# Compagny	:	4Js
# Developper	:	PhM
# Program	:	$CFGDESI/objects/rkeframe.tko
# Project	:	ConfDaisy.tko
# Date		:	23.10.1995
# Last modif.	:	23.10.1995
# Explication	: Resource managment...,
#	Multiple inheritance ; some attributs associated with
# some methods are needed in a lower level of hierarchie. But
# we do NOT want to change the high levels of hierarchie. Please
# see color graphic in the documentation.

Class rKeyFrame {
inherit rFrame

	public geo_x	   50
	public geo_y	   10
	public geo_width   100
  	public geo_text "Key Window"

	protected _geo_bg		""
	protected _geo_fg		""
	protected _geo_relief		""
	protected _geo_borderwidth	""
	protected _res_list   "geo_bg  geo_relief geo_borderwidth "
	protected _geo_height		""

	public int_moveable	"Y"
	public int_show_attr	"Y"

constructor { config } {
  set geo_text "rKeyFrame"

# cfg_calibrate :
#	See definition in rwidget.tko

method cfg_calibrate { } {
  # puts stderr "rKeyFrame::cfg_calibrate pass for $this"
  set geo_height [ expr [ $int_parent getPub -geo_height ] - [ $int_parent getPub -geo_borderwidth ] * 2]
  set geo_x	 [ expr [$int_parent getPub -geo_width ] - $geo_width - [ $int_parent getPub -geo_borderwidth ] * 2]
  set geo_y 0
}	;# end of class