Call information output configuration print Recording in Lim : 1 is active and is not forwarding to central log. QoS reporting from endpoints: on with reporting interval 8 seconds. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Lim 1 Output 1 connected. Recording enabled Type : tcp Subtype : general Records/calls queued : 0 Infotype : call Data base server:port : Data base server host : Format string : [head]: {currentTime local month 0R 2 2} {currentTime local day 0R 2 2}{newline}; {stoptime local md110date L 4 4}{stoptime local md110time L 4 4} {duration md110duration L 5 5}; [taxpulses != 0]: {taxpulses R 4 4}; [taxpulses == 0]: ; {conditionCodeUserDefined L 3 3} {accesscode1 R 5 5}{accesscode2 R 5 5} {dialednumber R 20 20} {callingnumber L 18 18} {accountcode L 15 15} {cilcode R 6 6} {tnscode R 3 3} {osacode R 2 2} {TrunkqueTime 0R 2 2} {ogTrnkId R 9 9} {incTrnkId R 9 9} {ringTimeCounter 0R 3 3}{return}{newline}; Default time as : UTC Newline handling : NL Output only for local data No heartbeat