: !/bin/sh tmpfile0="/tmp/moblist0.$$" tmpfile1="/tmp/moblist1.$$" rm -f cts1.noperson cts1.err cts1.log0 cts1.log1 rm -f cts1.0 cts1.1 cts1.2 runisql < 0 ) { split(aline, a_arr, "|") #printf("aline=%s\n", aline) f = 0 recordno = trim(a_arr[++f]) surname = trim(a_arr[++f]) firstname = trim(a_arr[++f]) t21mobile = trim(a_arr[++f]) t21name = firstname if ( t21name != "" && surname != "" ) t21name = t21name " " t21name = t21name surname if ( t21name == "" ) t21name = "_BLANK_" recordno_to_t21name_arr[recordno] = t21name t21name_to_recordno_arr[t21name] = recordno recordno_to_t21mobile_arr[recordno] = t21mobile t21mobile_to_recordno_arr[t21mobile] = recordno #print "ld_moblist: t21mobile_to_recordno_arr[" t21mobile "] = " t21mobile_to_recordno_arr[t21mobile] } close(moblistfile) } BEGIN { ld_moblist(moblistfile) bynamefoundcnt = 0 bynamemiscnt = 0 mobfoundcnt = 0 mobmiscnt = 0 } { #print $0 f = 0 ID = trim($++f) ServiceID = trim($++f) CustCent = trim($++f) CustDept = trim($++f) CustGrp = trim($++f) ShipTo = trim($++f) FullName = trim($++f) ServiceActive = trim($++f) Code = trim($++f) ServType = trim($++f) PersonID = trim($++f) Person = trim($++f) Location = trim($++f) System = trim($++f) Batchtype = trim($++f) InstallationDate = trim($++f) TerminationDate = trim($++f) tbsdirid = "T0" if ( PersonID != "" ) { # service assigned to a person tbsdirid = "T" PersonID } else { # service not assigned to a person print "ServiceID = [" ServiceID "]" " has blank PersonID" >"cts1.noperson" next } tbsname = Person if ( tbsname == "" ) { tbsname = "_TBLANK_" print "ServiceID = [" ServiceID "]" " has BLANK name in tPerson (PersonID=" PersonID ")" >"cts1.err" } t21dirid = "D0" recordno = t21name_to_recordno_arr[tbsname] if ( recordno == "" ) { ++bynamemiscnt print "ServiceID=[" ServiceID "] name NOT in T21dir tbsname=[" tbsname "]" " PersonID= [" PersonID "]" >"cts1.log0" } else { ++bynamefoundcnt t21dirid = "D" recordno print "ServiceID=[" ServiceID "] name FOUND in T21dir tbsname=[" tbsname "]" " t21dirid= [" t21dirid "]" >"cts1.log1" } #print "ServiceID = [" ServiceID "]" foundmobile = 0 foundname = 0 if ( substr(ServiceID,1,2) == "04" ) { ++mobfoundcnt tbsmobile = substr(ServiceID,1,4) substr(ServiceID,6) recordno = t21mobile_to_recordno_arr[tbsmobile] if ( recordno == "" ) { recordno = t21name_to_recordno_arr[tbsname] if ( recordno == "" ) { ++mobmiscnt print "ServiceID = [" ServiceID "]" " NOT in T21dir tbsname=[" tbsname "]" " (" tbsdirid ")" >"cts1.0" } else { foundname = 1 t21dirid = "D" recordno t21name = recordno_to_t21name_arr[recordno] print "ServiceID = [" ServiceID "]" " name FOUND in T21dir tbsname=[" tbsname "]" " (" t21dirid ")" >"cts1.1" } } else { foundmobile = 1 t21dirid = "D" recordno t21name = recordno_to_t21name_arr[recordno] print "ServiceID = [" ServiceID "]" " mobile FOUND in T21dir tbsname=[" tbsname "]" " t21name=[" t21name "]" " (" t21dirid ")" >"cts1.2" } } } END { print "mobfoundcnt=" mobfoundcnt " mobmiscnt=" mobmiscnt } ' < "$tmpfile0" rm -f "$tmpfile0" rm -f "$tmpfile1" zip -9 cts1.zip cts1*