…You must enter the same passphrase twice.Sync is not available for your domainYour data was encrypted with your sync passphrase on $2. Enter it to start sync.Your data is encrypted with your sync passphrase. Enter it to start sync.More languages…Page is not in $1?Not in $1? Report this errorAbout Google TranslateNopeThis page has been translated from$1to$2This page has been translated to $1Oops. This page could not be translated.Pages in $1 will be translated to $2 from now on.Pages in $1 will not be translated.This site will not be translated.Detected LanguageGreyPurple&Undo add&Redo add&Undo delete&Redo delete&Undo edit&Redo edit&Undo move&Redo move&Undo reorder&Redo reorderClose tutorialClose help bubbleRemind me laterShow me howRestart tutorialAbout VersionOfficial BuildDeveloper Build(32-bit)(64-bit)RevisionOSUser AgentCommand LineCopy version stringExecutable PathProfile PathNo such file or directoryActive VariationsCommand-line variations(cohort: $1)Turn off JourneysTurn on JourneysJourneysList“$1”$1 and moreLoad moreNo search resultsOpen all in new tab groupOpen Link in Incognito WindowOpen Link in New TabOpen Link in New WindowRelated searchesRemove all from historyItem removedSaved in tab groupSearch JourneysCopy Link AddressSearch your Journeys{NUM_MATCHES, plural, =1 {# match} other {# matches}}MenuThis plugin is not supportedChooseAddress and search barTab listJSON ParserOpen startup pagesPrivacySafety CheckPatch ServiceCSV Password Parser ServicePassword Strength CalculatorUnzip ServiceUnknown or Unsupported Device ($1)Computer ($1)Peripheral ($1)Phone ($1)Modem ($1)Audio ($1)Car audio ($1)Video ($1)Joystick ($1)Gamepad ($1)Keyboard ($1)Tablet ($1)Mouse ($1)Keyboard/Mouse ($1)Could not load file '$1' for content script. It isn't UTF-8 encoded.Can't find the absolute path to the directory to pack.This extension includes the key file '$1'. You probably don't want to do that.There is already a CRX file present with this name.Input directory must exist.Error while signing extension.Failed to create temporary zip file during packaging.Could not load about page '$1'.Could not load background script '$1'.Could not load background page '$1'.Could not load css '$1' for content script.Could not load javascript '$1' for content script.Could not load options page '$1'.Localization used, but default_locale wasn't specified in the manifest.Manifest file is missing or unreadableManifest file is invalidCould not decode image: '$1'Could not unzip extensionA private key for specified extension already exists. Reuse that key or delete it first.Failed to read private key.Failed to export private key.Yikes! Failed to generate random RSA private key.Failed to output private key.Invalid private key.Input value for private key must exist.Input value for private key must be a valid path.Input value for private key must be a valid format (PKCS#8-format PEM-encoded RSA key).Failed to export public key.Failed to replace crx file. Check to see if the file is in use.$1 (extension ID "$2") is blocked by the administrator. $3The administrator of this machine requires $1 to be installed. It cannot be removed or modified.The administrator of this machine requires $1 to be installed. It cannot be uninstalled.The administrator of this machine requires $1 to have a minimum version of $2. It cannot be enabled until it has updated to that version (or higher).$1 (serial number $2)$1 from vendor $2$1 from vendor $2 (serial number $3)$1 from $2 (serial number $3)Unknown product $1 from vendor $2 (serial number $3)Unknown product $1 from $2 (serial number $3)"$1" is requesting access to one of your devices:"$1" is requesting access to one or more of your devices:User-facingEnvironment-facingAppview: $1Options: $1Mimehandler: $1Webview: $1This extension is slowing down $1. You should disable it to restore $1's performance.This extension failed to name the download "$1" because another extension ($2) determined a different filename "$3".This extension reloaded itself too frequently.The extension failed to load properly. It might not be able to intercept network requests.Could not install package because a utility process crashed. Try restarting Chrome and trying again.Package is invalid: '$1'.Package is invalid. Details: '$1'.Could not install package: '$1'Can not unpack extension. To safely unpack an extension, there must be a path to your profile directory that starts with a drive letter and does not contain a junction, mount point, or symlink. No such path exists for your profile.WebGL is not supported.WinHttp Proxy ResolverUnlabeled graphicTo get missing image descriptions, open the context menu.Getting description…Appears to contain adult content. No description available.No description available.Appears to say: $1Appears to be: $1Plus