Your Cost Centres telephone and individual mobile reports are available online. as they have exceeded the email size limit to allow them to be emailed to you. Prerequisites ----------------------------------------------------- To use the Bilmax21 reports you need Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2 or greater. The reports are best viewed using a screen resolution of 1024 x 768. You must use Internet Explorer to access Telmax because Firefox and other Web browsers are incompatible with the reporting tools used by the Telmax Web server. To display the graphical trend reports at the foot of each report you will need to install the free Microsoft Web components add-on For Office 2000/XP (OWC10.EXE) from For Office 2003 and later (OWC11.EXE) from This software enables Telmax to show charges in graphical form. Accessing the reports ----------------------------------------------------- To access your reports online go to 1. This will take you to the Bilmax21 web server where you will be prompted for a user and password to gain access to your reports. 2. Enter your Bilmax21 usernaem and password. 3. A successful login will open the Bilmax21 reports and a home page will appear. 4. Select the month you wish to view from the dropdown list. 5. Select the distribution list you wish to use if you have more than one, otherwise click OK to take you to the first reporting level. 6. Within the Bilmax21 reports there is a help button which provides details on how to navigate around the reports as well as explaining the key features and functions. 7. You can use the show directory as means of quickly getting to a specific call detail report. 8. You may wish to save the link into your IE favourites for ease of access in the future. To access your individual mobile report login as above ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Select the month you wish to view. 2. click on the mobile number to display itemised call details. 3. Select personal calls by ticking the box. 4. Change filter options to display personal calls (Show P.U.Only). 5. Click on the 'Pay now' button to go to the IPay site to view payment options. Need to Contact Us ----------------------------------------------------- Should you require assistance, wish to alter the list of Cost Centres you are receiving, stop receiving the Bilmax21 reports or make any suggestions on how we can improve the Bilmax21 reports to better meet your needs please contact us by email at ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This email and any attachments may contain privileged and confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, you may not distribute or reproduce this email or the attachments in any shape or form. If you have received this message in error please notify us by return email. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++