Overview of the Raises and Promotions Guided Processes

Overview of the Raises and Promotions Guided Processes

When would I use this?
When you want to give an employee a raise, the Raises and Promotions process will help guide you through. You may also want to review an employee's pay history. Raises and promotions provides you with an overall view of an employee's pay history, which can be helpful when you need to review or make pay decisions.
With Raises and Promotions, you are able to change the current pay record for the employee and you are also able to enter historical pay records for the employee - designed to help you keep a complete record of an employee's wages over time.

              Main Raises and Promotions Screen
  • You'll see a table displaying the employee's pay history. The current record is the bolded record at the top.

  • Historical pay records will be listed in date order below the current record.

  • Further information on giving an employee a raise can be found in the Questions box on the right.

              Entering a Raise or Promotion
  • When you wish to give an employee a pay increase (or decrease if applicable), the Enter Raise or Promotion button will take you to the Change Current Compensation screen.

  • The current record will be updated with the new information. The previous record will be saved as a historical record.

  • When you make changes to the current pay record using this process, the changes are also made to the employee's payroll information in QuickBooks.

  • Likewise, when you make changes to the current payroll record using the tab in QuickBooks, the changes are also reflected in the Raises and Promotions screen.

              Adding a Historical Pay Record
  • You are also able to enter historical pay records for employees for tracking or reporting reasons.

  • The Add Historical Record button will take you to this screen.

  • Adding historical pay records does not have any effect on the current pay item setup or payroll. It is for tracking and reporting purposes only - so you can see how an employee's pay has changed over time.

              Employee Compensation History Report
  • You are also able to review the employee's pay history in Raises and Promotions in report format.

  • The Report button at the bottom of the main screen will open the Employee Compensation History report.

  • This report can be printed or exported to Excel.

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