#!/bin/sh #echo "Content-type: text/csv\n" # set environment variables. . /u/catcom/catcom_vars OUTFILE="T21Eptc.csv" if [ -n "$1" ]; then OUTFILE="$1" fi ################################### #echo "
" #echo "Process QUERY_STRING=$QUERY_STRING" #echo "

" #for qtok in `echo "$QUERY_STRING" | tr "&" " "` #do # echo "qtok=[$qtok]" # eval $qtok #done ################################### # set working dir #rjs cd /u/catcom/t21web/webdirenq ################################### # get lock #LOCKFILE="/tmp/t21websql.lok" #while true #do # if [ ! -f "$LOCKFILE" ]; then # break; # fi # sleep 2 #done #touch $LOCKFILE ################################### tmpfile1="/tmp/webdirtmp$$.unl" rm -f $tmpfile1 #rjs runisql </dev/null 2>&1 database catcom; unload to "$tmpfile1" DELIMITER "," select dt.recordno, dc.surname, dc.firstname, dt.extension, dt.site, dc.section, dc.division, dc.title, dc.location, dt.extgroupunique, dc.email, dt.firstinit[1,9], dc.mobile, dc.faxno, dc.voicemail, dc.telephone from directtemplate dt, directcustom dc where dt.recordno = dc.recordno and dt.secure_code = "Y" UNION select dt.recordno, dc.surname, dc.firstname, dt.extension, dt.site, dc.section, dc.division, dc.title, dc.location, dt.extgroupunique, dc.email, dt.firstinit[1,9], dc.mobile, dc.faxno, dc.voicemail, dc.telephone from directtemplate dt, directcustom dc where dt.recordno = dc.recordno and dt.secure_code = "N" and dc.surname = ".INDIAL" order by 2, 3, 4 SQLCMD0 #rjs #cp T21Eptc_tmp.unl $tmpfile1 ( ############################################################### # csv header echo "RecordNo,}1Surname_____________,}1Firstname______,#eXtension,Site,Section__________________,Div___,Title____________________,Location___,ServiceID,Email_________________________________,TEC___,#Mobile______,#Fax_Number__,Voicemail,#Telephone___" # csv data cat $tmpfile1 | sed -e 's/,$//' #rjs #rm -f $tmpfile1 ############################### # hit file # #hitsfile="hits" #lasthit=`ls -altr $hitsfile | cut -c42-53` #touch $hitsfile #hits=`cat $hitsfile` #if [ -z "$hits" ]; then # hits="0" #fi #hits=`expr $hits + 1` #echo "$hits" > $hitsfile #echo "99999,~HITS,$hits,LAST $lasthit,,,,,,," ############################### # add Sync record at end #echo "999999,ZZZZSync,,,,,,,,," ############################################################### ) >"$OUTFILE" ############################### # remove lock #rm -f $LOCKFILE ############################### exit 0