# Compagny	:	4Js
# Developper	:	PM
# Program	:	$PROJET/objects/label.obj
# Date		:	12.10.1995
# Title		:	Description de la classe Label


Class Label {
inherit TextWidget
  global Default
#vars :
	public geo_text		""
	public geo_bitmap	""
	public geo_width	$Default(Label,Width)
	public geo_height	0 ;#$Default(Label,Height)
	public geo_bg		$Default(Label,Bg)
	public geo_relief	$Default(Label,Relief)
	public geo_expand	1

constructor {config} {
#	set geo_text $this

method refresh { } {

  set cmd ""	;# Creation de la commande adaptee a l'objet !!!

	lappend cmd	$geo_widget configure
	lappend cmd	-bg	$geo_bg 
	lappend cmd	-foreground	$geo_fg 
	lappend cmd	-borderwidth	$geo_borderwidth 
	lappend cmd	-relief $geo_relief

  lappend cmd	-bitmap $geo_bitmap 
  if { $geo_width != 0} {
	lappend cmd	-width $geo_width 
  if { $geo_height != 0} {
 	lappend cmd	-height $geo_height 
  lappend	cmd	-text	$geo_text 

  eval $cmd
  #lappend cmd	-padx	$geo_padx 
  #lappend cmd	-pady	$geo_pady 

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define_Label :
#	This function is very important for the class. It is the Tk-
# -Implantation for the application, for this object.
# The use of an intermediate string instead of calling the widget command
# directly, is necessary because of the use of 'width', wich is not
# systematique, and then inopportune
# Parameters: name of object
# Returns: full path of the created widget

method define { } {

# puts "Label::define called"
  set cmd ""	;# Creation de la commande adaptee a l'objet !!!

	lappend cmd	label	${geo_root}w$int_name 
	lappend cmd	-bg	$geo_bg 
	lappend cmd	-foreground	$geo_fg 
	lappend cmd	-borderwidth	$geo_borderwidth 
	lappend cmd	-relief $geo_relief 

  lappend cmd	-bitmap $geo_bitmap 
  if {$geo_width != 0} {
	lappend cmd	-width $geo_width 
  if {$geo_height != 0} {
	lappend cmd	-height $geo_height 
  lappend	cmd	-text	$geo_text 

  set geo_widget [ eval $cmd ]
# ======================================================================