Tax Table Changes Included In Payroll Update 20611
Federal Tax Changes - 2006 Changes to Tax Tracking Types
State and Local Tax Changes - 2006
Federal Tax Changes - 2006  
Federal Withholding  
  • New Federal income tax withholding tables, effective 1/1/2006. Annual withholding allowance increased to $3,300 from $3,200. (20601)
Social Security
  • Social security wage limit increased to $94,200 from $90,000. Rate is still 6.2%. (No change in Medicare.) (20601)
Advance Earned Income Credit (AEIC)
  • New Advance Earned Income Credit (AEIC) tables effective 1/1/2006. Filing status "Married Without Spouse Filing Certificate" is separated in the tables from filing status "Single or Head of Household." QuickBooks does not support this separated filing status. (20601)
State/Local Tax Changes - 2006  
  If you are looking for information on particular state taxes and do not see it here, there is more information available by clicking here.
Alabama District of Columbia Maine Montana North Carolina Rhode Island
Alaska Hawaii Maryland Nebraska North Dakota Utah
Arizona Idaho Massachusetts Nevada Ohio Vermont
California Illinois Michigan New Jersey Oklahoma Washington
Colorado Iowa Minnesota New Mexico Oregon Wisconsin
Connecticut Kentucky Missouri New York Puerto Rico Wyoming
  Due to the Federal withholding tables changing, there may be a difference in Alabama withholding calculations, effective 1/1/2006. (20601)
  Wage limit for state unemployment insurance (UI) increased to $28,700 from $27,900. (20601)
  Unemployment rate for employees increased to 0.51% from 0.50%. (20601)
  Due to the Federal withholding tables changing, there may be a difference in Arizona withholding calculations, effective 1/1/2006. (20601)
  New withholding tables effective 1/1/2006. (20601)
  State disability insurance (SDI) tax rate decreased to 0.80% from 1.08%. (20601)
  New withholding tables effective 1/1/2006. Annual exemption amount increased to $3,300 from $2,850. (20601)
  The Filing Status changed to "Married/CivilUnion" from "Married" and "Married/CU, 1 income only" from "Married, 1 income only". (20601)
  Account number format for state withholding has changed to 9-999999999-999 effective 1/1/2006. (20601)
  Action Required: Refer to Form DW-1. Enter the current Account ID by choosing DE - Withholding from the Payroll Item List, choose Next to get to the Agency for employee-paid liability screen. Enter the current Account ID in the Enter the number that identifies you to agency box. Click Next then click Finish. (20601)
  District of Columbia
  An Administrative Funding Assessment has been enacted into law effective 1/1/2006 by the state and is now a part of the 2006 tax table. The rate will be 0.2% for all liable employers and has the same wage limit as the unemployment insurance of $9,000. (20604)

Action Required: When you select Pay Employees in the Employees drop down menu, an Add Tax Mid-Year Wizard feature will appear in order to assist you with setting up this new surcharge tax. The Wizard will detect when there is a new surcharge tax in the tax table for an employee who is subject to State Unemployment Insurance for your state. An option to cancel out of the Wizard is available and no changes will be made to your file. (20604)

If you choose not to use the Add Tax Mid-Year Wizard, take the following steps: If you have included the Administrative Funding Assessment rate into your unemployment insurance rate, edit the DC - Unemployment Company payroll item and enter only your UI Contribution rate received from the state in the four boxes. Then add a new other tax payroll item and choose DC - Admin. Funding Assessment. As most employers will be liable for this surcharge, the rate will default to 0.2%. The agency will mail a bill to self-insured (reimbursable) employers each quarter for the administrative assessment due so you may select the rate of 0.0% in the drop down selection. Then set up the tax on the subject employees by choosing the Other tax tab and choosing the drop down under the Item Name and choose DC - Admin. Funding Assessment. (20604)

Note: If you still need to process paychecks with a date prior to 2006, you will want to wait to add this tax to your company file and employees. Otherwise, you will need to remove this tax from the applicable employees before creating a paycheck dated prior to 2006. You will then need to set the tax up again on the applicable employees prior to creating checks dated for 2006, in order to have the DC - Admin. Funding Assessment tax calculate correctly. (20604)

