2005 - Trans-Mit & Multitone products May
2005 - Transmit enhances UWS Bilmax21 reporting October
2004 – Trans-Mit to upgrade Telmax21 at Edith Cowan University July
2004 - Trans-Mit upgrades ABS Telmax21 June
2004 - Integral Energy selects Trans-Mit's Telmax21 Network Management
System March
2004 - NSW Police purchases Trans-Mit Directory21 system January
2004 - Trans-Mit upgrades Swinburne University Telmax21 December
2003 - Trans-Mit installs new telephone management system at VicRoads September
2003 - Trans-Mit install a new high speed directory for the Department
of Defence in Canberra. August
2003 - Trans-Mit implement enhanced electronic billing reports for
VicTrack July
2003 – Trans-Mit to upgrade Telmax21 at Curtin University May
2003 - Trans-Mit wins new order to supply a new Telmax21 system to the
University of Western Sydney March
2003 - Trans-Mit upgrades the NSW TAFE Telmax21 March
2003 - Trans-Mit upgrades Telmax21 software for Tenix Defence Systems
February 2003 -
Trans-Mit wins major
new contract from VicTrack
October 2002 -
Trans-Mit rollout new
sites for Pauls Ltd
October 2002 - Trans-Mit installs
it's Telmax21 VoIP Module at Swinburne University in Melbourne and The
Australian Bureau of Statistics in Canberra September 2002 - Trans-Mit installs new
Telmax21 for the Department of Defence
August 2002 - Trans-Mit installs new
Corporate Directory at the Alfred Hospital
July 2002 -
Trans-Mit go live with new Reporting Module
June 2002 - Trans-Mit is part of winning Telstra bid for Department of
Defence Contract