Overview of the Leave of Absence Guided Processes

Overview of the Leave of Absence Guided Processes

When would I use this?
When an employee is going on leave and you want to be sure that you are collecting the right data, the Leave of Absence Guided Process guides you step-by-step through the process.

              Main Leave of Absence Screen
  • On the main Leave of Absence screen, you'll see a table displaying the employee's leave history.

  • You can Add, Edit or Delete a Leave record or Return an employee from Leave.

  • Further information on processing a leave can be found in the Questions box to the right on each screen.

              Paid or Unpaid Leave
  • Leave can be paid or unpaid.

  • If you choose to make the leave unpaid, you will be prompted to make the employee inactive - this will take the employee off of the list of employees to be paid in QuickBooks.

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