  New withholding tables effective 1/1/2006. Annual withholding allowance increased to $1,500 from $1,370. (20602)
  Wage limit for state disability insurance (SDI) increased to $41,168.40 from $39,126.88. (20602)
  Account number format for state withholding has changed to W99999999-99 effective 1/1/2006. (20602)
  Action Required: Refer to Form HW-14. Enter the current Account ID by choosing HI - Withholding from the Payroll Item List, choose Next to get to the Agency for employee-paid liability screen. Enter the current Account ID in the Enter the number that identifies you to agency box. Click Next then click Finish. (20602)
  Wage limit for state unemployment insurance (UI) and Employment and Training Assessment surcharge (E & T Assessment) increased to $34,000 from $32,300. (20601)
  Wage limit for state unemployment insurance (SUI) and Workforce Development Fund (WDF) increased to $29,200 from $28,000. (20602)
  Account number format for state withholding has changed to 999999999 from 009999999-Z effective 1/1/2006. (20602)
  Action Required: Refer to Form 910. Enter the current Account ID by choosing ID - Withholding from the Payroll Item List, choose Next to get to the Agency for employee-paid liability screen. Enter the current Account ID in the Enter the number that identifies you to agency box. Click Next then click Finish. (20602)
  For withholding tax, the annual exemption allowance amount increased to $3,300 from $3,200. (20601)
  Vendor payable name for state unemployment insurance (UI) and Workforce Development Fund has changed to Idaho Department of Labor from Cashier Idaho Department of Labor. (20601)
  Action Required: In order to change the vendor payable name, from the Payroll Item list, choose ID - Unemployment Company, click Next to get to the Agency for company-paid liability screen. Enter Idaho Department of Labor in the Enter name of agency to which liability is paid box, click Next and select Quick Add if prompted. Click Next twice and then click Finish. Then, from the Payroll Item List, select ID - Workforce Dev. Fund, click Next to get to the Agency for company-paid liability screen. In the Enter name of agency to which liability is paid box, select Idaho Department of Labor from the list. Click Next twice and then click Finish. (20601)
  Account number format for state unemployment insurance (UI) has changed to 9999999-9 effective 1/1/2006. (20602)
  Action Required: Refer to Form UI-3/40. Enter the current Account ID by choosing IL - Unemployment Company from the Payroll Item List, choose Next to get to the Agency for company-paid liability screen. Enter the current Account ID in the Enter the number that identifies you to agency box. Click Next twice then click Finish. (20602)
  Wage limit for state unemployment insurance (UI) increased to $11,000 from $10,500. (20601)
The withholding tables effective 4/1/2006 have been updated to round tax amounts to the nearest whole dollar.
  New withholding tables effective 4/1/2006. Calculated amounts are no longer rounded to the nearest whole dollar. (20608)
  Due to the Federal withholding tables changing, there may be a difference in Iowa withholding calculations, effective 1/1/2006. (20601)
  Wage limit for state unemployment insurance (UI), Admin. Surcharge, and Reserve Fund increased to $21,300 from $20,400. (20601)
  New withholding tables effective 1/1/2006. Increase in standard deduction to $1,970 from $1,910. (20601)
  New withholding tables effective 1/1/2006. (20601)  