icon, may mean AddLeft arrow icon, may mean BackRight arrow icon, may mean ForwardsPhone handset icon, may mean CallCartoon bubble icon, may mean ChatCheck mark iconX icon, may mean Close or DeleteTrash icon, may mean DeletePencil icon, may mean EditSmiley face icon, may mean EmojiEnd Call iconDown chevron icon, may mean ExpandHeart icon, may mean FavoriteHome iconLowercase i icon, may mean InformationLaunch apps iconThumbs up icon, may mean LikeThree bars icon, may mean MenuThree dots, may mean MoreBell icon, may mean NotificationsPause iconPlay iconRefresh iconMagnifying glass icon, may mean Search or ZoomPaper airplane icon, may mean SendGear or wrench icon, may mean SettingsShare iconStar iconCamera icon, may mean Take PhotoClock icon, may mean TimeVideocamera icon, may mean Record VideoFour outward arrows icon, may mean ExpandFour inward arrows icon, may mean ContractGoogle iconTwitter iconFacebook iconGoogle Assistant iconWeather iconShopping cart iconUpward arrow, may mean UploadQuestion mark iconMicrophone icon, may mean RecordMute microphone iconGallery iconCompass iconPeople iconUp arrow iconEnvelope icon, may mean MailHappy and sad face emoji iconPaperclip icon, may mean attachmentCast icon, may mean to cast a video to a remote screenVolume up iconVolume down iconSpeaker icon, may mean volumeMute iconStop iconShopping bag iconBulleted list iconLocation iconCalendar iconThumbs down icon, may mean dislikeHeadset iconClockwise arrow icon, may mean RedoCounterclockwise arrow icon, may mean UndoDownload iconDown arrow iconDown chevron icon, may mean CollapseRight chevron iconLeft chevron iconClock with circular arrow, may mean HistoryPerson iconHappy face iconSad face iconMoon icon, may mean nighttime or sleepCloud iconSun icon, may mean daytimeTodayChoose FilesNo file chosen$1 filesOther…ddmmyyyyThis monthThis weekWeekShow date pickerShow local date and time pickerShow month pickerShow time pickerShow week pickerShow month selection panelShow next monthShow previous month$1, starting on $2Blue channelGreen channelHexadecimal color valueHueLightnessRed channelSaturationEyedropperFormat togglerHue sliderColor wellColor well with two-dimensional slider for selecting saturation and lightnessSystem ColorsAM/PMDayHoursmedia controlaudiovideomuteunmuteplaypauseelapsed time: $1total time: $1enter full screenexit full screentoggle display cutout fullscreenenter picture-in-pictureexit picture-in-picturebufferingshow closed captions menuhide closed captions menushow playback speed menuhide playback speed menuplay on remote devicecontrol remote playbackdownload mediashow more media controlsaudio time scrubbervideo time scrubbervolume slidercurrent time in secondsnumber of seconds of video remainingmore optionsMillisecondsMinutesSeconds$1 not selectedLine wrapWeek $2, $1Please select one or more files.Invalid value.Please enter a non-empty email address.Please enter a part following '$1'. '$2' is incomplete.Please enter a part followed by '$1'. '$2' is incomplete.A part following '$1' should not contain the symbol '$2'.'$1' is used at a wrong position in '$2'.A part followed by '$1' should not contain the symbol '$2'.Please include an '$1' in the email address. '$2' is missing an '$1'.Please enter a comma separated list of email addresses.Value must be $1.Value must be greater than or equal to $1.Value must be $1 or later.Value must be less than or equal to $1.Value must be $1 or earlier.Value must be between $1 and $2.Minimum date ($1) must come before Maximum date ($2).Please enter a valid value. The field is incomplete or has an invalid date.Please enter a number.Please fill out this field.Please check this box if you want to proceed.Please select a file.Please select one of these options.Please select an item in the list.Please enter an email address.Please enter a URL.Please match the requested format.Please enter a valid value. The two nearest valid values are $1 and $2.Please enter a valid value. The nearest valid value is $1.Please shorten this text to $2 characters or less (you are currently using $1 characters).Please lengthen this text to $2 characters or more (you are currently using 1 character).Please lengthen this text to $2 characters or more (you are currently using $1 characters).Local FilePlayback speed0.250.50.751.251.51.752FullscreenExit fullscreenPlaying in picture-in-pictureNow casting to $1Now casting to your TVSwitched to mirroringPoor playback qualityVideo playback errorDouble tap left or right to skip 10sTrack $1Couldn't load plugin.Unable to play media.$1 KB$1 MB$1 GB$1 TB$1 PBInvalid entryInvalid spellingInvalid grammaractivatecheckclickclick ancestorjumpopenpressselectuncheckalertalert dialogapplicationarticlebannerblockquotebuttoncodecolor pickercolumn headercombo boxcommentcomplementarydeletioninsertioncheckboxcontent informationdate pickerdate and time pickerlocal date and time pickerdefinitiondefinition listtermdetailsdialogdirectorydisclosure triangleabstractacknowledgmentsafterwordappendixback linkbibliography entrybibliographybibliography referencechaptercolophonconclusioncovercreditcreditsdedicationendnoteendnotesepigraphepilogueerrataexamplefootnoteforewordglossaryglossary referenceindexintroductionnote referencenoticepage breakpage footerpage headerpage listpartprefaceprologuepullquoteQ&Asubtitletiptable of contentsdocumentobjectemphasisfeedfigureformfootergraphicgraphics documentgraphics objectgraphics symbolheaderheadingheading $1time pickerlinklist boxlogmainhighlightmarqueemathmenumenu barmenu itemmetermonth pickernavigationnoteoutputpop up buttonprogress indicatorradio buttonradio groupregionrow grouprow headerscroll barsearchsearch boxsectionsliderspin buttonsplitterstatusstrongsubscriptsuggestionsuperscriptswitchtabtabletab listtab paneltelephonetimetimertoggle buttontoolbartooltiptreetree gridtree itemurlHTML contentweek picker{SECONDS, plural, =1 {1 sec} other {# secs}}{SECONDS, plural, =1 {1 second} other {# seconds}}{MINUTES, plural, =1 {1 min} other {# mins}}{MINUTES, plural, =1 {1 minute} other {# minutes}}{MINUTES, plural, =1 {1 minute and } other {# minutes and }}{HOURS, plural, =1 {1 hour} other {# hours}}{HOURS, plural, =1 {1 hour and } other {# hours and }}{DAYS, plural, =1 {1 day} other {# days}}{DAYS, plural, =1 {1 day and } other {# days and }}{MONTHS, plural, =1 {1 month} other {# months}}{YEARS, plural, =1 {1 year} other {# years}}{SECONDS, plural, =1 {1 sec left} other {# secs left}}{SECONDS, plural, =1 {1 second left} other {# seconds left}}{MINUTES, plural, =1 {1 min left} other {# mins left}}{MINUTES, plural, =1 {1 minute left} other {# minutes left}}{HOURS, plural, =1 {1 hour left} other {# hours left}}{DAYS, plural, =1 {1 day left} other {# days left}}{MONTHS, plural, =1 {1 month left} other {# months left}}{YEARS, plural, =1 {1 year left} other {# years left}}{SECONDS, plural, =1 {1 sec ago} other {# secs ago}}{SECONDS, plural, =1 {1 second ago} other {# seconds ago}}{MINUTES, plural, =1 {1 min ago} other {# mins ago}}{SECONDS, plural, =1 {1 minute ago} other {# minutes ago}}{HOURS, plural, =1 {1 hour ago} other {# hours ago}}{DAYS, plural, =1 {1 day ago} other {# days ago}}{MONTHS, plural, =1 {1 month ago} other {# months ago}}{YEARS, plural, =1 {1 year ago} other {# years ago}}YesterdayHTML ContentImageRTF ContentWeb Smart Paste ContentDelete AllExtension pinnedExtension unpinnedThis is a new feature.$1. $2.Untitled WebpageAll Files$1 FileSelect Folder to UploadWriting DirectionLeft to RightRight to LeftSelect FolderSave FileOpen FileOpen FilesBack buttonCenter buttonFloatHex color valueHalfPartialFullFloat on topScroll to HereLeft EdgeRight EdgeTopBottomPage UpPage DownScroll LeftScroll RightScroll UpScroll DownColumn $1 unsorted.Column $1 sorted in ascending order.Column $1 sorted in descending order.EmojiEscInsDelLeft ArrowRight ArrowUp ArrowDown ArrowEnterSpaceF1F5F6BackspaceCommaPeriodMedia Next TrackMedia Play/PauseMedia Previous TrackMedia StopAltCommandWin$1 B$1 B/s$1 KB/s$1 MB/s$1 GB/s$1 TB/s$1 PB/sNotification Center, $1 unread notificationsNotificationExpand notificationCollapse notification - $1+$1 more$1 %$1 systemnow{MINUTES, plural, =1 {1m} other {#m}}{HOURS, plural, =1 {1h} other {#h}}{DAYS, plural, =1 {1d} other {#d}}{YEARS, plural, =1 {1y} other {#y}}{MINUTES, plural, =1 {in 1m} other {in #m}}{HOURS, plural, =1 {in 1h} other {in #h}}{DAYS, plural, =1 {in 1d} other {in #d}}{YEARS, plural, =1 {in 1y} other {in #y}}Block all notifications from this siteBlock all notifications from this appBlock all notificationsDon't blockNotification closeNotification settingsSending to $1…Failed to sendImage.HTML content.Clipboard historyRemove from clipboard.Removed.To exit calibration press Esc.Calibrate your touchscreenTap the touch targets on your screen.Tap hereCalibration is completedUnknown DisplayBuilt-in displayUse low densityUse high densityYour application's display settings will take effect when it is next restarted.$1+{MAX_UNREAD_NOTIFICATIONS, plural, =1 {More than 1 unread notification} other {More than # unread notifications}}Unread Notifications{UNREAD_NOTIFICATIONS, plural, =1 {1 Unread Notification} other {# Unread Notifications}}Make a call fromCall this number from your phone?Make callSending…{DAYS, plural, =0 {Active today} =1 {Active 1 day ago} other {Active # days ago}}Number from $1TextNumberCan't share $1Couldn't share $1Make sure this device is connected to the internet.Make sure $1 is connected to the internet.Something went wrong. Try again later.Text is too largeTry sharing the text in smaller chunks.$1 is selected.