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PBIS Samba Integration Guide V6.5

PBIS Samba Integration Guide V6.5

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Published by Angela Short
Sama server configuration steps
Sama server configuration steps

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Published by: Angela Short on Apr 29, 2014
Copyright:Traditional Copyright: All rights reserved


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November 28,2011
Samba Integration GuideRelease 6.5
Revision/Update Information: November 28, 2011Software Version: PowerBroker Identity ServicesEnterprise Edition 6.5RevisionNumber: 0
Copyright © 2011 BeyondTrust Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Use of this software and/or document, as and when applicable, isalso subject to the terms and conditions of the license between the licensee and BeyondTrust Software, Inc. (“BeyondTrust”) orBeyondTrust’s authorized remarketer, if and when applicable.
 This software and/or documentation, as and when applicable, and the information and know-how they contain constitute theproprietary, confidential and valuable trade secret information of BeyondTrust and/or of the respective manufacturer or author, andmay not be disclosed to others without the prior written permission of BeyondTrust. This software and/or documentation, as and whenapplicable, have been provided pursuant to an agreement that contains prohibitions against and/or restrictions on copying,modification and use.
BeyondTrust makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents hereof. Other than, any limited warranties expressly provided pursuant to a license agreement, NO OTHER WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED AND NONE SHALL BE IMPLIED,INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR USE OR FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE.
If provided pursuant to FARS, this software and/or documentation, as and when applicable, are submitted with limited rights. Thissoftware and/or documentation, as and when applicable, may be reproduced and used by the Government with the express limitationthat it will not, without the permission of BeyondTrust, be used outside the Government for the following purposes: manufacture,duplication, distribution or disclosure. (FAR 52.227.14(g)(2)(Alternate II))
If provided pursuant to DFARS, use, duplication, or disclosure of this software and/or documentation by the Government is subject tolimited rights and other restrictions, as set forth in the Rights in Technical Data – Noncommercial Items clause at DFARS 252.227-7013.
PowerBroker, PowerPassword, and PowerKeeper are registered trademarks of BeyondTrust. PowerSeries, PowerADvantage,PowerBroker Password Safe, PowerBroker Directory Integrator, PowerBroker Management Console, PowerBroker Desktops,PowerBroker Virtualization, PowerBroker Express, PowerBroker Databases, PowerBroker Windows Servers, PowerBroker WindowsDesktops, and PowerBroker Identity Services are trademarks of BeyondTrust.ssh® is a registered trademark of SSH Communications Security Corp in the United States and in certain other jurisdictions. The SSHlogo, Tectia and tectia logo are trademarks of SSH Communications Security Corp and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. This application contains software powered by PKAIP®, the leading solution for enabling efficient and secure data storage andtransmission. PKAIP® is provided by PKWARE, the inventor and continuing innovator of the ZIP file format. Used with permission.
 All names of persons mentioned in this document are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.
If and when applicable the following additional provisions are so noted: The PowerBroker Identity Services Open software is free to download and use according to the terms of the Limited GPL 2.1 forclient libraries and the GPL 2 for daemons. The licenses for PowerBroker Identity Services Enterprise and for PowerBroker Identity Services UID-GID Module are different. For complete information on the software licenses and terms of use for BeyondTrustproducts, see www.beyondtrust.com.
Introduction 5
Conventions Used in This Guide 5Font Conventions 5Linespacing Conventions 5 Where to Go Next? 6Documentation for PBIS 6Getting Additional Help 6
Getting Started 7
Requirements 7Installing Files 7
Configuring Samba for Use With PBIS 9  Troubleshooting PBIS-Samba Integration 12
 Turn on NTLMv2 If Challenge/Response Password Authentication Failed 15 Samba File Server 16  Windows 17Net ADS Testjoin Failed 20Fix a Netbios Name Mismatch 20Fix Error Code 40022: Failed to Refresh Machine TGT 21
Use a Username Map for Aliases 22 PBIS EnterpriseSamba Integration Guide Contents
November 28, 2011 3

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