;Sample install.ini File ;you can modify and redistribute this file with your 4GL-Server installation [INTROS] BACKGROUND=0 FOREGROUND=0 [TITLE] TITLELONG=FGL2C Server TITLESHORT=FGL2C [DIRECTORIES] _4GLDEFROOT=FGL2CUSR _4GLDEFGROUP=FGL2C-USER CUSTDIR=custom [INSTALL] CU_DIALOG=1 CU_TITLE=Put in a computer and a user CU_ADDTITLE=Add a new Icon CU_COMPSTR=COMPUTER CU_USERSTR=USER CU_TERMSTR=TERMINAL-TYPE CU_CMDSTR =COMMAND CU_COMPUTER=default_server CU_USER =default_user CU_DEFTERM =vt100 CU_DEFCMD =ia.sh;exit ADDED_TITLE=new %c@%u SERVERINSTALL=1 SERVERICON=icons\fgl2c.ico SERVERTITLE=FGL2C Server ADDINSTALL=1 ADDICON=icons\add.ico ADDTITLE=Add FGL2C Connection CFGINSTALL=1 CFGICON=icons\cfg.ico CFGTITLE=THE configurator INIFILEINSTALL=1 ;here come the 4GL terminal connections ;number of connections NUMCONNS=2 ;1 ; creates a terminalconnection to the machine "default_computer" and with ; the user "default_user" CONN0=ilogin -computer default_computer -user default_user -term xterm -i 0 CONNTITLE0=default_login ICONN0=icons\default.ico ;2 ; creates a invisible terminal connection to the remmote machine ; "default_computer" and with the user "default_user" and starts ; the shellscript "ia.sh" at the remote side ; (which starts a fgl2c-compiled-program backconnecting to us) CONN1=ilogin -w -comp default_computer -us default_user -term xterm -i 0 -cmd "ia.sh;exit" CONNTITLE1=4gldemo ICONN1=icons\4glapp.ico ;here come the additional WINDOWS executables (for documentation e.g.) ;number of executables NUMEXES=1 ;1 EXE0=write EXECMDLINE0=doc\wtksrv1.wri EXETITLE0=wtksrv1.wri ;EXEICON0=