+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ dirtrans.bat... Using the account davidc@s-vm-telmax01 and paswword tacken from the windows environment variable %betaalpha1% ? Copies ATIMS files to the telmax21 /u/catcom/tec folder files are coppied from \\S-VM-TFILE01\apps\ISDN\ATIMS\atims*.txt these a for updating the TEC field in the Telmax21 directory and have rows in the form site extension TEC eg. FSY 8599 T15R02S14 after the telmax21 import this data it moves the ATIMS file to /tmp the last time this happed was Aug 26 2020 John Holloway may know what creates these files. Coppies /u/catcom/reports/davidc/clu_poll2 c:\autotask\clupoll2.txt clu_poll2 is cretaed by the davidc cron job 30 0 * * 1,2,3,4,5 $HOME/dirupdate dirupdate runs cd /u/catcom/forms/standard sacego dirprt2 #sql's to create csv files cd #qmaster and iac no longer used 20110601 DMC #t21sqlcsv "$HOME/system/sql/iac2.sql" "$HOME/iac.csv" #t21sqlcsv "$HOME/system/sql/qmaster2.sql" "$HOME/qmaster.csv" t21sqlcsv "$HOME/system/sql/VRT-Directory2.sql" "$HOME/VRT-Directory.csv" t21sqlcsv "$HOME/system/sql/clu_poll2.sql" "$HOME/clu_poll2" ++++ clu_poll2.sql ++++ select * from clu_poll ++++ VRT-Directory2.sql ++++ select dt.extension, dc.surname, dc.firstname, dc.faxno, dc.mobile from directtemplate dt, directcustom dc, gengroup gn where dt.recordno = dc.recordno AND dt.extgroupunique = gn.childgroupid AND ( dc.surname NOT MATCHES ".*" OR dc.surname IS NULL ) AND ( dc.title != "FACSIMILE MACH" OR dc.title IS null ) AND dt.site != "MTL" --# AND dc.division = "VRT" AND gn.parentgroupid = "VRT" ORDER BY dc.surname ++++ dirprt2 is an informix ace report ++++ It creates and export firl from the Telmax21.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Surname First Name Extn Telephone Section Div Location Title Recno Emp-id --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12630 0396192630 TELCO PROJECTS 4461010 LATROB 155538 B07114 ... ------ SNIP ------- coppies a Hierarchu file from \\S-VM-TFILE01\apps\acct2000 to s-vm-telmax01:/u/catcom/reports/davidc/system/cmpu The telmax21 uses this to run a comparisoon report on the Telmax21 Hierarchy +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ QIMPORT.BAT ... Using the account davidc@s-vm-telmax01 and paswword tacken from the windows environment variable %betaalpha1% ? Coppies from s-vm-telmax21:/u/catcom/reports/robyn/system/quetzal1.csv to z: