########################################### # Formatter Config # DO_ACCSUM - account code calls are not to be put in ext & group sum # 0 - account code calls will NOT BE sumarized (default) # >0 - account code calls WILL be sumarized in acc_sum table # How to find the groupid for the account code # 1 - Look under cdr siteid only # 2 - First Look under cdr then under the parentsiteid # 3 - First Look under cdr then under the parentsiteid then ANY siteid #DO_ACCSUM=3; export DO_ACCSUM # ACC_AND_EXTGRPSUM - how to handle extn calls withh account codes # with respect to the ext & group sum tables # - (Only valid if DO_ACC_SUM is >0) # 0 - Always sumarize account code calls in ext & group sum (default) # 1 - Never sumarize account code calls call in ext & group sum # 2 - Exclude account code calls from ext & group sum except # for calls with extn config errors which are to be # always sumarized to UN_siteid group in ext & group sum tables #ACC_AND_EXTGRPSUM=1; export ACC_AND_EXTGRPSUM ########################################### # Reject Calls IF... # (callcost > MAXCOST AND callduration < MINDUR) OR callduration > MAXDUR # OR number_dialled_digits < MINDDIG # duration values in minutes, cost value in dollars # callcategories. L-LOCAL S-STD E-INFO M-MOBILE I-IDD O-OUTNET F-FREE # J-ORIGINATING INTERNAL A-ANSWERING INTERNAL # N-INCOMING NETWORK P-INCOMING PUBLIC # # 07/11/2003 Rod - Changed MAXDUR for STD to 45 hours (2700 min) # 04/09/2001 Rod - remove reject MINDIG=6 for cat L # 06/08/2001 Rod - Set MINDIG=6 (same as cat S) for L, M, I as well # 26/07/2001 Rod - Added categories A J N P # 19/07/2001 Rod - changed 66666 to 66665 # 16/07/2001 Rod - max dur changed from 4368 to 66666 re:- NCR620 # 23/04/2001 Rod - S category added minimum 6 dialled digits - NCR0603 # 20/04/2001 Rod - category changed on request RE:- NCR0603 # 22/01/2001 Rod - M category changed on request RE:- NCR0571 (max dur 4 hr) # A_MAXDUR=66665; export A_MAXDUR J_MAXDUR=66665; export J_MAXDUR N_MAXDUR=66665; export N_MAXDUR P_MAXDUR=66665; export P_MAXDUR # L_MAXDUR=66665; export L_MAXDUR; L_MINDDIG=2; export L_MINDDIG S_MAXDUR=2700; export S_MAXDUR; S_MINDDIG=6; export S_MINDDIG E_MAXDUR=66665; export E_MAXDUR; E_MINDDIG=2; export E_MINDDIG M_MAXDUR=240; export M_MAXDUR; M_MINDDIG=6; export M_MINDDIG I_MAXDUR=66665; export I_MAXDUR; I_MINDDIG=6; export I_MINDDIG F_MAXDUR=66665; export F_MAXDUR; F_MINDDIG=2; export F_MINDDIG # O_MAXDUR=66665; export O_MAXDUR ########################################### ## make pollwarn do routes on each site without calls #POLLWARN_RT="1"; export POLLWARN_RT ########################################### # make formatter ignote site (within parentsited) # in finding a site for a trunk (get_trunk_site()) IGNORE_ROUTE_SITE="1"; export IGNORE_ROUTE_SITE ###########################################