: !/bin/sh eyyyymmdd="$1" savedir="$2" thisCENTRE="$3" #echo "completebb1: $1 $2 $3" tmpfile="/tmp/bb1_$$.tmp" tmp5file="/tmp/bb1_5_$$.tmp" exec 2>&1 >$tmpfile #--------------------------------------------------- email_file() { for emailaddr in $emaillist do # Force mail to pass DATE as GMT TZ=''; export TZ ( echo "Please Find Attached Information " for extraf in $extratxtfiles do if [ -n "$extraf" ]; then cat $extraf echo " " fi done for attf in $attfiles do uuencode $attf `basename $attf` done ) | mail -s "$subject" $emailaddr done } #--------------------------------------------------- ex2totreptxtfile="ex2_totrep_${thisCENTRE}.txt" bb1file="TIMS_${eyyyymmdd}.txt" invfile="TIMS_${eyyyymmdd}_invoice.csv" othfile="TIMS_${eyyyymmdd}.other" bb1grandtotalfile="grandtotal_${eyyyymmdd}.txt" bb1txtreptotalfile="reptotal_${eyyyymmdd}.txt" ( echo "Totals for all groups (taken from $ex2totreptxtfile)..." echo "" egrep "Fixed Line Call Charges|Equipment and Service Charges|Miscellaneous Charges|Grand Total" \ "$ex2totreptxtfile" | grep "Total" echo "" ) > "$bb1grandtotalfile" awk -F'|' -v"bb1file=$bb1file" '{ totcallcost += $8; totequipcost += $9 } END { print "Totals added from bb1 file: " bb1file printf(" Calls Total: %.2f\n", totcallcost) printf("Equipment Total: %.2f\n", totequipcost) printf(" Grand Total: %.2f\n", (totcallcost + totequipcost)) print "" }' <"$bb1file" >"$bb1txtreptotalfile" # save and send only if NOT already done if [ ! -f "${savedir}/${bb1file}" ]; then # save back billing files cp "$bb1grandtotalfile" "$savedir" cp "$bb1txtreptotalfile" "$savedir" cp "$bb1file" "$savedir" cp "$invfile" "$savedir" cp "$othfile" "$savedir" # ## Auto FTP results file to Oracle Financials # ftp -v -n <<FTP0 # open tracey.uws.edu.au # user workprd work20prd # ascii # cd /opt/app/applprd/1103/cgl/1.0.0/input/TIMS # put $HOME/system/TIMS_$eyyyymmdd.txt TIMS_$eyyyymmdd.txt # ls -altr # quit #FTP0 rtrun mv /u/catcom/reports/workprd/TIMS_????????.txt /u/catcom/reports/workprd/.save rtrun mv /u/catcom/reports/workprd/reptotal_????????.txt /u/catcom/reports/workprd/.save rtrun rm -f "/u/catcom/reports/workprd/$bb1txtreptotalfile" rtrun cp "$bb1txtreptotalfile" /u/catcom/reports/workprd rtrun chmod 644 "/u/catcom/reports/workprd/$bb1txtreptotalfile" rtrun chown workprd "/u/catcom/reports/workprd/$bb1txtreptotalfile" rtrun chgrp catcom "/u/catcom/reports/workprd/$bb1txtreptotalfile" rtrun rm -f "/u/catcom/reports/workprd/$bb1file" rtrun cp "$bb1file" /u/catcom/reports/workprd rtrun chmod 644 "/u/catcom/reports/workprd/$bb1file" rtrun chown workprd "/u/catcom/reports/workprd/$bb1file" rtrun chgrp catcom "/u/catcom/reports/workprd/$bb1file" echo "bb1 complete\r\n\r\n" >$tmp5file ## to put end of log file in text of email #echo "\r\n\r\n" >$tmp5file #echo "Last 25 line of log (/u/catcom/debug/bb1.log)" >>$tmp5file #echo "\r\n" >>$tmp5file #tail -25 $tmpfile >>$tmp5file echo "" >>$tmp5file ls -altr /u/catcom/reports/workprd >>$tmp5file echo "" >>$tmp5file cat "$bb1txtreptotalfile" >>$tmp5file echo "" >>$tmp5file cat "$bb1grandtotalfile" >>$tmp5file echo "" >>$tmp5file attfiles=" \ TIMS_${eyyyymmdd}.txt \ TIMS_${eyyyymmdd}_invoice.csv \ TIMS_${eyyyymmdd}.other \ " extratxtfiles="$tmp5file" subject="Telmax21 bb1 for the month ending ${eyyyymmdd}" #emaillist="itaccounts@uws.edu.au support@transmit.com.au P.Hardaker@uws.edu.au" #emaillist="support@transmit.com.au" #emaillist="rod@transmit.com.au" #emaillist="catcom" emaillist="$WBADMINEMAIL" email_file fi # save log #cat $tmpfile >>/u/catcom/debug/bb1.log rm -f $tmpfile rm -f $tmp5file exit 0