<TITLE>Telmax21 Corporate Directory</TITLE>

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    APPLICATIONNAME="Telmax21 Corporate Directory" 

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INPUT.but_maint  { color: green; font: normal normal normal 8pt Arial; }

SPAN.mystatus    { color: white; font: normal normal normal 8pt Arial; }
SPAN.myRecordNo  { color: white; font: normal normal normal 8pt Arial; }

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#enqinfo INPUT   { color: black; font: normal normal normal 8pt monospace; background: white;}
#enqinfo TD      { color: black; font: normal normal normal 8pt monospace; }

SPAN.rowhash { display: normal; }

SPAN.texfld_desc { color: white; font: normal normal normal 9pt Arial; }
SPAN.texfld INPUT{ color: black; font: normal normal normal 8pt monospace; background: #C8C8C8; }

#myMsg	{ color: maroon; font: normal normal normal 8pt monospace;
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.t21headerbar A { color: green }

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var cplspeechappurl = ""	//"speech.lnk"



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//**									*
//**	Copyright (C) 2006 Trans-Mit Pty. Ltd. Melbourne Australia	*
//**	This software may not be loaned, resold, changed or copied	*
//**	in any way without the express written permission of author	*
//**	and Trans-Mit Pty. Ltd., Australia.				*
//**									*
//**	$Header: /usr/local/lib/cake/RCS/rcshead,v 1.6 2000/01/24 01:16:29 root Exp $
//**	$Author: root $
//**	$Date: 2000/01/24 01:16:29 $
//**	$Locker:  $