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Processing your own payroll doesn't have to be a hassle. And it doesn't have to take time away from focusing on your business. New QuickBooks Enhanced Payroll includes all the helpful tools and tax tables found in QuickBooks Standard Payroll, plus new options that make managing your payroll faster and easier than ever.
  • Spend less time processing your payroll and more time on your business. It goes without saying that processing your payroll is important. But there's a limit to how much time you're willing to spend on it. After all, you've got a business to run. Save hours of pen-and-paper work with a solution that now fills out both your federal and state payroll tax forms automatically — There's nothing to type in or fill out. Just print, sign and mail.

  • Enjoy the confidence of knowing that your payroll is accurate and complete.To err may be human, but to make a mistake on your payroll taxes can be expensive — and unpleasant.
  • Experience less pain — and more gain. Whether you've got just a few employees or a few dozen, there's no getting away from the fact that managing payroll is a necessary part of doing business. QuickBooks Enhanced Payroll lets you get the job done with fewer steps — and fewer hassles by:
  • All these time savings features for just $299/year (annual subscription)
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Only $299 a year!
**Now only $249 for the first year

You must use source-offer code C20070-P13496 to redeem discount

Features at a Glance: