Overview of the Employment Regulations Guide

Overview of the Employment Regulations Guide

When would I use this?
When you need up-to-date information on employment laws and regulations, or need guidance on best practices as an employer, the Employment Regulations Guide is a valuable resource that provides you with this information in an easy to read and understandable format. You might also need access to government forms as well as other common employment forms. The Guide provides you with access to government forms such as the Federal W-4, I-9 and State withholding forms, as well as a number of templates that will help you develop your own employment forms and policies.

All of the content of the Guide is provided by and updated regularly by our affiliate CCH, a leading provider of business law information.

              Topics in the Guide
  • Topics in the Guide cover everything from recruiting to employee relations through to terminations.

  • Each topic is expandable and has a number of related subtopics.

  • You are also able to use the Index tab to look up a specific topic in the Guide.

              State Level Information
  • For many topics in the Guide, there is state specific information available.

  • When there is state information available, a green map icon will appear at the top right corner of the screen.

  • Clicking the icon will bring you to the state specific section for that topic where you are able to select the state you want.

  • You can switch states as many times as you want.

              Forms and Templates
  • A full index of forms, letters and templates is available in the Guide.

  • Forms are categorized under the headings of Recruiting, Hiring, Payroll Withholding, Employee Relations and Termination.

  • Federal and State level withholding forms are available as well as the Federal I-9 form.

  • There are also a number of sample forms and policies such as a sample Job Application and a sample Termination Checklist.

  • Many of these forms and policies can be customized by you to meet your own needs.

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