  Effective 1/1/2006, the local county tax rate for St Mary's County has changed to 3.00% from 3.05%. The local county tax rates are user-defined and will need to be updated for each employee subject to St. Mary's County tax. No other county rates have changed for 2006. (20601)
  Action Required: For each employee, on the employee record under the State Tab, change the County % Rate located under Miscellaneous Data to the proper tax year 2006 local tax rate. (20601)
  New withholding tables effective 1/1/2006. (20602)
  Account number format for state unemployment insurance (SUI) has changed to 9999999999 from 9999999 999 effective 1/1/2006. (20602)
  Action Required: Refer to UC-1020. Enter the current Account ID by choosing MI - Unemployment Company from the Payroll Item List, choose Next to get to the Agency for company-paid liability screen. Enter the current Account ID in the Enter the number that identifies you to agency box. Click Next twice then click Finish. (20602)
  New withholding tables effective 1/1/2006. Annual exemption amount increased to $3,300 from $3,200. (20601)
  New withholding tables effective 1/1/2006. Annual exemption amount increased to $3,300 from $3,200. (20601)
  Wage limit for state unemployment insurance (UI) and Workforce Enhancement Fee (WEF) increased to $24,000 from $23,000. WEF decreased to 0.1% from 0.12%. (20601)
  New withholding tables effective 1/1/2006. (20602)
  Due to the Federal withholding tables changing, there may be a difference in Missouri withholding calculations, effective 1/1/2006. (20601)
  Wage limit for state unemployment insurance (UI) and Admin. Fund Tax (AFT) increased to $21,600 from $21,000. (20601)
  Account number format for state withholding has changed to 9999999-999-WTH effective 1/1/2006. (20601)
  Action Required: Refer to Form MW-1. Enter the current Account ID by choosing MT - Withholding from the Payroll Item List, choose Next to get to the Agency for employee-paid liability screen. Enter the current Account ID in the Enter the number that identifies you to agency box. Click Next then click Finish. (20601)
  Vendor payable name for state unemployment insurance (UI) and Admin. Fund Tax (AFT) has changed to Unemployment Insurance Division from UI Tax Program. (20601)
  Action Required : In order to change the vendor payable name, from the Payroll Item list, choose MT - Unemployment Company, click Next to get to the Agency for company-paid liability screen. Enter Unemployment Insurance Division in the Enter name of agency to which liability is paid box, click Next and select Quick Add if prompted. Click Next twice and then click Finish. From the Payroll Item list, choose MT - Admin. Fund Tax, click Next to get to the Agency for company-paid liability screen. Enter Unemployment Insurance Division in the Enter name of agency to which liability is paid box, click Next and select Quick Add if prompted. Click Next twice and then click Finish. (20601)
  Wage limit for state unemployment insurance (UI) and State Unemployment Insurance Tax (SUIT) increased to $8,000 from $7,000. (20601)
  Wage limit for state unemployment insurance (UI) and Career Enhancement Program (CEP) increased to $24,000 from $22,900. (20601)
  New Jersey
  Wage limit for state unemployment insurance (UI), Workforce Development/Supplemental Workforce Fund (WF/SWF), Health Care Subsidy (HCS), and state disability insurance (SDI) increased to $25,800 from $24,900. (20601)
  The Employee portion of the Health Care Subsidy Fund rate is remaining at 0.0000% for 2006. (20601)

