ID | ShipTo | FullName | VNumber | Address01 | Address02 | Address03 | Address04 | Address05 | Address06 | Status | Rate | Invoice | Active | StartDate | EndDate | LastUpdatedBy | PlatinumUpdate | InvoiceServices | eMailAddress | eInvoice | MaxExServiceAmount | ARContactID | AmountExGST | Period | BatchID | ID | CustomerID | InvoiceDate | PlatinumFileName | PlatinumInvoiceNo | AuditControl | CreditNoteFlag | CreditNoteInvID | ReportedFlag | UserName | GSTAmount | Comment | StatusID | PaymentReceivedDate | PaymentReceivedAmount | PlatinumInvoiceAmount | CompanyName | ABN | AddressLine1 | AddressLine2 | Phone | Fax | PaymentTerms | Bank | BSB | Account | RemittanceContact | FullAddress | ReportOrder | line_desc | ContactName | ContactPhone | ContactEmail |
1074 | VLS | V/LINE PASSENGER PTY LTD | 10001870 | V/LINE PASSENGER PTY LTD | ATT MARK WHITEHEAD | PO BOX 5343 | MELBOURNE | VIC | 3001 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Oct 29 2009 09:22AM | robynd | 1 | 0 | 0 | 48 | 25.2700 | 2010/04 | 33767 | 11706 | 1074 | May 24 2010 05:17PM | TBSMAY2010014758 | INV003311 | TBSAR034348 | 0 | 1 | VICTRACKADMBridges | 33.1400 | 20 | May 24 2010 12:00AM | 0.0000 | 331.3300 | Victorian Rail Track | 55 047 316 805 | GPO Box 1681 | Melbourne Vic 3001 | (03) 9619 8778 | (03) 9619 6464 | 30 days from invoice | Commonwealth | 063 010 | 10478664 | CORPORATE ACCOUNTANT | Level 8, 1010 LaTrobe Street, Docklands 3008. GPO Box 1681, Melbourne, Victoria 3001 | l | Optus Fixed 9127 1586 97 APR 2010 | Caroline Dowell | 9619 8870 | | ||||||
1074 | VLS | V/LINE PASSENGER PTY LTD | 10001870 | V/LINE PASSENGER PTY LTD | ATT MARK WHITEHEAD | PO BOX 5343 | MELBOURNE | VIC | 3001 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Oct 29 2009 09:22AM | robynd | 1 | 0 | 0 | 48 | 1.2600 | 2010/04 | 33767 | 11706 | 1074 | May 24 2010 05:17PM | TBSMAY2010014758 | INV003311 | TBSAR034348 | 0 | 1 | VICTRACKADMBridges | 33.1400 | 20 | May 24 2010 12:00AM | 0.0000 | 331.3300 | Victorian Rail Track | 55 047 316 805 | GPO Box 1681 | Melbourne Vic 3001 | (03) 9619 8778 | (03) 9619 6464 | 30 days from invoice | Commonwealth | 063 010 | 10478664 | CORPORATE ACCOUNTANT | Level 8, 1010 LaTrobe Street, Docklands 3008. GPO Box 1681, Melbourne, Victoria 3001 | l | Optus Fixed 9127 1586 97 APR 2010 | Caroline Dowell | 9619 8870 | | ||||||
1074 | VLS | V/LINE PASSENGER PTY LTD | 10001870 | V/LINE PASSENGER PTY LTD | ATT MARK WHITEHEAD | PO BOX 5343 | MELBOURNE | VIC | 3001 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Oct 29 2009 09:22AM | robynd | 1 | 0 | 0 | 48 | 0.1000 | 2010/04 | 33824 | 11706 | 1074 | May 24 2010 05:17PM | TBSMAY2010014758 | INV003311 | TBSAR034348 | 0 | 1 | VICTRACKADMBridges | 33.1400 | 20 | May 24 2010 12:00AM | 0.0000 | 331.3300 | Victorian Rail Track | 55 047 316 805 | GPO Box 1681 | Melbourne Vic 3001 | (03) 9619 8778 | (03) 9619 6464 | 30 days from invoice | Commonwealth | 063 010 | 10478664 | CORPORATE ACCOUNTANT | Level 8, 1010 LaTrobe Street, Docklands 3008. GPO Box 1681, Melbourne, Victoria 3001 | l | Telstra Mobile 208 4550 371 APR 2010 | Caroline Dowell | 9619 8870 | | ||||||
