function Get-NestedGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a list of nested groups inside an Active Directory group .DESCRIPTION Gets a list of nested groups inside an Active Directory group using LDAPFilter. Checks for two levels of nested groups from the parent group. .PARAMETER Group The name of an Active Directory group .PARAMETER Server The name of Domain controller to use for query. Valid entries are a server name or servername:3268 for a Global Catalog query. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> get-nestedgroup "Server Admins" ParentGroup : Server Admins NestedGroup : NYC Server Admins NestedGroupMemberCount : 8 ObjectClass : group ObjectPath : Server Admins DistinguishedName : CN=NYC Server Admins,OU=Groups,DC=contoso,DC=com Returns the nested groups that are inside the group named "Server Admins". NOTE: NestedGroupMemberCount is the number of objects (aka members) inside the nested group. In this example, "NYC Server Admins" contains 8 objects. This number IS NOT the number of nested groups inside NYC Server Admins. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $selectprops = "ParentGroup","NestedGroup","NestedGroupMemberCount" PS C:\> Get-NestedGroup "Exchange Recipient Administrators" | Select-Object $selectprops | format-table ParentGroup NestedGroup NestedGroupMemberCount ----------- ----------- ---------------------- Exchange Recipient Administrators Exchange Organization Administrators 5 Exchange Recipient Administrators Global Service Desk 117 Exchange Recipient Administrators Mail Admins 1 Returns the nested groups in a table format. Uses a variable to specify the parameters for Select-Object .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-NestGroup $NYCGrps | Format-Table There are no nested groups inside NYC-Desktops There are no nested groups inside NYC-Servers There are no nested groups inside NYC-Laptops There are no nested groups inside NYC-Admins There are no nested groups inside NYC-HelpDesk Checks the six groups saved in the variable $NYCGrps for nested groups. In this example, none of six groups have any nested groups. .INPUTS Inputs (if any) .OUTPUTS Output (if any) .NOTES AUTHOR: Mike Kanakos VERSION: 1.0.4 DateCreated: 2020-04-15 DateUpdated: 2019-07-28 #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory = $True)] [String[]]$Group, [Parameter()] [String]$Server = (Get-ADReplicationsite | Get-ADDomainController -SiteName $ -Discover -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).name ) begin { } process { foreach ($item in $Group) { $ADGrp = Get-ADGroup -Identity $item -Server $Server $QueryResult = Get-ADGroup -LDAPFilter "(&(objectCategory=group)(memberof=$($ADGrp.DistinguishedName)))" -Properties canonicalname -Server $Server if ( $null -ne $QueryResult) { foreach ($grp in $QueryResult) { $GrpLookup = Get-ADGroup -Identity "$($Grp.DistinguishedName)" -Properties Members, CanonicalName -Server $Server $NestedGroupInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'ParentGroup' = $item 'NestedGroup' = $Grp.Name 'NestedGroupMemberCount' = $GrpLookup.Members.count 'ObjectClass' = $Grp.ObjectClass 'ObjectPath' = $GrpLookup.CanonicalName 'DistinguishedName' = $GrpLookup.DistinguishedName } #end PSCustomObject $NestedGroupInfo } #end of foreach inside if statement } else { Write-Information "There are no nested groups inside $item" -InformationAction Continue } #end if/else # checking for groups of nested groups foreach ($NestedGrp in $QueryResult) { $NestedADGrp = Get-ADGroup -Identity $NestedGrp -Server $Server $NestedQueryResult = Get-ADGroup -LDAPFilter "(&(objectCategory=group)(memberof=$($NestedADGrp.DistinguishedName)))" -Properties canonicalname -Server $Server If ($null -ne $NestedQueryResult) { foreach ($SubGrp in $NestedQueryResult) { $SubGrpLookup = Get-ADGroup -Identity "$($SubGrp.DistinguishedName)" -Properties Members, CanonicalName -Server $Server } $SubNestedGroupInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'ParentGroup' = $NestedADGrp.Name 'NestedGroup' = $SubGrp.Name 'NestedGroupMemberCount' = $SubGrpLookup.Members.count 'ObjectClass' = $SubGrp.ObjectClass 'ObjectPath' = $SubGrpLookup.CanonicalName 'DistinguishedName' = $SubGrpLookup.DistinguishedName } #end PSCustomObject $SubNestedGroupInfo } } } #end parent foreach } #end process block end {} }#end function Get-NestedGroup GG-Telco-Directory21-Access-R