Action Required: Effective 1/1/2006, the Employee portion of the Health Care Subsidy Fund rate is 0.0000%. To insure that the rate is entered correctly, on January 1, 2006 or thereafter, from the Payroll Item List, choose NJ – Health Care Subsidy Emp, click Next to get to the Employee tax rates for 2006 screen. In the drop list, select 0.0%, click Next and then click Finish. (20601)

  New Mexico
  New withholding tables effective 1/1/2006. Annual exemption allowance amount increased to $3,350 from $3,250. (20601)
Wage limit for state unemployment insurance (UI) increased to $17,900 from $17,200. (20601)
  New York
  New withholding tables for: New York State, New York City Resident, City of Yonkers Resident, and City of Yonkers Non-Resident, effective 1/1/2006. (20601)
  Wage limit for state disability insurance (SDI), employers portion, updated to $11,440 from $6,000. (20601)
  North Carolina
  Wage limit for state unemployment insurance (UI) increased to $17,300 from $16,700. (20601)
  North Dakota
  New withholding tables effective 1/1/2006. Annual allowance amount increased to $3,300 from $3,200. (20601)
  Wage limit for state unemployment insurance (UI) increased to $20,300 from $19,400. (20601)
  Account number format for state withholding has been modified to 59 999999 effective 1/1/2006. (20604)
  Action Required: Refer to Coupon IT 501. Enter the current Account ID by choosing OH- Withholding from the Payroll Item List, choose Next to get to the Agency for employee-paid liability screen. Enter the current Account ID in the Enter the number that identifies you to agency box. Click Next then click Finish. (20604)
  New withholding tables effective 1/1/2006. (20601)
  Account number format for state withholding has changed to 51 999999 or 52 999999 from 99-999999 or 99-999999-9 effective 1/1/2006. (20601)
  Action Required: Refer to Form IT-501. Enter the current Account ID by choosing OH - Withholding from the Payroll Item List, choose Next to get to the Agency for employee-paid liability screen. Enter the current Account ID in the Enter the number that identifies you to agency box. Click Next then click Finish. (20601)
  Vendor payable name for state withholding has changed to Ohio Treasurer of State from Treasurer of State of Ohio. (20601)
  Action Required: In order to change the vendor payable name, from the Payroll Item list, choose OH - Withholding, click Next to get to the Agency for employee-paid liability screen. Enter Ohio Treasurer of State in the Enter name of agency to which liability is paid box, click Next and select Quick Add if prompted. Click Next twice and then click Finish. (20601)

New withholding tables effective 1/1/2006. The annual withholding allowance remains $1,000, but Oklahoma now uses a Percentage Method Formula instead of the Computer Payroll System Formula. There are now only two tables used to calculate withholding: (1) Single (including head of household), or (2) Married. This means that the “Married-Dual Income” and “Head of Household” filing statuses have been removed. Since Oklahoma refers to the Federal Form W-4 to obtain the number of allowances and the filing status for an employee, a new status has been added “Married, using Single Rate”. Please refer to Publication OW-2 – 2006 Oklahoma Income Tax Withholding Tables. (20602)


Note: Per Publication OW-2, “Since Oklahoma married taxpayers are taxed on combined incomes, many married taxpayers do not have sufficient withholding to cover the annual liability. If a taxpayer has elected the option of “Married, but withhold at higher “Single” rate on the Federal Form W-4, use the appropriate Oklahoma Single Withholding Table. (20602)


Action Required: On or after January 1, 2006, but prior to creating paychecks for 2006, for each employee subject to withholding for Oklahoma, the filing status must be reviewed for accuracy. For each employee affected, on the employee record, under the State tab, check that the filing status matches what the employee has indicated on Line 3 of their Federal Form W-4, unless the employee is exempt from withholding for Oklahoma. If the status needs to be changed, please select the appropriate status, and then click OK twice. (20602)

  Wage limit for state unemployment insurance (UI) decreased to $13,500 from $13,800. (20601)
  Account number format for state withholding has changed to 9999999-9 effective 1/1/2006. (20602)
  Action Required: Enter the current Account ID by choosing OR - Withholding from the Payroll Item List, choose Next to get to the Agency for employee-paid liability screen. Enter the current Account ID in the Enter the number that identifies you to agency box. Click Next then click Finish. (20602)
  For withholding tax, the annual allowance increased to $159 from $154. Federal subtraction limit increased to $5,000 from $4,500. (20601)
  Oregon Tri-Met Transit District rate changed to 0.6418% (rounded to 0.642% in QuickBooks) from 0.6318% (rounded to 0.632% in QuickBooks) effective 1/1/2006. QuickBooks supports only 3 decimal places, so the rate has been rounded up 0.642%. (20601)
  Wage limit for state unemployment insurance (UI) has increased to $28,000 from $27,000. (20601)
  Account number format for state unemployment insurance (UI) has changed to 9999999-9 from 999999-9 effective 1/1/2006. (20601)
  Action Required: Refer to the Business Account Number Section of Form OQ. Enter the current Account ID by choosing OR - Unemployment Company from the Payroll Item List, choose Next to get to the Agency for company-paid liability screen. Enter the current Account ID in the Enter the number that identifies you to agency box. Click Next twice then click Finish. (20601)
  Puerto Rico
  Vendor payable name for state disability insurance (SDI) and state unemployment insurance (SUI) changed to Secretario de Hacienda from PR Dept. of Labor and Human Resources. (20602)
  Action Required: In order to change the vendor payable name, from the Payroll Item list, choose PR- Disability Company, click Next to get to the Liability agency screen. Enter Secretario de Hacienda in the Enter name of agency to which liability is paid box, click Next and select Quick Add, click Next twice and then click Finish. Next, from the Payroll Item list, choose PR- Unemployment Company, click Next to get to the Agency for company-paid liability screen. Enter Secretario de Hacienda in the Enter name of agency to which liability is paid box, click Next and select Quick Add, click Next twice and then click Finish. (20602)
  Vendor payable name for state withholding changed to Puerto Rico Secretary of the Treasury from Puerto Rico Department of the Treasury. (20601)
  Action Required: In order to change the vendor payable name, from the Payroll Item list, choose PR- Withholding, click Next to get to the Agency for employee-paid liability screen. Enter Puerto Rico Secretary of the Treasury in the Enter name of agency to which liability is paid box, click Next and select Quick Add if prompted. Click Next twice and then click Finish. (20601)
  Rhode Island
  New withholding tables effective 1/1/2006. Annual exemption increased to $3,300 from $3,200. (20602)
  Wage limit for state disability insurance (SDI) has increased to $50,600 from $49,000. (20602)
  Wage limit for state unemployment insurance (UI) has increased to $24,000 from $23,200. (20601)
  New withholding tables effective 1/1/2006. Annual withholding allowance increased to $3,300 from $3,200. (20602)
  Wage limit for state unemployment insurance (UI) and Employment Admin. Fund increased to $30,900 from $30,500. (20601)
  Withholding tables, effective 7/1/2000, have been updated for employees marked with the "Married" filing status. This update affects only those employees with annual wages between $13,470 and $13,717. (20601)
  Vendor payable name for state unemployment insurance (SUI) changed to Wyoming DOE UTD from Wyoming DOE ETD. (20602)
  Action Required: In order to change the vendor payable name, from the Payroll Item list, choose WY-Unemployment Company, click Next to get to the Agency for company-paid liability screen. Enter Wyoming DOE UTD in the Enter name of agency to which liability is paid box, click Next and select Quick Add, click Next twice and then click Finish. (20602)
  Wage limit for state unemployment insurance (UI) increased to $17,100 from $16,400. (20601)
Changes to Tax Tracking Types  
  S Corp Paid Medical Premium Withholding taxability for S Corp Medical or medical insurance premiums paid by S Corporations for 2% shareholders have been modified to insure that AL – Withholding and S Corp. Medical payroll items are checked as these wages are subject to Alabama income tax withholding. (20608)

Action Required: If you have company paid contributions set up for S Corp Medical, edit the AL – Withholding payroll item and click Next until the Taxable Compensation slide appears. Verify that the S Corp. Medical item is checked. If the S Corp Medical item is not checked, manually check the payroll item, and then click Finish. Then select the S Corp Medical payroll item, click Next until the Taxes slide appears. Verify that the AL – Withholding item is checked, then click Next twice, and then Finish.

If both the AL – Withholding and S Corp Medical payroll items were checked, no further action is required.

If you manually had to place a check mark for any one of these items, run a Payroll Checkup. The Payroll Checkup will process liability adjustments to the AL – Withholding wage base. (20608)

  Section 457 Annual deferral limit increased to $15,000 from $14,000 for pension plans offered by state and local governments and tax-exempt organizations that fall under Internal Revenue Code Sections 457(b)(2) and (c)(1). (20601)
  Section 401(k) Annual deferral limit increased to $15,000 from $14,000. (20601)


Action required: In the Payroll Item List, edit the Elective 457(b) and 401(k) Emp. payroll items to change the annual limit as listed above. In addition, to change the annual limits for the employee, edit the payroll setup for each employee for whom the limits apply. (20601)

Disclaimer: The information contained on these pages is meant to provide general information about the payroll process. It is not intended to provide comprehensive tax or legal advice and does not modify or extend the service guarantee to any Intuit product or service. You are responsible for consulting with your own professional tax advisor, accountant, and/or attorney concerning your business' specific concerns.