Overview of Reports

Overview of Reports

When would I use this?
When you need to access information about your employees quickly and easily, the Employee Organiser provides you with a number of helpful reports that cover everything from employee profile information to compensation information to information on new and terminated employees. There are 2 types of reports:

Employee Summary reports, accessible from the Employee Summary link include:
  • Employee Profile
  • Company Compensation Review

  • Employee Compensation History
  • Year-to-Date Payroll Summary

Additionally, four extra QuickBooks List Reports are available, accessible from the Reports menu under Employees and Payroll:
  • Emergency Contact List
  • Paid Time Off List

  • New Hire List
  • Terminated Employee List

              Employee Profile Report
  • Use when you need a quick overview of all of an employee's personal, employment and payroll information in an easy-to-read format.

  • Run on an individual employee, it can be viewed on-screen or printed.

              Employee Compensation History
  • Use when you need to review the history of an employee's pay rates and increases as well as the current pay rate.

  • The data on this report is sorted by effective date, descending.

  • Run on an individual employee, this report can be viewed on screen, printed or exported to Excel.

              Year-to-Date Payroll Summary
  • Use when you need to review how much you've paid employees on a quarterly and year-to-date basis.

  • The data on this report is sorted alphabetically by employee last name, first name and middle initial.

  • Run on a company level for all employees, this report can be viewed on screen, printed or exported to Excel.

              Company Compensation Review
  • Use when you want to quickly review or compare the pay rates and increases for all employees.

  • Run on a company level for all employees, this report can be viewed on screen, printed or exported to Excel.

              Emergency Contact List
  • List report in QuickBooks under Reports menu - Employees and Payroll.

  • Use when you need to quickly access emergency contact information for employees.

  • Data on this report is sorted alphabetically by employee last name, employee first name and employee middle initial.

              Paid Time Off List
  • List report in QuickBooks under Reports menu - Employees and Payroll.

  • Use when you need to review how much sick and vacation time employees have used and accrued.

              New Hire List
  • List report in QuickBooks under Reports menu - Employees and Payroll.

  • Use when you need to report on all employees hired within a specified time period.

              Terminated Employees List
  • List report in QuickBooks under Reports menu - Employees and Payroll.

  • Use when you need to report on the employees terminated within a specified time period and need to review details of the terminations.

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