................................................................................. Site Extn Group [VRT ] Parent Grp Extn *MESSAGE* .. [UCP ] [582UC ] [BILLING ] [VRT ] [ 18788] .. Node [VRTCUCM ] Device [PHONE ] ..------------------------------------------------------------------------------.. Surname First Name Title Telephone [0396198788] .. [DOUGLAS ] [ROBYN ] [BILLING SYSTEMS & SUPPORT ADMINISTRATOR ] .. .. Emp ID Section Division Location .. [A04820 ] [BILLING ] [582] [1010 LATROBE ST L6 ] .. .. Fax Number Mobile Pager Voice Mail .. [18851 ] [0409960966] [03-94834156] [WEBEX ] ..------------------------------------------------------------------------------.. TEC Instrument EquipType Job Number .. [T64R02S80 ] [-Unknown- ] [ ] [040818 MAW ] .. .. E-Mail Updated Listed .. [robyn.douglas@victrack.com.au ] [16/08/2018] [Y] ................................................................................. Searches the active database table. ** 1: directcustom table** recordno [101715 ] date_updated [16/08/2018] surname [DOUGLAS ] firstname [ROBYN ] title [BILLING SYSTEMS & SUPPORT ADMINISTRATOR ] telephone [0396198788] empid [A04820 ] section [BILLING ] division [582] location [1010 LATROBE ST L6 ] faxno [18851 ] mobile [0409960966] pager [03-94834156] voicemail [WEBEX ] jobno [040818 MAW ] email [robyn.douglas@victrack.com.au ] userid [ROBYND ] instrument [-Unknown- ] macaddress [ ] subscriptiondesc [Basic Phone + Voicemail ] devicetype [Cisco Unified Client Services Fr] phonetype [Soft Phone ] Searches the active database table. ** 1: directtemplate table** recordno [101715 ] secure_code [Y] extgroupunique [582UC ] extgroupname [VRT ] extension [18788 ] firstinit:TEC [T64R02S80 ] general1:NODE [VRTCUCM ] general2:DEVICE [PHONE ] fgroup [O] prefname:UC_IMPORT [11/02/2019] site [UCP ]