SDATE=01/09/2009 EDATE=30/09/2009 STIME=Nulls ETIME=Nulls SITEID=ALL 313: Not owner of table. Error in line 1 Near character position 19 310: Table (bilmax21.ovh_root) already exists in database. Error in line 6 Near character position 15 316: Index (i_ovh_root) already exists in database. Error in line 1 Near character position 41 0 row(s) deleted. For 01/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 02/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 03/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 04/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 05/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 06/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 07/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 08/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 09/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 10/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 11/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 12/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 13/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 14/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 15/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 16/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 17/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 18/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 19/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 20/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 21/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 22/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 23/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 24/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 25/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 26/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 27/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 28/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 29/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 For 30/09/2009 206: The specified table (hist_dt) is not in the database. 111: ISAM error: no record found. Error in line 3 Near character position 19 0 row(s) unloaded. outfile =[] dosql( select (DATE('30/09/2009') - DATE('01/09/2009') + 1) daysinperiod from ovhtype where rowid=1 ) daysinperiod = Loading ovhtype info dosql( select ovhtype.* from ovhtype ) Finding overheads count dosql( select count(unique ovhdefn.ovhcode) ovhovhcount from ovhdefn where ovhdefn.ovhtype = 'O' ) ovhovhcount = [0] outfile =[] dosql( select (DATE('30/09/2009') - DATE('01/09/2009') + 1) daysinperiod from ovhtype where rowid=1 ) daysinperiod = Loading ovhtype info dosql( select ovhtype.* from ovhtype ) Finding overheads count dosql( select count(unique ovhdefn.ovhcode) ovhovhcount from ovhdefn where ovhdefn.ovhtype = 'M' ) ovhovhcount = [0] real 2.02 user 0.13 sys 1.56