1074 | VLS | V/LINE PASSENGER PTY LTD | 10001870 | V/LINE PASSENGER PTY LTD | ATT MARK WHITEHEAD | PO BOX 5343 | MELBOURNE | VIC | 3001 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Oct 29 2009 09:22AM | robynd | 1 | 0 | 0 | 48 | 0.0000 | 2010/04 | 33824 | 11706 | 1074 | May 24 2010 05:17PM | TBSMAY2010014758 | INV003311 | TBSAR034348 | 0 | 1 | VICTRACKADMBridges | 33.1400 | 20 | May 24 2010 12:00AM | 0.0000 | 331.3300 | Victorian Rail Track | 55 047 316 805 | GPO Box 1681 | Melbourne Vic 3001 | (03) 9619 8778 | (03) 9619 6464 | 30 days from invoice | Commonwealth | 063 010 | 10478664 | CORPORATE ACCOUNTANT | Level 8, 1010 LaTrobe Street, Docklands 3008. GPO Box 1681, Melbourne, Victoria 3001 | l | Telstra Mobile 208 4550 371 APR 2010 | Caroline Dowell | 9619 8870 | | ||||||
1074 | VLS | V/LINE PASSENGER PTY LTD | 10001870 | V/LINE PASSENGER PTY LTD | ATT MARK WHITEHEAD | PO BOX 5343 | MELBOURNE | VIC | 3001 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Oct 29 2009 09:22AM | robynd | 1 | 0 | 0 | 48 | 4.0000 | 2010/04 | 33667 | 11706 | 1074 | May 24 2010 05:17PM | TBSMAY2010014758 | INV003311 | TBSAR034348 | 0 | 1 | VICTRACKADMBridges | 33.1400 | 20 | May 24 2010 12:00AM | 0.0000 | 331.3300 | Victorian Rail Track | 55 047 316 805 | GPO Box 1681 | Melbourne Vic 3001 | (03) 9619 8778 | (03) 9619 6464 | 30 days from invoice | Commonwealth | 063 010 | 10478664 | CORPORATE ACCOUNTANT | Level 8, 1010 LaTrobe Street, Docklands 3008. GPO Box 1681, Melbourne, Victoria 3001 | l | VicTrack Rent and Calls APR 2010 | Caroline Dowell | 9619 8870 | | ||||||
1074 | VLS | V/LINE PASSENGER PTY LTD | 10001870 | V/LINE PASSENGER PTY LTD | ATT MARK WHITEHEAD | PO BOX 5343 | MELBOURNE | VIC | 3001 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Oct 29 2009 09:22AM | robynd | 1 | 0 | 0 | 48 | 300.7000 | 2010/04 | 33667 | 11706 | 1074 | May 24 2010 05:17PM | TBSMAY2010014758 | INV003311 | TBSAR034348 | 0 | 1 | VICTRACKADMBridges | 33.1400 | 20 | May 24 2010 12:00AM | 0.0000 | 331.3300 | Victorian Rail Track | 55 047 316 805 | GPO Box 1681 | Melbourne Vic 3001 | (03) 9619 8778 | (03) 9619 6464 | 30 days from invoice | Commonwealth | 063 010 | 10478664 | CORPORATE ACCOUNTANT | Level 8, 1010 LaTrobe Street, Docklands 3008. GPO Box 1681, Melbourne, Victoria 3001 | l | VicTrack Rent and Calls APR 2010 | Caroline Dowell | 9619 8870 | |
(6 rows affected)