The new version can be found at https://YourTelmax21/t21/t21wtk1484_winmenV16b.exe

Instructions follow...

Your Telmax21 account will stay the same as the previous wtk setup.
You will only need to install once to access both  Telmax21 systems,
you can change the putty host entry,  or have two saved putty sessions in 
which you  would then change USEPUTTY=xxx in the t21ENV.bat file, (Brian changes the putty host entry).

The  new version of the Informix WTK thin client and Telmax21
Windows Menu that supports the use of the putty plink.exe to connect
to the Telmax21 on port 22 (ssh) with certificates, as well as the original rlogin
protocol. (rlogin being disabled on the RHEL)
 It also support Windows 7 64 bit clients.

Install the wtk software (It includes the putty software with it)
In the T21ENV.bat file during the install set the following ..
set USEPUTTY=yourt21username_on_telmax21_rhel
set t21host=tm21-db-p1
set t21client=@IP
(LOGNAME is not needed, as it is set inside the putty session file later)
save changes.
After the install use
to create and save a putty ssh (port 22) connection to the Telmax 
the following  items need to be set...
Host Name: tm21-db-p1 (eg. RHEL box)
Port: 22
Terminal ->Kerboard->Backspace->Control-H
Terminal ->Kerboard->Functione Keys->SCO
Windows->Apperance->Font setting->Change->Terminl,Regular,14
Connection->Terminal-type string->wtkterm
Connection->Auto-login username->yourt21username
Connection-SSH->Auth->Private key file-> 

The name used to save the session must be the same us  the usePUTTY entry
in the T21ENV.bat file

To create the Pulblic/Private certificates use...
C:\4glsrv\bin\ puttygen.exe
 (note the .ppk name used above in the putty session)...
(see the shortcut C:\4glsrv\bin\putty puttygen tutorial)

Also, I suggest copying the T21ENV.bat file
to T21ENV_yourwindowsusername.bat
(entries in this file will override the ones in TE2ENV.bat and will not get
with a reinstall)
You could skip the setting of the values in T21ENV.bat during the install,
and instead copy
the default T21ENV.bat after the install to T21ENV_yourt21username.bat and edit

Please call me if you need help.


Customer Service
Trans-Mit Pty Ltd
Ph     : (03) 8787 8744
Fax    : (03) 8787 5722
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  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jon BLANKSBY 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2011 4:03 PM
  Subject: FW: Telmax install



  From: Jon BLANKSBY 
  Sent: Wednesday, 7 December 2011 11:55 AM
  To: ''
  Subject: Telmax install


  HI Rod,


  I am trying to install telmax on my new windows 7 machine but I believe it now uses Putty for access,

  Are there install instructions??


  Also does my account need to change??


  Will I be able to access the old and new databases/servers or do I need to install 2 instances of telmax for each server.




  Jon Blanksby

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